°how could we°

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Third pov

The member's where waiting on the couch for the police to come.

After seeing that horrid picture of Jungkook that was sent to them they imidently called the police. And because Jungkooks an idol he was the police's top priority.

The room was full of sniffles coming from the remaining two of the maknae line and their sunshine. Everyone else was quite but still extremely worried and broken.

Ring ring.

Namjoon lifted his head up from where it was hidden behind his hands and walked over to where his phone was before answering it he saw it was no other than hit man bang or as they call him Si-Hyuk hyung.

"Yeah?" Namjoon said not really caring to sound professional at the moment.

"I heard about Jungkook from the manger I'm on my way to your dorm right now. I'm so sorry this is happening but I promise, I promise you I will do everything in my power to get our golden maknae back." Hitman bang said obvious he was crying not to long before, worry laced through out his voice.

" Okay I'm glad your coming I think the member's and I need you the most right now... I-i just I hope it's his not to late." Namjoon said.

"Don't think like that Namjoon-ah we will get him back. Now go take care of your members I'll be their in a hour ." He said before hanging up.

"Who's coming?" Jimin asked eyes still glazed over in tears.

Namjoon gave a small smile before walking back over to the couch and sitting down.

"Si-Hyung will be here in a hour, he heard about Jungkook." Namjoon said.

No one said anything. Their wasn't any thing to say.

Knock knock

"This is the police."

"Ahhh they're here " Jin said standing up and escaping the sad aura he was in.

Jin walked to the door mentally preparing himself for the police's questions.

He opened the door and was met with three police officers. A old looking man who looked foreign probably in his 40-50s he had a head of grey hair and also had nice kind eyes that looked like he's experienced a lot in his past. Next to him was very good looking man who looked pretty built and had dark blood red hair and he was wearing glasses which made him look hotter. And next was a small pretty and perfectly shaped girl with red lipstick on who was eye fucking Jin and fluttering her eyelashes which were covered in layers of mascara. All well twirling her hair around her pink painted finger nail.

"Hello I am police officer Jacobs" the old one said before continuing, "This is officer Mark he will be taking a look at Jungkooks phone and the picture sent, to try and figure out anything." Officer Jacob said pointing to the handsome young police officer.

"And this is our new recruit ji-yoo she will be questioning you all on more information on Jungkook." The said girl was giving a sexy smile and moving her stare from member to member .

Jin stepped aside and opened the door more for the three to walk in.

"Nice to meet you I'm Jin." Jin said bowing to Officer Jacob who was obviously older.

"Yes we know your name Jin." Officer Jacob said giving a warm smile.

"We know all your names!" Officer Ji-yoo said smiling.

"Uhh yeah sorry." Jin said giving a nervous chuckle and walking over to his members on the couch.

Ring ring

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