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(a/n wig snached)
Third pov

" why did you cut and why didn't you tell us." Yoongi said breaking the comfortable presence of the room.

Jungkook immediately stiffened at the the question and pulled away from the warmth of the group hug.

"W-what?" Jungkook asked face covered in fear.

"You know what I said kook" Yoongi said in that serous tone again.

All the members were sitting around the youngest starting at the said boy waiting for a awnser.

Jungkook felt his eyes fill up with tears so he shot his head down and suddenly found his lap very interesting.

All jungkook could think was, "what if they think im disgusting or i-if they are mad because they think I do it for attention or mad because I only told taehy- wait did he , did he tell them?!"

Jungkook slowly looked up with his teary eyes meeting Taehyungs guilty ones.

"Y-you promised you wouldn't t-tell" Jungkook said in a broken voice.

Taehyung started to feel his own eyes fill up, feeling guilty but yet he knew it had to be done for Jungkook.

"Kookie i-i said I wouldn't tell if you didn't do it again and, and you did." Taehyung said in a soft voice, as if Jungkook could break at any moment... And he could.

Jungkook gave Taehyung a slight glare before looking at the other members and dropping his head.

The glare almost broke the latter's heart in two.

"Jungkook-ah baby we want- need to know these things, don't blame taehyung he didn't even say anything till the doctor told us he saw cuts littered over your body" Jin said emphasizing the fact taehyung should of said something sooner.

Jungkook didn't hear any of that over the voice in his head telling him his hyungs are going to hate him and how disgusting he is were to loud.

"Jungkookie please look up I ju-" Jimin started before Jungkook blurted out

"I'm not disgusting I -im sorry hyungies I just." The young boy raised his head yet his eyes were still focused on his lap with tears falling down his now milky white skin ,

"I hate myself. That sounds like something anyone could just say but its so much more than that . I don't wanna die I enjoy life, Im in a fucking successful ass band I have thousands of fanboys and girls around the world who love and adore me but I don't deserve that, I deserve all the people out there who know im the weak link member who know I take to many lines who know im a fucking worthless piece of shit who was put in a good successful life...But I don't deserve it.. I simply hate every little thing about myself from my eyes to my toes to my body to my hair to my personality to my voice their is not one thing I could say about my self that is good. I don't deserve to have this life I deserve to be alone ... But I'm to selfish to throw away my to good for me life bc I enjoy it and even though I go through hell I believe I still deserve more. I don't understand how anyone could like me I know you guys do but i-is it even real? and if so I don't see it ...I'm a annoying ass hole I'm a attention seeker I chase everyone away ,I either try to hard or dont try enough I'm a overly clingy and jealous person im not funny nor good looking nor supportive I just don't see why God created me! I'm usless and would see 100% less drama in this band I would see. A happier healthier family I would see a happier... A happier world." Jungkook looked up after his monologue not meaning to let that much out.

Every member in that rooms heart just shattered. How could they not know, why was he like this... Could he not see how perfect he really is?

No words could describe how the Members felt right now. No words were even spoke everyone was to shocked.

The only sound was Jungkooks sniffling.

Of course he wasn't the only one crying jimin, Jin, hobi and tae were all crying as well but just silent tears.

Jungkook looked down and hid his face and let out loud sobs.

This must of broke the members out if their trance because slowly one by one each mean engulfed the young boy into their tight protective hold. Wanting him to know he's not alone and never will be. These 6 men would walk to hell and back for the bunny boy just like jungkook would them.

Namjoon pulled away and wiped a silent tear that slipped. He needed to be a leader right now.

"Guys stop for a second" Namjoon said towards the 5 members suffocating Jungkook with love.

"Let's sit down and talk for a second and not treat jungkook like a big teddy bear."

Slowly all the members sat down on the hospital chairs. And jungkook Let out his last few hiccups from his crying fit.

"Jungkookie I'm so so sorry you have to feel like that ... I wish I could see what you see through your eyes because truthfully I-we don't see any of that... Your such a beautiful human being. No one in this world is perfect no can be or will ever be we all have our imperfections but the thing about your imperfections... they make you a hundred times more beautiful in my eyes from that scar on your cheek to your teeth sticking out a little too far leading to your adorable bunny smile that kills. We all love you jungkook... Love you like really love you. And it hurts that you believe the dumb criticism you get from antis because it's not just you we all get it. I get it, yoongi hyung gets it jimine pabo gets it and then pulls dumb shit like you apparently do as well...Jungkook what- what if you died one of the times you cut... O-or didn't eat... w-what would we have done not only as a-a group but a f-family." Namjoon couldn't take it and finally broke down.

Standing up and shakingly going over to kooks bed collapsing with his head rested on Jungkooks chest, he grabbed Jungkooks hand started rubbing soothing circles on his boney knuckles and started again.

"T-tell me what I need to do... What we need to do to show you you are our everything and without you we don't smile and we don't preform... Because without you we arnt complete. We will sit and talk to you for hours if you need someone to talk to or help you chase the bad thoughts away, or just need someone to cuddle we will be their... Jungkook you never walk alone we will always be here for you wether it be a romantic way or a brotherly anything for you." Namjoon said showing his true soft side .

Jungkook had a feeling that felt so foreign. He had a tear slipping down the side of his face yet, he wasn't sad.

''H-hyungs, I'm so -so s-sorry for worrying you... I love you all so much. I will t-try to get better... For ... For you hyungs."

Jungkook met every word he said. He would try to get better so he could truly appreciate his hyungs like he used to. And so he could make them smile... Only if he knew that won't be as easy as it seems (a/n bahaha y'all gonna hate me soon don't worry their will be a happy ending after hell breaks loose)

(A/n) yooo last day of school was today! But I'm pretty sure I got 3 F's😅😩.
lol that big sad paragraph jungkook said was something i sent to my friend 2days ago I copied and pasted it and changed the words around she's actually reading this(thx for helping paige)


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