Chapter 31

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"Matt's in L.A?" Nash asks me. I slowly nod. "He just called me." I tell him, "Told me he was in L.A. visiting everyone. " Nash runs his hand through his hair and sighs. I tear up. So damn close. We were almost there, so close to finally seeing him again, and we literally swapped places. I let my tears fall. Nash begins to hold me. "Its not fair." I tell him, "Not fair at all." He nods and then he looks at me. "Hey, we can still have fun. It's Florida after all." He tells me. I sigh, no it won't be fun. I will have to try for Nash though. He leads me towards the exit and we go into our rental car. I still can't believe I was so close. So damn close. I sit in the car while Nash loads in our luggage. He then sits next to me and tells the driver where to go. I look out the window, then look at Nash. We are staying at the hotel Matt is in, or would be in if he hadn't tried to visit everyone. I sigh and go back to staring out the window.

"Maybe we can make this fun." Nash says. "Turn it into a free meet up with the fans you know?" I nod, that sounds fun. "Jordan, you can't be too upset. Matthew's back home now! Once we spend our 5 days here we can go home to see him." I smile slightly. We can do that, I can't wait to see Matt though. Okay, I need to stop thinking about him and focus on Nash. "So." I say, "I would enjoy talking to the fans and spend time with you." He slides his fingers into mine and holds them. I smile and lean into kiss him. "Mmhmm." I hear. I look up to see our driver clearing his throat. I almost flip him off. I look down at the floor. "Uhm. Sorry." I mutter. Nash groans, and then I look at him. He then leans in and pecks me on the cheek. I blush and kiss him back, on the cheek.

We get to the hotel and we check in. We get the same room as Nash got last time. I sigh and then put my luggage on the bed. Nash tweets out:

In Orlando again with the bae! Going to be trying to meet you guys! 😊

I tweet the same and then go to unpack. I toss everything onto my bed and then put the stuff into the closet. We split it so we each get half. I put my pillow on the bed and then put my charger in the wall and my sunglasses on the nightstand. Nash unpacks as I sit on my bed, scrolling through Tumblr. I look over at Nash and see that he's putting his stuff into the closet. I go back to my phone. "So." Nash says, "What do you wanna do first?" I shrug, then go to look out the window. It's a dreary day, raining, very weird Orlando weather. "Not much we can do." I tell him. He looks out the window. "Huh." He says, "Maybe we can go...I don't know. But we have to do something while we are here." I nod. "Definitely." I say. I keep standing near the window, watching rain drops race quickly down the window. Sometimes as a kid, because my parents weren't home often, I would watch the raindrops when it was raining. Make it a race. It honestly kept me occupied for hours. It still does, just watching the raindrops fall. I feel arms wrap around me and Nash's head rests on mine. I reach up and grab his hands and we stay there, swaying for a little bit.

He pulls away. "Lets do something." I smile, "Like what?" He shrugs. "Go to the beach, the mall, I don't know." "Nash it's raining. We can't go the beach when it's raining." He shrugs. "Have you ever gone to the beach when it's raining?" I shake my head. "Well then." Nash says. Suddenly a clap of thunder shakes the whole city. I jump. I look out the window, and see multiple lightning strikes, followed by more thunder. "That was sudden." Nash says. I nod. Hopefully it's not gonna be a hurricane or something. I turn on the TV to check the news. The weather reports are brutal. Major thunderstorms for the next 2/5 days we are here. Well, after that the weather is supposed to be nice for the other two days, and the day we are leaving will be awful weather. Oh God.

I sit and listen to the thunder. It's about 3 now. We still have a whole day ahead of us. I sigh. "Do you wanna go get some food?" Nash nods, "Yeah I didn't want to bug you, but I'm starving." I laugh, "How would you bug me? I'm hungry all the time." He laughs and he get up and 'escorts' me out. He opens the door for me and takes my hand as we walk out the door. It's harder and harder to come across guys like this. Guys who open doors for people, guys who escort their girls places, guys who are nice to everyone. It's hard. I'm so lucky I met Nash.

We walk down the hall and into the elevator. "Panera?" Nash suggests. I nod. We head out in the pouring rain to the Panera across the street. We get in and we order our food. There's no one here to expose us to the fans so we sit down at a table away from the window. We wait at our table as we talk. "So. Are we going to the beach anytime soon?" I ask. Nash nods. "Yeah. I guess." I shrug. After about ten minutes our food comes and we eat. Afterwards, Nash pulls out his wallet and demands he pay. "Nash." I say, "It's so expensive. I will pay my share." He shakes his head, "Nope." He smiles the sweetest smile and pays. I laugh and we head out into the pouring rain again.

We get back and honestly I'm tired. It's about 4 so I flick on the TV. We watch whatever's on. Baseball. I actually like baseball so we watch it. It ends about 8. Dang, I forgot how long they are. I remember how I used to watch them with my dad when I was younger. He would get so excited or mad whatever happened first. I would always laugh. We had a great time. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

BOOM. Thunder rings around the city of Orlando. My eyes fly open. I sit up, shaking. I always hate this. I get so freaked out I can never fall asleep. It's stupid. Nash groans and sits up. "What was that?" He asks. I shrug, "Thunder I guess." He shakes his head and lays back down. I stay sitting up. Another boom of thunder. I gasp as the building shakes. Nash sits up and opens his arms. "C'mere." I nod and walk over to his bed. We hug and then I lay down next to him. Lightning lights up the room, followed by more thunder. This time I'm not afraid. I listen to Nash's steady breathing as I fall asleep.


Honestly guys, it's getting hard to write now. I've run out of ideas and I'm ending the book soon. Sorry about the super short chapter. On the bright side, I'm working on an O2L fanfic and a Matthew one and I'm really excited about them. So when this book is finished don't despair! Please read my other books. (Don't worry I'm not changing fandoms. I will always be with Magcon and the boys. I love O2L too.) So bye lovelies! Thanks for almost 1k reads! Love you guys!

OMG. Nine reads away from 1k. I LOVE YOU.

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