°first time°

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Jungkook pov

We were eating breakfast with small conversations we didn't usually talk much because it to early for that so instead we stuff our faces with food in comfortable silence.

''Hey kookie I didn't hurt you earlier did I?'' hobi hyung asked with concern in is voice. Why is he concerned all I did was wince.

I felt taehyung kick my leg under the table when I zoned out in my thoughts.

''uuhh no- no hyung I just faked it so you wouldn't kiss me with morning breath'' I smirked well saying that making everyone laugh except our hope.

"yeah horse face" jimin said laughing

"Shut up shorty... and as for you kookie your gonna get it later'' hobi hyung said looking at me

"alright calm down pabos go get ready we have to leave for dance practice in 20 minutes'' And with that we all went our own ways

I decided to where a baggy white long sleeve shirt with ripped light jeans and my favorite boot's.

''KOOOK come on time to go" jin yells , I open the door and run out not knowing jin was standing right outside my door causing me to bump into him and fall to the ground.

''ooff are you okay kookie" hyung says between laughs. I cross my arms and make a pout face like a little kid and give him a death glare,

"shouldn't you be laughing at one of your dad jokes since no one else ever will" I say still on the ground... and with that he stops laughing and picks me up.

"you know kook your really cute when you pout-" he brought his face closer to mine "but not when your rude to hyung-" he pulled away "that's kind of a turn off" he says

"Guys come on the vans here" Namjoon hyung yells causing jin to put me down and walk out signaling for me to follow.

God I hate it when hyung's do that, I mean look at them they are probably the most attractive 6 men in this world like why did my gay ass get put in a band with perfect hyung's, but no going to lie I don't mind it when they do stuff like that ,it started off small like before I turned 18 it was only cuddles and kisses of the cheek or four head it was all just fluffy nothing intimate, though once I turned 18 It changed, I remember the day before my 18th birthday they kicked me out of the dining room for a while to have a meeting which at first I thought was about my birthday surprise to be honest I'm still not 100 percent sure what it was they never told me, but I don't think it was about my birthday. After that Stuff started to get more intimate ... I remember the first time something 'intimate' happened

flashback j.k pov----

I'm way to tired for this I don't know why the hyung's are making me go get yoongi hung from his studio, damn I don't know why hyung always works himself so hard he deserves a break. Finally I reach the door to his studio and I don't even bother knocking because he probably has his head phones in hence why he didn't pick up the calls. When I opened the door he was already on his way out causing us to crash into each other

"What the hell ,who- oh kookie" hyung said changing the look in his eyes from angry to something I didn't really recognize... next thing I know he pushed me against the wall and at first I was scared because I honestly thought he was gonna hit me, but then he started to lean in and peaked my lips and pulled away to see if I was okay with I it. Once he saw no resistant in me he leaned in and connected our lips into a soft yet passionate kiss, he slowly licked my bottom lip asking for entrance and I didn't know that that meant he wanted entrance so I didn't open till he bit my lip causing me to slightly yelp in which he took the opportunity to explore my mouth with his tongue. He finely pulled away and just stared at me with admiration in his eyes.

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