Chapter 53

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*Matthew's POV*

I wake up, and rub my eyes. It's only 10, I slept for five hours. I look over at my side of the bed and see her, gone. I smell bacon, and she appears holding a tray. "Hey." She says and sets it in front of me. I look at it, and she nods. I grab the fork and eat. "Thank you." I say and she smiles, "Yeah. I know you got like zip sleep last night." I pause, "How did you know that?" "I knew you were awoken. I felt you fall against the bed early in the morning. I'm sorry about the dreams." "There's nothing you can do." "I just feel like I'm not there to comfort you." She sighs and I shake my head, "You don't need to wake up. I can calm down myself." She shakes her head, "No, I want to help you Matthew. I know how bad they are." I look away, I don't want her to be scared by how I first look when I wake up from a nightmare, or her to get them herself. "Did you have a nightmare?" I ask her and she shakes her head, "I was too distracted worrying about you." I feel a pang in my chest, "You don't have to. I can manage, I promise." She looks at the ground, and I quickly hold her. "It's okay, they're just nightmares." I say and she hugs me back. "There's a party tonight." She says and I nod. "What time?" I ask and she thinks, "I want to say about seven." I glance around the room, "Do you wanna play Xbox?" She smiles, "Why not?"

She lays down beside me, her head where my feet are, her feet by my head. We play FIFA, and she shouts at the TV. "Dang it! I hit the wrong button! I wanted to pass, not shoot! The shot was taken to early, resulting in a turnover!" I smile, "It's just a game." "No, no it isn't. Not soccer, soccer is not just a game." I laugh, and so does she. "Alright. I'm getting food." I say, and get up, then pat her butt. "Matthew!" She exclaims and I laugh. She makes me so happy, genuinely happy. I walk downstairs and grab a bag of chips. I look at the clock, twelve. I jog back up the stairs and walk in. "Aye." I say as I pat her thigh. She glances at me, and I wink. I lay down next to her, so our heads our actually near each other. I hold out the chips and she takes a handful. As she crunches on them, I admire her. She glances over at me, then quickly looks away. She then looks at me out of the corner of her eye and then looks away again. I stare at her, and she glances at me again. "You little butt." I say and nudge her. "What?" She asks and I grin. "Just look at me." She looks at me, and I feel my cheeks getting warm. I look at her and she blushes, and I admire her. You have no idea how much I want to kiss you, I think. She locks eyes with me and smirks, "Then kiss me." She presses her lips to mine and she tilts her head, slightly. I guess I said that out loud. I kiss her back and set a hand behind her head. She deepens the kiss and I hold her against me. I smile through the kiss, and she smiles too. "I love you." She says, her gorgeous eyes on mine. In reply, I simply kiss her. She moves onto my lap and I grip her waist. She sets her hand behind my neck and I shiver at her touch. We part, and she grabs the remote. "I'm gonna beat your sorry ass at this game." She says and I laugh. I resume the TV and we continue to play. She sits on the edge of the bed, and she eventually does beat me. "Aw you little butt!" I say and softly kick her. She falls off the bed and goes silent. "Jordan! Are you alright?!" Silence. I lean over and look at her. She grabs my hand and yanks me down, laughing. "Don't scare me like that!" I scream and she giggles. "Awe, I love you." She says in a sing-song voice. I smile, "Oh I love you too." We lay down on the floor, our legs against the bed, staring at each other. "What time is it?" I ask, and she clicks on her phone. "Uhm, twelve forty-five." I nod, "Well, what else do you want to do?" She shrugs, "Doesn't matter." I look around the room, "Do you wanna, uhm, take a walk in the park?" She nods, "Can we ride our boards?!" I nod, "Yeah, why not?" We grab our boards and run outside.

