°pools of blood°

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Namjoon pov

It has been two hours since the incident. All of us are now in the hospital waiting room. None of us have talked since they arrived and me being the mature leader knew it was time to talk about what happened. I looked around and saw that Jin hyung and Tae are asleep probably tiered from having mental break downs, As for jimin and hobi hung they were laying on each other and from a glance you would think that they are fine but I could clearly see the tears threating to fall from jimins eye's. As for yoongi hyung he was just sitting their fully awake and just staring at the floor not even blinking, once again he looked super scary.

"Okay guys we have to talk about this" I said probably a little to loud because Tae and jin jumped up from their sleep.

Everyone looked at me with a mix of sadness and hope in their eyes like they were expecting me to make this nightmare better which I knew I couldn't. Well not everyone looked at me yoongi hyung is still in a trance and staring at the floor which I decided to let him stare at.

"Every time something happens weather its a meeting about how tae and jimin got into an argument over a game or over jungkook, or weather its something big like when jimin pabo decided not to eat for 10 days, every time this family hits a bump in the road we fix it by talking and caring for each other."

I paused and looked around jimin was forcing a shy smile and looking at me...with everyone else (of course be sides yoongi hyung) just starring sat me with blank faces like they knew what I was about to say next.

"And let me just say now we have never hit a bump this bad, this is serious and I would like to sit here and say everything is gonna be okay and we can take Jungkook home and continue to fight over him and try to win him over and live our normal lives but the truth is some fucking sick basterd tried to kill me and J-Jungkook being the s-sweet caring dongsang that he is jumped in front of the bullet and is now lying unconscious well having his body cut open in a sugary room"

I was completely aware I had a tear falling down my face and when I looked up I saw I wasn't the only one jimins tears that had been threating to fall had started to pour out silently as well as hobis well jin hyung and tae just had a glassy look in their eyes.

"Even though I want to wish for the best... he might not make it an-" I stared before hearing someone slam their fist down on the coffee table in the middle of the room.


I looked up and saw Yoongi hyung standing up and kicking the coffee table down causing all the magazines' to fall down along with my coffee.

"Yoongi hy-" I started

"SHUT UP JUST p-please shut up" he softened his voice from a scream to a weak voice that made him sound as if he was glass that could break at any moment, then he stormed out of the room.

All of us sat in shock silently for a few minutes before Jimin and Jin hyung started to clean up the mess but before finishing cleaning jimin stood up and gave me a warm smile well saying,

"I'll go check on him" then he ran off leaving Jin hyung to clean.

I knew Yoongi hyung had a soft spot for jimin of course not as big as the one for jungkook but jimin still got away with crap I wouldn't be able to get away with.

Yoongis pov

"Even though I want to wish for the best... he might not make it an-"

I couldn't believe what Namjoon was saying how the hell could he have doubt in Jungkook making it I mean he-he has to make it, we wouldn't be Bangtan without him.

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