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Hobi pov

We walked around the hall and saw his room number 1-414 i saw Tae who was leading us froze in front of the door, like he was scared of what he would see behind the door.

"Its okay...open it" Jin hyung said.

He opened the door and walked in as we all followed.

The sight I saw had a hot tear falling down my face.

His once tan sunkissed body seemed to now be paper white, all the color drained out. Even though you could here the monitor beep telling us he's still alive, he looked lifeless . His eyes had a light purple surrounding them and his lips were no longer the soft pink kissable lips, now they also had all the color drained out of them and they were chapped. I could see his small shallow breaths lift and fall from his chest.

Poor baby he must be in so much pain.

"Lets sit down and just wait guy's." Namjoon said placing a soft kiss on jungkooks head and before sitting down.

I sit down next to Jimin and just stare at Jungkooks shallow breathing.

"Hyung do you think he'll be okay" Jimin asked starting at jungkook.

"I hope so... I mean the doctor said that the fact he made it is a miracle and we should be happy he's still here with us."

''hes gonna be in pain right though hyung? " Jimin asked still looking at the sleeping boy.

"Yeah... I'm guessing a lot of pain but we will be here for him." I spoke up now looking at Jimin .

It was silent for a few seconds we all seemed to be in our own world either staring at Kookie or starting at the ground.

"Are we gonna take him home straight away or keep him here for a few more days?'' Tae asked

this question seemed to get namjoons attention as he peeled his eyes away from jungkook and looked at taehyung.

" Even though I want him to come home with us tonight I think it would be best to keep him here at least today.''

"I don't agree I think we should take him home I don't want to keep him here anymore, I want him home with us. " Jin hyung said. Oh no I can sense an argument coming.

"Sorry hyung I don't agree I think it would be best to keep him here one more night I mean theirs no harm done if we do, it could even hel-"

"Namjoon I can help I know im not a nurse or anything but he doesn't need one I can watch over him." Jin said calmly yet i could see the irritation lying behind his calm eyes.

"Hyung, joon we shouldn't be arguing but even though I want him home as well I agree with joon one more night won't hurt.'' I pitched in trying to keep things clam.

"I disagree I want him home as soon as possible." Yoongi hyung said using a slight louder tone than he should have.

"Are we really having a damn argument over if he stays one more night or not it's not the biggest deal." Taehyung finally pitched in.

"Shut up tae " yoongi said barley giving him a glance.

Taehyung looked taken back by yoongis words and started to fire back.

"Hyung or not yoongi don't tell me to shut up I have every right to be in this con-" taehyung started till we heard a weak voice interrupt.

"H-hyungs?" Jungkook barely said above a small raspy whisper.

We all stoped what we were doing and looked over to our weak looking maknae. Once it registered he was awake we all jumped up and ran to him .

Because we aren't complete idiot's instead of freaking out and pounding him with questions and love we quietly and slowly talk to him.

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