We ride all the way to the park, an basically skate around the circumference of the place. I look at her, and smile. She waves back, her hair blowing in the wind. I admire her, and then feel myself getting thrown forward. I stick out my hands and hit the ground. "Ouch." I groan and get up. I see the rock that got wedged under my longboard and sigh. I check the scrapes on my hand and wipe them on my shirt. "Are you alright?" She asks and I nod, "Yeah, it's just a few scrapes." She glances at my hands, which are now bleeding. "Uhm, are you alright?" I nod, again. "Yeah, I mean it doesn't hurt." "Don't be macho." "Alright, it stings a little." She smiles and pulls a water bottle out of her pack. She pours it over my hands and the blood rinses away. "You alright?" She asks again and I smile, "Yeah, fine." She nods, "Good." She puts the water back and takes my hand. We continue to ride together, until it's about three. We head back to the house, and walk in. We put our boards back in our room, mostly because the guys will take them. She tugs me into her room, and shows me her closet. "What should I wear?" I shrug, "Doesn't matter, you look good either way." She smiles and pulls out a bunch of clothes. She lays them out and tries on each one. She models them, and I can't help but smile at her. She's so...adorable. She walks out, and I glance at it. She has those shorts that like go up to her belly button (I think she called them high-waisted?) black shorts and a crop top. I smile and nod. I mean, it's weird to have her showing that much skin, but I'm going to make sure that everyone knows she's mine. She smiles and turns around, back into her bathroom. She comes out wearing her clothes from earlier today. I glance at my phone, that try on session took an hour. I go on Vine and post a video. "Just here with the bae." I say and point the camera at her. She laughs and walks over. "Hi guys!" She says, waving. I post it, and immediately get comments, most of them how they ship us. I smile at them, and click off my phone. I get up, and stretch. "Aghhhhhhhh." I groan as I twist my body to put my back into place. I walk over and take her hand. She beams and we head downstairs. Cameron bumps into us in the hallway, and he gives her a sad look. When he walks past us, I see in the mirror in front of me, he looks back at her. He sighs and walks into his room. We sit on the couch, and watch a marathon of Doctor Who. I still don't see what the big deal is, I don't get the show. She loves it though, laughing at the science jokes, that honestly I can't comprehend because the Doctor Who guy talks too fast. When I look at my phone, I see it's six forty five, and hear the doorbell ring. "Of course people show up early, why would they show up on time?" I mutter and she looks over, "My dad used to say on time is late." I shrug, "I like to be on time." "Well, you see-" she gets cut off by Kian entering the room. "Hey!" He says and hugs me. "What's up man?" I ask, "What are you doing out here?" He shrugs, "JC is here visiting someone, so I came with him." I nod, and see JC behind him. "What's up Matt?" He hollers and we fist bump. We sit down and talk. "Hey Jordan!" JC says and she waves. She leans against me and Kian looks at us, "Are you together?" I nod, "We sure are." He nods, "I like it." She giggles and more people begin to show up. I find Carter, and shout, "Yo man! How many people did you invite?" "Like forty." "We're definitely gonna get caught by the police." "Nah." "Alright then." I say and walk away.

It soon gets dark, and the lights turn on. The place is packed, and I make sure all the bedroom doors are locked. I get handed a few drinks, and I drink them. I lost sight of Jordan, and I can't find her. I search through the crowd of people to try to find her.

*Jordan's POV*

I've had a few drinks, and I am slightly drunk. I mean, I can still think and all that, but my mind is not as sharp. I look for Matthew, but I can't find him. Maybe he's upstairs. I walk up, only to find all the doors locked. I walk with my head down, and bump into someone. "Sorry." I mumble and look up. Cameron's beautiful, brown eyes focus on mine. "It's alright." He mumbles, and I can smell the alcohol in his breath. "Uhm, I'm looking for-" He cuts me off by kissing me. Something tells me that kissing him back is wrong, but I do it anyway. When we part, he stares at me, and kisses me again. I stare at him, and he tucks my hair behind my ear. "I've missed you." He says, his words slurred. "Yeah, alright." I mutter. He looks at me, oddly. "What do you...what do you mean?" "I uhm..I uhm I don't exactly know." I mutter, unable to think. "Are you sure you don't miss me?" He asks, and I find myself losing my balance as I take another sip from my cup. "Can we just have a casual conversation? Without talking about...whatever it is we are talking about. That...stuff." "Stuff?" He asks, and I shrug. "I'm tired." I sigh and he glances at the ground. "Why?" I stare at the nearby wall, "Nightmares." He looks at me, "I'm sorry." I shake my head, "Nah. It's fine. I've got..." His dark brown eyes turn even darker, and his expression falls. "That...that's not relevant." I cough and he nods. "Are you...are you happy?" He asks and I nod. "Are you?" My words are slowing down, as I finish up my drink. One or two drinks are enough to get me drunk. He shakes his head, "Not...not without you." I glance away, "I'm sorry." Did we really break up over him forgetting my birthday? No, it was more than that. Wasn't it? Maybe. Was it just the birthday? No. Yes. What a stupid reason to end it. I think back to what happened, even though it's a bit difficult. I think we fought, then we tried to make each other jealous. Yes, that's what happened. I glance back at him and smile. He smiles back, and then Matthew stands beside me. "Hey. There you are." He says and I nod. He takes my hand, and looks at Cameron. "Hey Cameron." "Hi." Matthew stares at the ground, then bites his lip. "Look man, I'm sorry." He says, and hugs Cameron. Cameron hugs him back, and then they break apart. "We cool?" Matt asks and he nods. "Yeah." "Alright. That's great man." They fist bump and Matthew looks at me. "Does this mean, we can be friends again. One, big, happy clan?" I smile, "Totally."

(I was gonna put the whole party but I need it because I haven't been able to write lately and I'm slowly losing interest in the book, but don't worry! I'll finish it up sooner or later. Okay


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