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third pov

"Hello Bangtan"

Everyone froze. Jungkook stopped squirming and let yoongi stand infront of him well Namjoon still stood infront of his memebrs. All of their faces covered with shock and fear as adrenaline rushed through their vains as they saw a never before seen man walk in with a gun pointed in the air.

"Look we don't want any tr-" Namjoon started but was soon cut off by the strange man as the man stepped closer to him.

"ahhh ahh ah now namjoonie don't interrupt me because sweetie I'm here for trouble" the man said with a smile of a mad man covering his face. Everyone looked at him in fear to scared to move or say anything worried he'd pull the trigger at any given moment.

"Don't you guys remember me" he asked pacing back and fourth still holding the gun pointed at the members. At this point jimins cowering in fear well taehyung is trying to keep a poker face on but you can clearly see him shaking behind hobi and jungkook doesn't know what to think he's just frozen. Yoongi, jin ready to take a bullet for them well namjoons still standing infront trying to reson with the man.

"No we obvisly don't, should we?" ask Namjoon now seriously curious on who the fuck this maniac is.

He lets out a devilish laugh causing shivers to go their spines " I figured as much,why would you big time stares rember a trannie from 6 years ago ... I mean I was only with you guys for 2 weeks along with 5 other guys" he says continuing to pace no one says anything just watches him carefully.

" I worked my ass off to try to be part of a idol group and I almost made it, I remember the only 'official' member was you Namjoon and you were asked on opinions on who should be in the group you said pretty much everyone but me, I always figured I was too socially awkward to get along with you and make jokes like hoseok over here could, but I never thought just becuase of that you wouldn't pick me I mean jungkook over here" he said walking twords jungkook who quickly hid behind yoongi well yoongi tried to block his view of jungkook. " he was just as shy as I was... hell I'm pretty sure he was the only one who acctuly understood me I mean we only had that one conversation but Ooooo what a sweet heart he was" the man said well staring at jungkook almost forgetting about what he was doing before snapping out of it and continuing.

"so why, why wasn't I good enough?!" he said walking back to the front away from jungkook causing him to lossen up his once tennsesed self.

"Look man I have nothing against you I'm sorry you didn't make it into the group but its been six years please just leave us alone" Namjoon said as calmly as possible

"Don't you think I'm aware with how long its been, ive always been watching you guys update music videos and become more popular whitch got me more and more pissed off every time you ungrateful bitchs won an award but once I heard you made it big in the states I'm pretyy sure something snapped "he said laughing like a crazy man.

"As you can see I came here with a gun " he said waveing it around like a mad man causing Namjoon along with some others to flinch

"So you can assume I came here to shoot one of you whitch is false... because I came here to kill all of you lucky basterds" he says and the mention of them getting shot makes bts even more scared than they were before. He startes to walk around them looking like he's choosing his prey and stops infront of yoongi pushing him and grabbing jungkook, yoongi tried to get jungkook but when the gun man brought his gun to kooks head and said "Any movements and the bullet goes through his pretty little face" everyone froze trying not to be the reason jungkook would be shot. As the man pulled jungkook closer to his self, he nuzzled his head down to jungkooks neck and sniffed his hair causing kookie to whimmper and squezze his eyes shut as a tear came falling down his face. All the members no longer scared for themselves but focused on jungkook and that he wasnt hurt.

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