
4K 128 80

Not proof read be happy it's a double update
Jimins pov

We finally arrived at the house as the manager had to leave as soon as he had dropped us off he had to help sehuk hyung out with the schedule.

I watched as Jin carefully  brought him and jungkook out of the van as Jungkook stirred in his sleep.

I noticed how Jin was walking like he was carrying a light little child not a full grown man.

He's so skinny.

"Namjoon do you have the keys open the door!" Jin whisper yelled as Namjoon rushed to the door.

"He's really light joon like really light I could run around the block with him in my arms like I was carrying nothing." Jin said worried about the maknae.

I felt awkward about the situation of getting kook to his healthy weight again not that I didn't want him to be better I did but it takes me back to when I first lost all that weight and almost ended up in the hospital.

"Jimin hyung!" Taehyung said startling me,


"Are you gonna come in the house?" He said holing the door open as i looked around and saw I was the only one left out side.

"Oh yeah lol." I said walking in.

"Ew did you just say "lol" out loud?".

Time skip jungkook pov~

I wake up to the sound of a door slamming making me jump from the loud noise and immediately go back to when I was with Jun-Ho.

I hear the door slam open and before I even open my eyes I'm kicked in the back causing me to fall down and yelp in pain.

He quickly pulls me to my knees by my hair causing my eyes to water from the pain,

"Owww!" I scream as he roughly tugs my hair.

"Shut up slut and give me a blow I'm hard."

I simply looked up at him with teary eyes and shook my head no.

"Well then baby boy fine I'll beat you instead then shove my cock down your throat fucking cum slut." He said before punching me in the cheek causing me to fall over then kicking me multiple times.

''no! P-please stopppp"



"JUNGKOOK!?!" I hear someone yell yet all I can do is cry and scream for someone to help me.

I can't even see or think straight all I can feel is the pain I experienced that night and that long two weeks.

"NOOO!" I scream through Cry's.

"Hyungs I want my hyungs!"

"Shit- um GUYS QUICK ITS KOOK, hey baby shhhhh shhhh it's okay hyungs are right here it's okay baby." Someone says as I try to calm down my breathing as I feel arms around me and a hand soothingly comb through my hair.

"Shhhh there you go kookie it's okay we are all here." The voice of Namjoon rings through my ears as I slowly come back to my senses.

I look around and instead of seeing Jun-Ho I see all six of my hyungs and I realise I'm in the arms of Hobi hyung and they others must have came running in here because taehyung had nothing on but a towel around his tan muscular waist, Jin had oven mitts on and yoongi was in his sleeping clothes so boxers and a grey tee shirt.

"You okay kook?'" Namjoon ask bending down to my level which I discovered i was laying on jimins bed.

I look up and Namjoon and wrap my skinny arms around the nape of his neck and pull him down with the little strength I have and accidentally end up pulling Namjoon on top of me Causing me to yelp in pain from my bruses and recently restitched wound.

I hear gasp from across the room and namjoon quickly rolls off me but still being on the bed he crawls over to me and pulls me into his arms as he ask me,

"Oh kook I'm so sorry are you okay?!"

He digs his face into the crook of my neck as he's behind me and I'm curled up between his legs.

I nod my head not wanting to respond because im already sinking into his warm chest feeling safe and very comfortable.

Jimin is the first to join us in the bed as he lays next to me and wraps his arms around me.

"Love you kookie it's okay hyungs are here And we will always keep you safe, we love you bunny." Jimin says getting comfy laying next to me.

Slowly one by one they all join the bed as I can tell they are trying to be as close to me as they can.

"Dammit let me go put underwater on then I'll join!" Taehyung says running out causing me to smile.

"I missed you hyungs." I say as I drift to sleep surrounded by the warmth and love of my hyungs.

I feel sleep consume me as i finally fall asleep happy.

Not scared.

Not crying.

But safe and happy.... Happy I hope i can be happy again.

Yes I'm awesome and double updated✌️🖤

Also B won by like 20 votes so kook with all bts not bts with bts.

Bye losers love yall


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