Magcon Boyz

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Chapter 1

I heaved a big breath and glanced in the mirror, "Do you think I look good enough for Nash tonight?" My best friend Grace, barely glanced up from her phone. "Sure," she replied. I glared at her. "What?!" she almost yelled," It's your date not mine." "Calm down, I just want to look perfect, our date went really well last time, I just want to top it." I said as I put in my earrings. "I'm calm." She said as she slid off my bed and went to go to the fridge. I heard a car pull up and felt this zeal that I only feel around Nash.

"Grace!" I exclaimed, " He's here!" Sure enough there was his car, pulling up on my driveway. I felt giddy with delight, Nash, my dream boy, taking me out on a date?! I smoothed down my dress and took a deep breath as I heard him knock twice on the door.

I opened the door in the most elegant way possible, although it's hard for me to do ANYTHING elegant, and said, "Hey Nash, how's it going?" He had his hands behind his back. "Just perfect." He said, then, he pulled out the most gorgeous roses I have ever seen! They were pink, my favorite! I hug him and tell him my thanks and how I'm excited for tonight. I don't know where he plans to take me, or what we're going to do, but it'll be perfect. It's Nash after all.

Chapter 2

I take his hand as we walk down my stairs leading to the driveway. "So tell me," I say, "Where are we going?" He smiles that smile that's so damn cute I can't even take it, then says, "You'll have to wait." I laugh and tell him okay. He hurries up in front of me to open the door to his car and let me in the passengers seat. I smile and thank him, then sit down in the car.

I take a deep breath, it smells like him, the perfect mix of Old Spice and just HIM makes me feel amazing. Sometimes I marvel over how over millions of fans, he chose me. I look at him as he starts the car, it's about 6:00 in the evening, wherever we are going, it must be open later, wherever we are going. As we pull out, I see Grace in the window waving bye and I can see her mouthing 'good luck.' I smile again, if I smile anymore my face is going to freeze like this. I like it though... We drive out of my neighborhood and Nash says, " So, I'm glad you wanted to come." "I'm glad you invited me." I reply. He smiles again, "Always so polite, that's why everyone loves you." I feel myself blush, " Awe thanks, but you are the best." His hand falls onto the armrest of the car seat and I set mine on top of it. I can see Nash's excitement through his face, where are we going?

I'm trying to find all this out by checking out my surroundings. I don't recognize this place. Nash says, " My parents love you, they think you're awesome, and so do I." I had met their parents separately on account of them being divorced, but I liked his parents and I wasn't sure what they thought of me, so it's nice to know that they like me. " My parents just adore you Nash." I tell him, "And so do I." We both exchange smiles and he entwines his hand in mine. We stay like this for a while, just until I see on the GPS that the destination has been reached. He pulls up, then parks. Then, he takes his hand away and then quickly covers my eyes. "Nash!" I exclaim, wondering what he was doing. " Just keep your eyes covered until I tell you to, got it?" I smile again, so much smiling, then a giggle, "Okay." Then I squeeze my eyes shut. I feel his hands leave my face then hear scuffling, I hear something that sounds like a tarp and then clatters. After about 3 minutes I hear, "Okay, open them!" He exclaims. I open my eyes and take in the scene, "It's beautiful," I breathe, because it was.

Chapter 3

There was a blue blanket on the ground with a beautiful vase filled with more flowers, no water though, but I didn't care. Some food was there, his salad, oh his salad I love it so much! I look at him and he looks at me, I can't help it. He walks toward me and I grab him and kiss him, he wasn't expecting it though, so he steps back a foot and hugs me. "Do you like it?" He asks. I kiss him again on the cheek, " Yes! Of course! Nash. How did you....when did you....I love you so much right now!" I'm at a loss for words. It's just so amazing! I look up and see where we are, on a hilltop overlooking the city. A beautiful location, a beautiful spread, and a beautiful boy. It's my dream, and I can't believe it. I turn around and Nash has sit down on the blanket, and waves me over. I sit down and kiss him again, it's so perfect, I can't believe it.

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