°scared °

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Third pov-

Jimin being the light sleeper he is jumps at the sound of glass shattering.

The first thought that comes to his mind was Namjoon was in the kitchen again.

He was about to go check before he heard Si-Hyuk yelling for everyone to come down causing Jimins heart to speed up.

This could either be something good about jungkook or something bad.

Considering last time we thought we found him the single brought us to a empty warehouse. Every one was so upset and starting to lose hope.

Jimin see's Hoseok start to wake up and I throws his pillow at him well yelling a 'get up now' and running down stairs.

By the time Jimim got there everyone was there well Hobi was following not far behind.

At first the boys thought Si-Hyuk was hurt that's why even Yoongi rushed down. But once they got down and they saw the tears running down Si-Hyuk's face they knew something had happened to their jungkook.

"W-what happened to him hyung?" Jin asked the question everyone else was wondering, voice cracking from worry.

"Let's sit down guys, okay?" Si-Hyuk said walking over to the couch.

Everyone slowly piled into the room all squishing on the couch well they awaited the news.

"About thirty minutes ago two armys found a shirtless unconscious guy passed out on the side of the road with bruises and hickys and gashes littered all over his body was deadly skinny and barely alive...." Si-Hyuk said looking at his of with glassy eyes.

"...they found Jungkook..." He had tears running down his face

"...it was J-jungkook." Si-Hyuk says tears falling as he puts a sad smile present on his face.

The member's didn't know what to feel...

Their baby was found their precious makne was found!

But at the same time he was found almost dead and badly beaten and... Well you know.

And that... That hurt them...badly.

It made their hearts hurt a pain that they have been feeling all to much these past weeks.

A pain emotionally that was almost as horrible as the pain Jungkook was feeling physically.

" Can we see him? " Yoongi asked no emotion present in his tone.

"Yes of course we can go right now just change your chlothes." 
Si-Hyuk says as the members quickly shoot up from the couch ready to see their baby again.

"No!no time to change let's go quick!!!" Hoseok yells running out the door in his pyjamas and no shoes and all the others quickly follow.

Si-Hyuk jumps in the front seat and starts the engine as the members pile in as quickly as possible.

All the members were full of emotions they were happy jungkook was found sad he was hurt angry he was hurt and scared...

Scared he wouldn't be the same.

And they all waited in anticipation as they were stuck in yet another red light.

Sorry for short chapter prob the shortest chap I have ever wrote and the shortest I will ever write.

Did any one get the ref last chap?

Love you all xoxoxoxo stay safe<3

ALSO I DROPED THE FIRST CHAP OF MY NEW FF PLS GO CHECK IT OUT ITS A YOONKOOK LIL FF. CALLED "Hamburgers" don't worry I'll still update here as well!


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