Magcon Boyz

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I have been thinking about this forever. I can't stand not knowing. I sit on my couch, and lay out the situation:

I chose Nash, and Cameron is mad at me for choosing Nash, therefore Cameron (being a bitch) decides to end both of our friendships. What brought this saltiness? Was it because of the the closeness of us that one day? I was upset, I wasn't thinking straight that day. I belong to Nash and always will. So, Cameron decides to totally just blow off any chance of being friends. I can't lose Cam, he is one of my closest friends. Ugh. Why is my life so god damned difficult? I head outside for some air. I walk out and sit on the swinging bench outside my door. Something is off. I smell fire and look around. My neighbors are having a cookout I think. No one is around the fire though, and it is to big to be a normal fire. I stare at it mesmerized. It's easy to get distracted by something beautiful when things are looking down. I sit for about ten minutes, then someone comes outside to tend to the fire. I get up, feeling lightheaded. I walk inside, I have a major headache by now. I take some Advil and lay down on the couch. I feel tired all of a sudden...something's wrong. I know it, but I can't move. I lay there, panicking, fading in and out of consciousness until everything goes black.

I awake in a white room. I panic again, but I feel something on my face. I feel around on my face, until I find a mask attached around my mouth. Everything is blurry. I try to remove the mask, but I have a hard time breathing. I look at my are and find like 5 tubes attached to my arm. I lift up my head to look around the room, and find I am alone. I lay my head back down, and tell myself to breathe. A nurse wearing pink scrubs walks in and smiles at me. "You are so lucky." She says. I am shocked, me...lucky? I am in the freaking ICU lady! I'm pissed. Instead of screaming at her though , I just close my eyes. I know she's still in here, I can hear her. She clicks a few buttons then I hear her finally leave. I open my eyes, and wonder what happened. I need someone to frickin tell me! A doctor, a guy, shortly walks in. I give him wide eyes so he knows I don't know what happened. He looks over at me and walks over. He sits next to me and tells me what happened:

My neighbor had left gasoline by the fire pit and it ignited. Since there wasn't much gasoline in the can, there was only a minor explosion, and the gasoline started to burn. I apparently breathed in too much carbon monoxide from the burning gas. He told me that some of the symptoms of breathing in too much is headaches. He knew I had a headache because the police, had come because my neighbor had reported the explosion. They found my Advil next to me, and they knew I had a headache. The doctor says my boyfriend heard the sirens and wanted to make sure everything was okay. He texted me and I didn't answer, so he began to panic. He drove over and my door was unlocked. He found me on the couch, he tried to wake me up, but I wouldn't wake up. He brought the police over and they took it from there. They didn't let him come to the hospital though. He stops and tells me that's all my boyfriend had shared with my parents. He looks at me and says, "If he had been 5 minutes late, you would've died." He got up and left. Oh Nash. Thank God for you.

(A.N: Hope this chapter intrigued you guys! Like if it did!) :)

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