curtains up!!!

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           Yvania's P.O.V

"Here we are! I'm okay thank you all. Well I think I'll just talk something small.(cheers) Am just talking about my crazy family. That's the beginning of our show today.
Describing it I mean the family or should I say a bunch of four powerful women in a crazy house.
Raquel is the lady we call mummy. She's a teacher by profession and with passion she's green eyed,dark brown haired, beautiful,strong and kindhearted. She really loves us and cares like no other. She's the head of the family.
My mummy is a witty woman. Sometimes I get to really laugh and roll on the floor with her watching as if she didn't drop a bomb containing the laughing gas.

Body size?

No. Let's not talk about that because I don't remember the actual size of lady Quezada. What I know is that some factors contributed to her change in body size.

Then comes Mia Angel the firstborn among three cute princesses. She's an air hostess and an upcoming fashion designer. She's  slender,brown eyed, her hair colour is copper brown. She's twenty three and about 5.8 feet tall. She does what she likes she's the 'I don't care what it is' type and if she says she doesn't give a hoot she means it. Mia is like a second mum to us. She's a risk taker and fears no one. I think she should've been a boy. She's a real extrovert, likes partying and always being on the fashion trend. I'll put myself last because I can't describe myself that much.

Tanisha Sky 'babybop' 'squishy cheeks' is our green eyed,dark brown haired last born with chubby cheeks and dimples. Actually her middle name was Elizabeth but due to some circumstances all of us agreed to changing it to Skylynn,its more of two first names but its cute and unique. I like disturbing her and squishing her cheeks that's if she's in a good mood or else she'll erupt higher than Mt Everest. She is cute but so spoilt or let me put it this way she's infected with the highschool 'let's have fun and squeeze the last penny out of our parents' disease. She's very stubborn and sometimes rude. She's not a baby she's now sixteen. Compared to me and Mia who tend to be slender and liking it she's the exact opposite and she likes it too I mean who hates it then goes ahead and eat all fatty foods on earth and hates the gym like hell fire. Believe me when I say eating is her hobby.

Uh oh the pointer is in my direction I don't know how to start. I can't describe myself. Maybe POVs will do much. I like reading,writing,watching movies,partying and making new friends and I mean the real ones.(speaks quietly) Idk how the real ones look like .( louder) but hey  I mean real with capital 'R'. Everyone's a pretender so I won't say anything about that.
I'm the second born two years older than Tanisha and four years younger than Mia. Oh yes I remembered something about myself. What do you call a mixture of an introvert and an extrovert? Exintrovert? Is there such a word in the dictionary? If no then Y'vania inverted this.

Can I get a hell yeah?

Don't play around with me I know English and all that stuff.

"You know nothing loser am the only one that fits to be in the Guineas book of records." Says Rapunzel (cough) I mean the lady with the longest hair coming towards me.

I didn't even know she's a fan of my show.

Being competitive or rather trying  I stand up and edge closer saying
"Oh! What do you think you are you freaking monkey? Do you think having long hair is the perfect solution for everything?" The audience watching the show live cheer giving me the crowd to go on but just then Benjamin Bolger  comes in carrying his eleven degrees certificates saying
"All of you back off. It's me the most learned man on the planet who is supposed to be here not you."
"Oh really?" I say then go on
"I invented a very powerful word." He says something but I don't get to hear due to the audience still cheering me to go on. Someone grabs a microphone and says,
"All of you are dumbshit you've distracted our favourite show just get out of here and let miss Y'vania go on with the show."
"Yaay! Go on miss Yvania!" The audience cheers and am on stage feeling like I just landed on Mars and came back to earth.
"What are you smiling at get up!" I then feel the splash of cold water.

Back again with the water alarm. Nisha.

And that means...
"Nisha you pig you're going to face it!" I get up and start running after her. She's a fast runner despite her body size but not as fast as me I guess so. Why? Because soon enough I catch up with her but before I get to hit her mummy appears from the kitchen.
"When will you kids grow up?"
"Kids need like ten years to grow up mummy so be patient and never mind." I say without staring at her.
"Y'vania Faith Spencer." She starts giving me that look..

Uh oh first,middle and last name equals to ...not good at all and that look...equals to a big fat punch ugh! Italian temper.

She moves slowly towards us. You know what? Am not dumb one step forward I take two steps backwards and of course not letting go off my 'prey'
"I thought eighteen years of commonsense will help in solving this clownish behaviour." She says quietly.
"Yes she's a clown who looks like a hungry monkey smiling in her dreams."
"She was?" Mummy asks laughing. I grind my teeth and tighten the grip on  Tanisha's wrist.
"Ouch! You're hurting me." Tanisha screams
"I thought fat people don't feel pain"
"You're just here remember I can decide to break your bones."
Mummy gets back to the kitchen laughing probably tired of our childish fights and comes out with a serving spoon in her hand.

Uh oh. How unpredictable of you mummy.

"She started it." Tanisha says putting herself on the nicer side of the story.
"No she started it! I speak rather quickly in defence.
" She woke me up when my show wasn't over yet and I was in the middle of a contest with Benjamin Bolger and Xie Qiuping. This dimwit cut it off with a splash of water." I then punch her upper arm.
"Ouch! SpongeBob did you say and Patrick and Sandy?"
"No. Real people Nisha and you woke me u-" The next thing I see is the serving spoon coming straight towards us. I quickly jump aside and it ends up hitting the wall instead.
"What's all this noise about? Why do you have to wake me up every morning with your loud voices. I need to rest okay?"
"Courtesy of miss squishy cheeks." I say defending myself again." Mia just stares at us and shakes her head.
" I think I told you not to splash water on your sister Nisha that isn't a healthy way of waking people up. Now can you give me the spoon and Y'vania let go of your sister!" Mummy says going back to the kitchen. Tanisha stares at Mia then back to me and whispers
"I don't know why she thinks she's so grown up."
"I heard that dimwit."
"Am not a dimwit you b-"
"Hey language please." I cut Nisha off before mummy gets to hear the disaster word.

Who knows a pan might fly in here.

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