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Third pov

Rowan and Kayden are two regular armys who are pretty close friends that decided to wake up early and get coffee and tea(id K what y'all like lol sry) they left Rowans house around 6:00am wayyy earlier than either of them would have liked but they wanted to avoid human interaction.

Kayden was a short depressed yet talented fanboy he can act sing and dance, also gets called cute a lot but according to him he's "a manly man" he has purple faded hair over his normal brown hair so it's a cute( manly;)) purpley brown, followed by pretty blueish grey eyes.

And he was friends with Rowan,

Rowan is a fanboy and unlike Kayden is very tall being seven inches taller than him making him seem super short when they walk together. he is also struggling with depression and anxiety causing him not to put his talents out there even though he should because he is very talented, and he's not to much of a social butterfly. Sadly doesn't have many friends besides Kayden and keeps to himself. He is also very good with working on art and music!

These two regular armys are about to witness a horrible sight.

Kayden pov

"No no Rowan Jimin is the cutest like he's so adorable!! Have you ever seen any little mochi as cute and squishy as him. I mean it's not like I'm saying the others aren't cute because hell yeah they are all freaking cute but Jimin is a mochi!'' I say trying to prove my point to Rowan that jimin is by far the cutest.

" but he's obviously a dom like with the abs!!! He's so handsome sure he can be cute but no way he tops jungkook! " Rowan says sipping his Starbucks coffee as we were on our way back to his house.

"Yeah yeah I mean i-"

"Is their a dead dude up there OH MY GOD!" Rowan yells cutting me off.

I look up and see a shirtless male lying on the concrete sidewalk near the ally in our naborehood.

At first glance he looked like a dead homeless man till we got a little closer and it's obviously a young adult who still has shallow breathe moving his bruised chest up and down.

"Holy shit Rowan call 119!!" I yell well running up to the guy.

I hear Rowan frantically talk into his phone explaining the situation as I run up to the mystery man I see he's badly beaten and is extremely pale and skinny.

I feel Rowan rapidly tap my shoulder well asking me if he has a pulse.

"Um I don't know!! How do I check!!!" I ask scared.

" Um yeah okay... Kayden The lady says take two fingers and press it on the upper side of his neck and see if you feel a beat. "

I turn around and look at the beaten male.

"Um okay."

I bring my fingers to his neck and move his head to do so in the process his side profile seems all to frimller... Maybe a nabor? Or a old baby sitter?

I move his head a little more and fall back at who I see.

It's jeon jungkook!!

It makes sense I mean fans have been speculating that jungkook has either been super sick and not leaving the house or that he had disappeared.

And here he my idol is beaten and pale almost dead on the side of the side walk.

"Rowan! IT'S JUNGKOOKIE." I scream frantically .

I see Rowan eyes widden and tears well up in his eyes as he quickly tells the operator In a shaky quite voice that it's jungkook.

The lady in the line must have realised this is more important than some drunk on the side of the road and that it's a missing idol because Rowan starts telling her what street we are on and the update on his pulse which was a beat per 3 seconds.

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