°safe arm's°

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third pov

After the boys finished arguing with each other for about thirty minutes on wether or not Jungkook should stay one more night at the hospital or come home, Jungkook piped in saying he wanted to go home.

Soon enough they were on their way home with the some instructions for the still recovering Jungkook.

1) Keep him off his feet for a while, if he needs to walk help him or make sure his crutches are always in reach.

2)small portions of food

3) Watch him with sharp object's

4) No dancing for 6 weeks

5)no out side events like fan meets or concerts ect. For 3 weeks

6) make him feel loved he needs it the most right now.

One of their manager's had picked the group up from the hospital about twenty minutes ago. Usually Jin would be one to sit in the passenger seat but he insisted on sitting near Jungkook during the ride.

And of course mama Jin always gets his way.

Jungkook was inbetween Jin and Jimin with his soft coconut head resting on jins wide shoulders. Well Namjoon took Jins usual seat next to the manager telling him about Jungkooks condition and what the poor boy had been doing to himself .

Jimin was the only member awake besides the leader and the eomma who was running his fingers through Jungkooks black hair.

"Jin hyung" Jimin said in a soft voice

Jin brought his attention to the smallest boy in the van and gave a warm smile.

"Yes Jimine?"

"Why does jungkook do that harmful stuff to himself... Like cutting? he's perfect and shouldn't think so low of himself like that... Why doesn't he know he's perfect." jimin asked looking down at the said boy.

Jin thought for a moment before saying, "I don't know Jimin why did you starve your self ?"

Jimins head shot up, "I-i ummm" he dropped his fluffy head in deafet "I didn't think I was good enough and listened to the hate and compared myself to to you guys."

Jin gave a slight look of pity before giving a sweet smile, "Well just like you jimin he let the bad sides of being an idol get to him." Before Jimin could say anything Jin continued, " And just like you we will help him back into health and realize how important he is. "

Jimin gave his famous eye smile before whispering a thank you hyung and burring his head into Jungkooks side and dozing to sleep.

"Night pabo" Jin said before letting his head fall in jungkooks head and letting sleep consume him.

Jungkooks pov

"Wake up baby" I squirmed in my sleep imidetly regreting that, forgetting that I had a bullet wound. I gasped and shot up in pain.

"Ahhhhh" I whimpered grabbing at my stomach.

I heard a loud gasp before feeling myself getting lifted up bridal style.

"Are you okay baby" I was about to reply to the mom like man holding me before he started again.

"You need to be more careful... Remember you need to take it easy." Jin hyung said not even meeting my eyes just walking to the door.

"Okay hyung thank you" I said getting sleepy again and snuggling into Jins touch.

Until hearing coos remembering that the members were their and after them seeing me cry so much today I didn't want them to think I was a soft little baby because I'm a man now.

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