°very fragile°

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Taehyung pov

Si-Hyuk hyung slammed on the breaks once he pulled into the small parking spot in the hospitals parking lot.

I quickly pulled the handle of the car door well jumping out and running full speed to the front doors of the hospital as I heard other feet following behind me.

I quickly pushed my self through the doors as I frantically looked around for the front desk to ask the receptionist where the hell my baby was.

I saw a short lady in pink standing at a desk and ran over full speed not stopping till my hands came in contact with the counter and I quickly yelled maybe a little two loud...

"Jeon Jungkook! JEON JUNGKOOK WHERE-where is he?!?!"

The lady in pink looked taken back and looked as if she was thinking then her eyes widened and she leaned forward,

"Kim Taehyung, right? Yeah my little sister loves you all...we were asked not to tell the public so jungkook has a VIP room in the staff hall. He's still in surgery because they had to re stich his wound from the gun he should be out soon here's the room number 5-113." By the time the surprisingly calm and nice receptionist told me this all my members plus Si-Hyuk who was still here with us.

"Thank you ma'am " Namjoon said before he ran and I followed.

We ran up the stairs not wanting to wait in an elevator with people in it, the possibility more people seeing us was not needed.

Soo we ran.

Up the stairs five fucking floors, but all I could feel was the pain in my heart the emptiness with out Kookie... So I ran.

And so did everyone else even Min fucking Yoongi.

Once we finely reached the fifth floor all panting and you we would probably be asleep on the ground if it were different circumstances...we quickly ran to the private waiting room outside that area waiting for someone to tell us about our Jungkookie.

"Guys when we see him.. We have to be so careful and show him we will only help him and not hurt him or yell or anything... Choose your words carefully and be gentle, I don't know everything he's been through but from what I do know he's not gonna be okay... But we can try to help okay?." Si-Hyuk hyung said worry and seriousness laced through out his voice.

We all nodded and I could tell Namjoon was about to say something when a doctor came in and sat down smiling warmly.

"Considering you are all young and good looking you must be bts am I correct?" The doctor asked .

"Yes sir-"Si-Hyuk started before Hobi hyung cut him off,

" do you have any information about Jungkook!?" Hoseok hyung asked fear and hope shown in his usual happy eyes.

"Well that's why I'm here I wanted to talk to you about his condition before you are him, and I'm doctor kim. " Dr Kim said changing from sweet to serous.

I'm very nervous with what he may say.

Third pov

"Well he is about to leave surgery because his last wound was infected from not being properly cleansed and also re opened I'm guessing because of the abuse Jungkook had been reserving from Jun-ho... Jun-ho had obviously raped him from the photos you received and possibly more men because we found more traces of DNA than just Jun-ho." Dr Kim said with the look of pity on his face.

He truly felt bad such a horrible thing could happen to such a young man- Well basically still kid.

Si-Hyuk motioned for the doctor to continue as the member's were all too shook to move only becoming tense with anger and sadness.

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