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Third pov

"Hey kookie~" Namjoon called walking into the living room where Jungkook was sleeping and the rest of bangtan was watching the movie.

"Baby can you wake up?" Hoseok said since Jungkook was now on his lap, after the other rapper left, and let me add they found i t adorable how after his human pillow left he had to find a new one in his sleep.

Jungkook stired in his sleep and slowly opened his eyes curiously looking around at all his hyungs.

" Hmmm? " Jungkook says sitting up and leaning his sleepy head on Jins broad shoulder well the older played with his fluffy hair.

"Did we ever tell you how you were found and brought to the hospital?" Namjoon asked crouching down in front of the younger.

"No why?" Jungkook said between a yawn.

Namjoon smiled sweetly knowing Jungkook would love this, "Well two army fan boys found you and called the ambulance and were nice enough to not tell anyone about what happened."

Jungkooks eyes widened and he said, " A-armys? Found me? And h-helped me? "

"Yes babe." Yoongi said.

''Awe my gosh! We gotta meet them, and-and their fanboys? Even better! Oh my gosh that's so sweet they kept my secret. Hyung can we see them I want-need to say thank you for everything. " Jungkook said all the sleepiness gone.

Namjoon chuckled at the youngers eagerness, "Yes baby that's why we decided that we would meet up with them tomorrow and say thanks." Namjoon said standing up well Jungkook squealed in excitement.

He always loved paying fans back, but this he was paying back for saving his life.

"But tomorrow is to far away~~ and I'm sick of staying in this house all the time!" Jungkook complained.

"Okay grouchy I think it's time for bed." Yoongi said

"First off hyung I'm not a baby second its not your night." Jungkook sassily said.

"Okay then grouchy let's go to bed." Jin said knowing it was his night.

" Hyung~"

It's a regular Saturday for Rowin and Kayden, they are hanging out at Kaydens watching family guy when they get a call causing them both to die... Metaphorically of course.

They got a call from the manager they met the day the found Jungkook unconscious. And he told them bts would be willing to meet them and thank them.

They were so excited they quickly got dressed and patiently waited for bts's manager to pick them up and bring them to a cafe they had closed from the public today so bts could meet them in peace.

Bangtan were waiting I'm the small coffee shop, all had ordered coffee except Jungkook who got strawberry tea saying the coffee was to gross.

"Hyungs can I try your coffee?" Jungkook said looking at how they all loved their drinks and wondered if maybe they aren't as bitter as he remembers.

"Uh we all got different stuff." Taehyung said.

"Well lemme try all of it! I wanna see if I like what you like."

Namjoon had a Americano,

Jungkook shook his head saying that was a waist of money.

Yoongi had black coffee,

Jungkook scrunched up his face and when he swallowed it he needed to  chug half a bottle of water.

Jin had iced coffee flavoured vanilla,

Jungkook 'liked the flavor but the after taste was to bitter'

Jimin and Taehyung had Carmel macchiatos Taehyungs with tons of extra sugar packets and Jimins regular,

Jungkook said it was better than all the others but Taehyungs was less bitter so better than jimins.

Hoseok had a cold brew, (my fav)

Jungkook did the same thing we did with Yoongis but screamed "it's like Yoongi hyungs but cold ewww who made this."

The hyungs enjoyed the little show Jungkook had put on for them, they found it amusing he tried all their drinks and over did a silly reaction.

After about 15 minutes of already being at the shop finally the manger knocked and opened the door reaviling two nervous fan boys.

Rowan was dying, he had always looked up to bts and now that he was meeting them he felt like he was gonna explode but he tried to keep his cool as he didn't want to freak bts out.

Kayden was so excited, he looked at a glance like he was cool and chill about it but he was crying on the In side.

Jungkook followed by bts stood up extremely happy to see the two armys.

Jungkook walked up to them and hugged them both as they were nervously standing next to each other.

"Hi guys omo! Your so cute! AHhh I'm so happy I finally get to meet you." Jungkook said extremely happy to meet them.

"Okay bab- Jungkook let the poor guys down." Yoongi said walking over with his gummy smile.

Jungkook let them go and took a step back seeing Rowens flush cheeks and Kaydens big smile.

"So what's your twos name?" Jin said.

Kayden was quick to answer, "Hi I'm Kayden, and Jungkook hyung I'm so happy that your okay you had me so worried." He said well Jungkook gave a sweet smile to him.

" Yeah he had us worried too" Taehyung said.

"What about you?" Jungkook asked Rowan who was still being shy.

" Uh, I'm Rowan sorry I'm a little nervous. " Rowan said smiling.

"Awe well don't be it's okay, you two are like hero's without you i probably wouldn't be here." Jungkook said.

"Yes and we'd sincerely like to thank you for finding our maknae and being true army's and not telling the press or posting about it." Hoseok said hugging them both as well.

" Army's like you are the reason bangtan is bangtan. " Jimin said smiling at them.

Bangtan had bought them what ever drink they wanted despite the protest from the two saying it was fine and they didn't want to wait their money. Then They sat and talked for a while , Rowan got out of his shell and Kayden was enjoying this so freaking much.

They asked what had happened to jungkook but the boys told them it would be best if they didn't know, which they were totally cool with.

After about an hour of talking bts had to go and they all said their thanks to they boys and have them free tickets to the next concert and meet and greet passes saying that they would for sure remember them.

After all they had already scheduled a come back concert now knowing Jungkook was better.

Over all both bangtan and the army's had a freaking amazing day.

"Is it me or did Yoongi almost call Jungkook babe?"

''no I heard it to and I saw Taehyung and jimim both holding hands with kook under the table. "

"I told you Jungkook was dating jimin! Jikook for life." Kayden said.

" What No way yoonkook for life he called him babe. "

If you didn't like this chap you can kiss my Apple taters

(If you get that↑ I love u so Damn much)

Also my wife is back:))💓I'm happy

Also love u Kayden and Rowan thanks for reading and be on a part of my story:)!


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