°I'd still kiss you°

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third pov

Jungkook slowly starts to wake up letting the light from the blinds adjust to his eyes. He feels arms tighten around him and as he looks up he sees Namjoon hugging him tightly causing him to smile.

He looks around and sees seven full grown men laying on a very crowded queen sized mattress. He Namjoon, Jimin and Hoseok were the only ones acculty on the pillows Namjoon was leaned agesnt the head board with jungkook in his lap well jimin was curled up in a ball on the left to jungkook and hobi on the right. Yoongi was using jungkooks lap as a pillow and Jin was hanging half off the bed well taehyung was on the bottom of the bed with his legs sprawled out so one was off the bed and the other was on jins chest.

Jungkook lightly chuckled at the sight before looking up at Namjoon who was lightly snoring and then Jungkook started tracing his fingers around namjoons plump slightly parted lips. Oh how Jungkook wanted to kiss his hyungs lips, but he couldn't not after what happened hes still to dirty and disgusting to be able to be with hyungs.

who could love a ugly filthy slut like you

jun-hos voice ran through jungkooks ears and he brought his hands up to his ears and started clawing at them wanting it to stop.

''no...no-stop I'm not d-dirty!''Jungkook said yelling twords the end as he started to thrash around.

All the members started to wake up to the feeling of jungkooks bony feet hitting them disrupting there sleep, his screams also being a part of why they were no longer sleeping.

Yoongi and Namjoon were to first to grab hold of the thrashing maknae,

''Hey kookie shhhh its okay we know you aren't dirty shhhh come back to us kookie we wont hurt you.'' Namjoon said as Yoongi tightly held jungkook and the other watched with worry in their eyes.

Jungkook came to his senses much quicker than yesterday which showed slight improvement.

Jungkook stoped thrashing around I'm Yoongis lap and his breaths started to slowdown as she opened his eyes and removed his hands from his ears reveling red nail marks tracing down the sides of his face, drops of blood were lingering around his ears causing jin to run out of the room to get medical supplies.

"Kook, baby what happened?" Taehyung asked scooting closer to the younger.

Jungkook looked up with glassy eyes he looked around with furrowed brows before saying,

"Hyungs I'm not dirty I-i promise, I didn't w-want to I-" Jungkook said with tears threatening to fall as Taehyung didn't let him finish he brought him into a bone crushing hug and started to bring his large hands through Jungkooks messy hair as he whispered sweet nothing's.

"We know you aren't dirty it's okay baby we know you didn't want it but your not dirty." Jimin said.

"Get off my baby I need to clean his wounds!!" Jin said running in the room with a damp towel and some medical ointment.

Taehyung and Hobi moved so jin could come sit in front of the injured boy.

"Hey baby wanna tell hyung what happened." Jin said brushing the boys hair out of his face.

Jungkook shook his head and looked down not wanting to talk to anyone especially not people he dosnt deserve.

"Kook baby, I want you to know what that piece of shit did to you doesn't matter to us. Even though we never wanted this to happen we can promise it won't happen again and we will always keep bangtans baby safe okay ?" Jin said well cupping youngers face.

Jungkook looked up and nodded his head as he tried to slow his breaths and calm down,

Jin smiled and brought his hands to Jungkooks ears and started to apply ointment.

"Your so beautiful kook even this cute lil ear of yours." Jin said trying to make the youngest smile.

" So pretty. " he started on the other ear.

"So cute." He brought the warm towel to his ear.

" such pretty li-"

"Hyung?" Jungkook said interrupting Jins complements.

Jin looked up smiling "yes bun?"

" Would you still kiss me? "

Jin was taken back and at a loss of words, not expecting Jungkook to ask that.

Jungkook looked down, "I knew it I mean I wouldn't wan-" Jungkook was cut off by a pair of lips that gently smashed into his, it was just short and sweet and a hundred percent full of love.

Jin pulled away and cupped the youngers cheek, "I will always want to kiss you baby I love you so damn much please know we don't think of you any different baby." Jin said as Jungkook brought his fore head so it was touching Jins.

"You know we are still here right?" Hoseok says before Taehyung pounces on Jin.

"Yeah hyung geesh kissy kissy with my baby right in front of me." Taehyung says before Jin shoved him off.

"Hey guys we all know he's my baby!" Jimin said.

" Shush shorty he's mi-" Yoongi said before Jungkook cut him off.

"Why c-can't I be all of your baby's?" Jungkook shyly said.

Elloooo  my fav ppl, I'm rrly trying to finish up this ff bc when school starts I'll be rrly busy but ya know I'll always make time I promise💜💜💜💜💓💓💓💓


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