Stage 3: Part 30

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I stood frozen in my spot when Allan's words reached my ears. Why is he saying such things? Jack would never do that.

'Why are you... lying?' I whispered, fear squeezing my chest.

'You know I would never lie to you, twin' he said and walked to me. I looked at him and saw his face contorted in anger.

'He w-would never do that!' I shouted and took a step away from him, denying everything.

'Lynea, listen to me. When I was walking that shit of the day, I did found Malica dead, but I also saw Jack leaving her room seconds before I saw her sprawled on that bed through her open door. I hid behind the corner as I watched him leave and I....' his voice cut short and I noticed him breathing heavily.

'Y-you what?' I whispered trembling. Allan looked at me distraught and pulled me into a crushing hug.

'I heard him say that you are next' he whispered by my ear and my eyes went wide.

'N-no, he w-would never....' I whispered, tears brimming in my eyes from new information.

'I didn't want to believe either, but I saw him, Lynea. Malica was still warm when I had enough courage to walk into her room.'

I couldn't believe it. All this time I was spending time with a murderer? And if we would have made it to the Alps... I would have been dead?

'Why was he not found out?' I croaked, barely finding energy to talk. Allan pulled away and held my shoulders as he chuckled dryly, shaking his head.

'The shit has enough money to buy entire New York. Bribing police is nothing to him' he explained and it made sense.

'Wait, how does Tlaloc know about it? Did you tell him?' I asked confused as memories of him claiming exact same thing came flooding to me. So he was right after all.

'I... I don't know how he did it, but I think he read his mind' Allan said frowning.

'Reading his mind?' That didn't make any sense. It was impossible.

'I should probably tell you everything from the start' Allan sighed and took my hand. He lead me to the lake and we sat by the shore.

'After we ate our fish and you with Anna fell asleep, I couldn't fall asleep so I decided to stay up and watch the camp. Apparently, Jack was in the same position, so we both staid up and just talked. Then we heard something moving in the brushes. Jack suggested that we check it out, but I disagreed, saying that we had nothing to fight with plus you two would have been left open. While we argued, we didn't see than sneak up on us and when we did, well.... they knocked us out quite quick. We woke up bounded by ropes in some cave and soon after Alpha with Ogden came in. Jack was spitting curses at them and demanding to be released while I was shitting my pants'

I couldn't help but giggle at his remark and Allan smirked at me.

'Jack's curses didn't do any good and it only irritated Alpha, so he punched Jack in the face in order to shut him up. After a few hits, Jack was barely conscious and too weak to speak, but still was able to glare at Alpha. Then Alpha placed his hand on Jack's forehead and just zoned out. I wasn't sure what he was doing, but when he came to his senses and pulled away, I saw his face in shock and then turn in disgust.'

'He saw what happened' I concluded and Allan nodded.

'Yeah, because he turned to me clearly ready to see something similar. I guess he was looking into our minds for the worst things we have done'

'Wait, what did he saw in yours?' I asked and saw Allan rub his neck.

'He... he saw me stalk you home' he spoke and I looked at him surprised. Then I remembered when Allan got worked up in eleventh grade when I tripped three times in one day and made it his mission to make sure that I made safely home. He sucked at hiding while I walked home and I caught him almost instantly.

'I remember that' I chuckled and saw Allan blush.

'Well, Alpha saw entire day and when the memory cut short on the spot where you caught me, he pulled back with a small smile. Now that I look back, he said to Ogden to bring me to the Herbalist. When I was brought there I- what's wrong?' He asked and I caught myself frowning with disgusted face on the mention of the Herbalist. I still remembered what she has done to me.

'I hate her, but never mind me, continue' I spoke and Allan nod hesitantly.

'So, when I was brought there, the old woman made me some liquid from herbs and made me drink it. The moment it was all in me, she spoke and I could understand her. Her and Ogden'

I felt my palms clench into fists. She made him a simple drink from leaves while I had to not only drink Jack's blood, but also eat his tongue? Just thinking back made my stomach queasy, so I decided to leave those thoughts when I will be close to toilet.

'So, what's next?' I asked and instantly saw Allan go pale.

'Next I was... I had to kill someone' he whispered and I looked at him shocked, my eyes wide.

'Y-you didn't' I whispered back, but Allan groaned frustrated.

'I did. I had to'

'No you didn't' I opposed, but he only chuckled dryly.

'I did. It was that man or me and I didn't want to leave you alone, twin. Somehow at that moment I understood that if I didn't kill that man in front of those people, especially when the Herbalist and Alpha was standing in front of me, waiting for me to make my decision, I would be next on that pedestal.'

I looked away from him and into the misty water before me. So my thoughts were right, he didn't have a choice. He joined them only to survive.

'And then you were given clothes and ordered to translate for Tlaloc?' I inquired and he nod.

'Yeah, I'm glad that he took liking to you' he spoke and I frowned.

'Allan-' I wanted to warn him, but he cut me off.

'He might be old, but that doesn't make him a bad partner' he said and I sighed.

'I don't know, it's weird to think of us as a couple' I mumbled and pulled at the grass by my side. It was even more weird to listen to Allan speaking positively about this place and these strange people.

'Why? The man clearly cares about you'

'And hurt me. He is not all love and sunshine, Allan. He forced me to kill Jack, bit into my shoulder twice and it was really painful. His people hate me and want me dead.' I spoke heated and buried my face into my knees.

'Now think of something good he did' Allan didn't give up. My mind happily jumped to work and reminded me of his warm and strong hugs, his kisses that left me breathless and my skin tingling, his worried eyes when I crawled back after the attack that made my stomach explode with butterflies.

I groaned and shook my head.

'I know him for barely two weeks, Allan, I can't just open my arms to him. What if we get found by the rescue team?' I asked and saw Allan frown, clearly haven't thought about it.

'But what if we don't?' He spoke and looked at me. I bit my lip and looked away, my cheeks already getting red.

'Then I'll open my arms' I mumbled.

'You mean your legs' Allan smirked and I looked at him shocked, my face bright red.

'ALLAN!' I screamed at the top of my lungs with him running off laughing and me chasing after him steaming from embarrassment.


Here are two chapters in one day, now leave me alone y-you.... hungry minotaurs!!!

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