Chapter 43

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HEY GUYS! Surprise! I wanted to give you a new chapter because hey, I HIT 3K! Thank you guys a lot and I love you!

I think I've worked out a schedule for my posting of chapters. Every Saturday I will post a new chapter! Okay byeeeeee

Your POV

I open my eyes and see Cameron's face next to mine. I grin and look at us, his arm is wrapped protectively around me and our legs are tangled. I remove his arm, careful not to wake him. As I begin to crawl out of the bed, he stirs. "Hmmm." He mumbles as he rubs his eyes and looks around. "Hey babe." He says in his perfect morning voice as he focuses on me. I try not to look at his bare torso. He blinks and then closes his eyes. He covers himself with the blanket and lays there, his mess of hair sticking out. I giggle and jump on top of him. "Owwww." He moans and rolls over. "Get up baby." I say and he laughs lightly. He grabs my hand and pulls me down next to him, "But I don't wannaaaaaaa." He complains and I roll my eyes. "Well you have too, c'mon." I say and yank on his arm. "Im hungry and I want breakfast. goddammit Cam I just want food!" He laughs and then rolls out of bed. He grabs the shirt I set aside last night and pulls it on. He yawns and we walk downstairs together.

Taylor lays on the couch, while the rest of the guys watch TV on the floor. Taylor glances up from his phone and yells, "Guys I want food!" I smile, "Well why don't you make it?" He scoffs, "Like I plan on getting up anytime soon." I shrug, "Your loss." I go and sit next to Shawn. "Hey Shawn?" I call to him in a sing-song voice, "Can you make breakfast?" He glares at me and then laughs, "Aw do I have to?" I stick out my bottom lip and cross my arms, "Yes. You haven't yet so get your ass in the kitchen." He chuckles and walks into the kitchen to make food.

I go over and sit by Cam. We watch whatever show is on the TV and we wait until we smell the calling aroma of bacon. Matt slouches, "Is the food done yet?" I shrug and hear Shawn call, "Get your little behinds in the kitchen and eat." Taylor races up and walks backwards into the kitchen and begins to twerk. "What the fu-" Matt starts, but Taylor cuts him off, "GET YOUR BEHINDS IN THE KITCHEN!" I crack up, and Carter yells, "My anaconda don't want none unless you got buns hun!" I keep laughing, until I can't breathe. I recompose myself and we walk to the table and eat.

Once we are done, we make Carter do the dishes. Carter swears and then turns, holding a plate. "Ah!" Aaron shrieks. Carter turns and drops the plate and it smashes onto the floor, breaking into millions of pieces. Matt looks over and screams, "CARTAH DON'T DO DAT!" I giggle and walk over to Cameron. He wraps his arms around me and I hold them. He begins to sway me and I smile.

•••••Later that Night•••••••

We all sit around the fire pit, singing songs and laughing and having a great time. I feel my phone vibrate multiple times, but I leave it be. It keeps vibrating, so I take it and toss it onto the nearby grass. I watch as Shawn holds his guitar and we all sing along to his cover. We applaud him when we're done, and Taylor yells, "Truth or Dare!" We all nod and gather into a small circle. Cameron leans over to me, "I'm going to get something to drink." I nod and he leaves.

"Okay Matt, truth or dare?" Taylor asks, pointing his finger. Matt thinks for a little, "Dare." Taylor looks around, "I dare you to kiss..." He looks around again and focuses on me, "Her." Matt's eyes widen and he leans in and kisses me on the lips, briefly. I swear I hear the snap of a picture. I look around, but none of the guys have their phones out. I shrug and we keep playing.

My phone keeps lighting up, more and more. I finally look at it, all this hate on Twitter. I see a ton of tagged photos so I look, it's a picture of Matt kissing me.





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