Chapter 17

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Nash and I had hung out on the beach awhile. We had a little campfire and he brought out ingredients for s'mores. Those are my favorite things to eat, so we snacked on those for a while and we decided to go home. Considering it was nine, I realized how little my mom and dad were around. It's like I don't even have parents honestly. Nash had dropped me off at my house earlier and I already miss him. I miss his smile, his eyes, his warmth, everything about him. I walk upstairs to do my normal evening routine (shower, hair, brush teeth, pajamas, etc) and then I flop down on my bed and check my phone. I hear pelting on my window and I get up. I don't remember it raining, I peer outside and see Cameron throwing rocks at my window Romeo style. I open the window and then a rock hits me. I yell and Cameron yelps, "Oh my God! I am so sorry! I didn't.....I didn't.....oh God......."

*Cameron's POV*

Shit. My first chance at getting her back and I've already hit her with a rock. She glares down at me and she looks pissed. If looks could kill, I would be dead. "CAMERON!" She screams. I gulp, "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?!" She yells. I motion towards the door and she leave the window. I hear her coming down the steps and then the door opens. She glares at me again. "Okay," She sighs and leans up against the door frame. "What do you want?" I gather up the nerve and say, "Do you wanna come with me?" She looks at me and says, "CAMERON. We've been through this. I. HAVE. NASH." And with that she slams the door. I feel my heart drop. I lean up against the door and just slowly slide down, I feel tears welling up in my eyes. I sit for about 5 minutes and realize something. She's right, she's with Nash. She's told me enough times and I decide to give up, not just on her, but on life.

*Your POV*

Cameron is pissing me off. I've told him, and enough is enough. I can't go on like this, he needs to know. I appreciate the effort but oh my God. I decide to forget about him altogether, I just hope he doesn't do anything serious.

I continue to do my nighttime routine as if nothing ever happened. I get in my pajamas and climb into bed. I scroll on my phone through Instagram a bit, like some people's photos, follow fans back and such. I go on Nash's profile @nashgrier and I see the picture we took a while ago. I smile, we are both making "duck faces" and he tagged me putting, "Hanging out with the bae. Love ya!" I like it and see a comment:


StacyXoxO: Ew, Im prettier than her.

I shrug, but another comment comes up in the feed:

Jaxine7286: Slut. She is Nash's girlfriend? Huh, he must have bad taste. I guess I was wrong about him.

I look at that comment and start to get upset. Nash is perfect how dare they say that. I can't help it, I click on 45,992 comments and I scroll through them:

Gracie23456: Bitch

Arlene87: Loser, she has an ugly face and what is that outfit?

Jeanine_is_cute: what an awful duck face lol!

Janetttttt: That should be me, not that bitch, right @xoxomagcon

Xoxomagcon: 😂

It's awful, just hate after hate after hate. I start to feel self conscious. Am I really ugly, fat, stupid looking? How does Nash deal with this? I call him and he answers on the 1st ring:

Nash: Hey babe, what's up?

Me: Nash......I.....

Nash: Are you okay? *Groans* What a stupid question, I will be right over.

Me: Nash....

The line went dead. Ten minutes later I open the door to find him standing there. He looks at me, and pulls me into a hug. He sees me holding my phone and grabs it, "Jordan, why were you looking at this?" He scrolls up and down and a sad look replaces his worried one. I try to take the phone away, but he pulls it back. I think of another comment and begin to cry. I stare at the ground and sob. He looks at me and says, "Don't look at this shit. I find it on my feed all the time. You can't please everyone. People are just jealous, and jealousy is a powerful feeling. Hey, hey." He slides his hand under my chin and forces me to look at him. "I think you're beautiful, I think you're perfect. I think you are amazing, smart, sweet, and kind. Who gives a fuck what they think." I sniff, grateful that he said these things to me. "I thought you did care, they're your fans." He stares at me, "Their opinions don't matter to me if they're hurting you." I look at him and realize how much I appreciate him. I hug him, and we just stand there hugging for a while. He keeps squeezing me, and I start to calm down. He's a few inches taller than me, so when I look up at him, he looks down at me. I kiss him. We kiss harder, and I feel that thing again, like every serious kiss we've had. It feels amazing, and I try to forget everything else except him. Hamilton Nash Grier. I love him. The front door is still open, and the sun is setting. We keep kissing and we stand there like that for a long time.

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