°broken heart°

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Third pov

Jungkook wakes up to six men surrounding him and at first he gets scared and started to tear up scared these men would hurt him till the man on his left who rolled over in his sleep causing Jungkook to see his face causing him to let out a shaky breath of relief.

Jungkooks wiped his tears and looked at the beautiful face of Taehyung,

God he's so beautiful , was all Jungkook coukd think and he squeezed out of Yoongis grip to trace his boney fingers over Taehyungs  features.

Taehyung slowly opened his eyes as he smiled seeing Jungkooks stare at him with heart eyes.

Jungkook didn't even notice Taehyung was awake until the older faked a cough and brought his large hand to Jungkooks pale bruised face and gently held the youngers cheek.

Jungkooks eyes widened as he flinched at the fast movement but relaxed into his hyungs touch as he closed his eyes letting one tear drop from his dull eyes.

"H-hyung I missed you s-so damn much." Jungkook said hugging Taehyung well he started to sob.

"Are you your age again baby?" Taehyung whispered running his fingers through Jungkooks hair.

"Um I-i think s-o?" Jungkook said between his hiccups and he wasn't quite sure all that went down since he was found everything was very fuzzy.

Jungkook felt another pair of arms around him causing him to slightly jump at the contact until he saw small fingers on his extra thin waist causing him to give a weak smile, because even now with the people he loved most he still had a pain feeling in his heart.

He still was broken and his smile soon faded just by letting his thoughts and memories take over.

"Kookie you okay bun?" The voice of hoseok interrupted the youngers thoughts.

He looked up and saw everyone was awake, well expect Yoongi.

Jungkook looked into hoseoks eyes and gave yet another weak smile, and looked at all his fellow members with teary eyes as he gave a sad chuckle as he saw Yoongi but that didn't stop the pain he felt from the past few days.

"No. I'm not okay hyung." Jungkook said replying to hoseok yet not making any eye contact.

"I-i have this horrible pain in my heart that h-hurts so much... Hyung, I was used I was hurt s-so many times s-so many damn times these past days I lost my most valuable thing I wasn't even ready t-to give to the men I loved and I had it t-taken from me by someone just having fun well I was screaming for my hyungs to save me. And it hurts so fucking bad." Jungkook said with glassy eyes.

Namjoon was about to say something until Jungkook continued ignoring the six pairs of glassy eyes following his every move.

"Hyungs I missed you all so much and I'm so happy I'm here with you all again but why dose it still hurt..." Jungkook looked up with tears finally overflowing his big broken doe eyes,

"...hyungs why can't I make I the pain go away, I-i want it gone p-please it h-hur-hurts so s-so much hyungs." Jungkook said tears flowing out of his eyes, and he wasn't the only one.

" I h-hate what's ha-happened t-to me I w-wanted it to be with o-one of you n-not with so-someone w-who hurt me so b-badly." Jungkook said finally breaking out into ugly sobs as Yoongi who had woken up a little while ago pulled him into a hug as even yoongi started to cry well hugging his broken baby.

Soon all the members joined in a sad group hug.

Jin was the first to pull away as he wiped his tears and sat up,

"Kookie, baby I'm so so so sorry I can't even express how much I wish i- we were there to help you hell we wondered the streets and tried so hard to find you but we failed as hyungs and you got hurt so hurt,now I'm not gonna sit here and give you a namjoon speech but I am gonna say, we will cancel every practice, every fan meet even the new come back even though we won't we would stop bangtan for you because hell we love you so much baby and we wanna glue that broken heart back together baby we want your golden maknae to give us that beautiful bunny smile I wanna see so much." Jin said with teary eyes well Jungkook had more and more tears fall as he made grabby hands towards the oldest and they reconnected the group hug.

Namjoon went to tell the doctors they were ready to go home as he and the other collected all of the stuff and as Jin picked Jungkook up bridal style and walked him to the van there manager was Waiting out side of.

The manager who was very close to the boys had a big grin on his face along with glassy eyes.

"I'm so happy we found him." He said brushing jungkooks hair out of his face as he assisted the members to the car before driving home.

Finally Jungkook would be home.

And the members had already promised themselves they would do everything in there power to fix there broken kookie.

Yoooo jungkooks finally home y'all!!!!

Also lol sorry its  been a week since last update but I had to update today bc it's the 18th of July.

And that's date is the day I just turned 15! Yes it's my bday!

I got two bt21 stuffys!!

Any way have a good day love u all! And the fluff is starting soon!!

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Any way have a good day love u all! And the fluff is starting soon!!


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