Chapter 46

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This chapter is dedicated to @joxforlife !

Your POV

I can't believe it. Today I'm leaving with Cameron Dallas for Paris. I hug everyone before I leave. Matt grips me tight and I smile, "Bye Matt." I mutter and he holds me even tighter, "Bye Jords. I love you." I don't reply. I hug everyone and when I get to Nash I freeze. "Bye Nash." I mumble and hug him quickly. "C'mon babe!" Cam says as he loads all our stuff into the car, "Lets go!" I wave one last time and climb in the car. Cam smells really good. Cameron sits behind the wheel and grins, "To Paris?" He asks and I nod, "To Paris."

When we get to the airport, I sigh. I can't believe we are going to Paris! Paris! I've always dreamed of going, and now it's reality. I sigh as I imagine the lights, the tower, the love, the shopping. Cameron grins and looks over at me, "Excited?" I nod, enthusiastically, "Yeah!" We park at the place where the shuttle will take us to the airport. An older man, probably in his early sixties, shows up to drive us. "Hello there." He says and we wave. "Where might I be taking ye?" He has a slight Scottish accent. Cameron answers, "Exit 3a." The man nods and sets our luggage into the back of the shuttle. We sit in the back, and we drive. We drive for about 5 minutes, and then we pull up on the curb outside of the tagging station. We thank the man, and he helps us with our bags again. We get our bags weighed and tagged and go through all that security and all that shit. My favorite part of the airport, is the train.

You have to ride in the train-like thing to get to the seating and stuff. Ours goes über fast, so I have to hold on to the pole to keep steady. Cameron nudges me, "Wonder if you could dance on this?" I roll my eyes and shove him, and since we are going eighty miles an hour, he topples. "Oh my god Cameron! I'm sorry!" I say, laughing. The people around us giggle. I help him back up and kiss him on the cheek. He smiles, and the train slows. It stops, and we get out, walking past rows of stores and food options. We walk to our seating and wait in the seats for about an hour.

"I already miss the guys." I sigh as I read my book I brought. Cameron nods and turns off his phone. "In a few weeks we will see them!" He exclaims and I nod, I think I'm gonna miss Matt the most. Cameron looks up at the flight attendant tells us that we're going to be leaving in 15 minutes.

Fifteen minutes pass and I'm getting restless. Another ten. "I'm very sorry." A voice booms over the intercom, "But flight 73 has been delayed, due to weather leaving Paris." Cameron nods slowly, but looks disappointed. I get up and walk over to the attendant, "Uhm excuse me?" I ask, trying to get her attention. She turns and smiles, "Uh huh!" I bite my lip, I hate talking to people directly. "Uhm, how long is the flight delayed for?" She tilts her head slightly, "About 3-4 hours I'd say." I nod and walk back to Cameron. He turns and looks at me, "So how long are we here for?" He asks and I shrug, "Three to four hours." He bobs his head. "Well that's three hours with my favorite girl." I blush slightly and sit down next to him. He wraps his arm around me and I smile. "Lets read a book."

We pick out a book and begin reading, "You know." Cam says, "I'm not much of a book reader." I shrug, "I love reading." Cameron smiles and I open to the first page.

"Late in the winter of my seventeenth year, my mother decided I was depressed."

I continue to read aloud, and after the first couple pages I read, "Why are you staring at me? Because you are beautiful." I then look up and see Cameron, doing the same. "Why are you staring at me?" I ask and he laughs a little, "Because you're beautiful." I feel myself blush and Cameron kisses my cheek. I grin and kiss his. I look up and see someone staring at us. The old woman smiles, and I wave. She gets up and walks over to us, slowly. She drops her bag and mutters, "Oh dear." As she reaches for it, Cameron gets up and grabs it for her. "Thank you dear." She says and Cameron smiles. "Hey, no problem." He says and I stand up and grab his hand. He's so friggin sweet. The lady then nods, "You two are beautiful. And I see that you guys are perfect for each other." I smile widely and she walks away. I grip Cameron's hand and he grins, "She ships us." I nod and smile towards the direction of the lady.

"I'm hungry." Cam moans as he rests his head back on the seat. I glance at my phone, one more hour. "I guess we could grab something to eat." I say and he smiles, "Really?" I laugh, "Really." We go to the Chili's that's built into the airport. Cameron glances at the menu as he feasts on chips from the appetizer basket. "Hmmm let's see...OH CHICKEN ENCHILADAS!" He exclaims and I jump. I laugh at his enthusiasm and we order and eat.

I look at Cameron and he pokes me in the ribs. "How's your diet going?" He asks, knowing I've been trying to eat healthier. I inspect a chip as I answer, "Oh it's going great, I'm watching what I'm eating very closely." To emphasize my joke, I bring the chip up to my eye and look at it. Cameron laughs and nods, "Same Jordan, same." I slurp on my Dr. Pepper and Cam smiles at me. "You're fucking perfect, you know that right?" I blush and bite into my chips. Our food comes and we dig in. "Plane 372, will be leaving soon." I look at Cam, "We gotta GO!" I say and he laughs and nods. He rips out his wallet, "I'll pay." I shake my head, "Nope. No way in hell are you paying." Cameron nods, "Oh yes I am." I shrug, "Okay I guess I'm ordering the most expensive things on the menu." Cameron shakes his head and we have a staring contest. He looks away after about a minute and I laugh. "I win." I say, yanking out my purse. I quickly pay, and the waitress tried to flirt with Cam. I shook her off and we grabbed our bags and ran.

"RUN!" I say as we dart back to our seats. "The plane will be leavin in five minutes!" The lady says with a southern accent. I widen my eyes and we reach our seating. We get in the line and wait for us to be called aboard. "Right on time." Cam says with a smile and I nod. As we wait, he kisses my cheek and hugs me. "It's gonna be fun flying and being in Paris with you." He says and I blush. "I love you Dallas." I say softly, "I love you Dale." He replies.

We board the plane, finally. It has to be like 3 by now. I plan to just sleep. Cameron helps someone with their luggage and then we sit down. I collapse next to the window seat, "Finally." I breathe and Cameron laughs a breathy laugh. I curl up next to him as he switched on the TV. We end up watching some random movie I have zip interest in. A song runs through my head, as I glance out the window at the rainbow streaked sky.

Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars

I could really use a wish right now, wish right now, wish right now....

I also think of Jack and Jack's song, Flights.

Flights to LA

trips to Paris

take your time

but we could care less

I turn my attention back to Cameron, admiring his features as he focuses on the screen. He looks at me out of the corner of his eye. "I love you." He mutters and I grin. "I love you too."

He wraps his arm around me and I close my eyes.

I know! Super short and Im sorry but wait until next chapter!

Don't forget to vote, comment and have a nice day!

I might take a week break from writing. I'm just...I haven't been too happy lately. I'm sorry if this inconveniences you guys, but I kinda just want a break. To get away from it all :/ hope you guys understand.

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