Part 32

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After our little make out session, Tlaloc went to cool down while I staid laying for a minute and thought about what I felt. It seems I have been doing a lot of thinking on this island.

The raw feeling of lust and need that I felt was new, but for some reason not disgusting. If we look at our age differences, it would be a big no no back home, don't let me start on my parents view to this whole "love" situation. Tlaloc had told me that my home society's rules didn't apply here, but was I personally fine with us doing things like that?

I snorted at the irony. Moments before I said to Allan that I felt weird being together with Tlaloc, but the first thing I do when we get back to living chambers is make out without thinking about consequences. If I had let Tlaloc go till the end, the pregnancy is 100% guaranteed and what would I have done then? Crying about my stupidity? Probably.

And what drove us to lock our mouths in the first place? Was it pure lust or an actual love? Did I love Tlaloc? He was definitely an eyes candy, but was I ready to get serious with him? For the rest of my life nonetheless.

I closed my eyes as even more questions rose from my situation. I swear, I should have gone studying philosophy.

Understanding that laying on the furs will not answer any of my questions, I decided to make lunch.

Standing up from the furs I went to gather small branches for the fire. Since it was hot as hell during the day in here as well, I made small fires for cooking so that the cave couldn't ignite or something and cook me alive. The fact that we lived in volcano didn't help either.

Thinking for a bit, I decided to make chicken soup or at least try. My stomach rumbled, reminding me of the venison stew Tlaloc made me and determination swelled in me. I will make even better soup.

Walking quickly to the crates across the fur bed, I took couple chicken breasts, leaks, potatoes, carrots and some local forest spices. Carrying everything to the fire, I began making lunch.

After a good 40 minutes before me stood a pot full with soup. The aroma was filling the cave and I carefully tasted it. Rich chicken flavour exploded in my mouth and I grinned. It came out wonderfully.

My eyes traveled to the entrance of the spring and I frowned. Tlaloc was still in there and my stomach squeezed in worry. What if he drowned? Slipped and cracked his skull open? Passed out from heat?  Why am I imagining worst scenarios instead of checking on him?

With that thought I jumped from my awesome pot of soup and trotted to the entrance. Standing behind the wall I listened for any sound and soon heard a small splashing sound. A sigh of relief escaped my lips and I glanced towards the shadows on the wall created by the fire beside the spring.

Suddenly, an idea came to my mind. I turned my head towards the cave and spoke to Tlaloc.

'Tlaloc, if you are dead, don't make a sound'

Standing still for a moment I heard not a single sound and couldn't hold a chuckle.

'And here I was thinking of poisoning your lunch. Well, time to turn this place into female hierarchy' I spoke smirking and walked back to my golden soup. Not a minute later Tlaloc walked out with only fur plate around his hips, water dripping down from his hair onto his chest and almost making me drool. Almost.

His blue eyes locked with mine and with a small frown he began walking towards me.

'What was that?' He asked, his voice taunting and I had a hard time not to jump from my spot and run away from him. My body wasn't ready for another session of tickles. I put my best innocent face and looked at him.

'What was what?' I batted my eyes at him, fake tasting the soup.

'The poison and overthrowing my position' he growled and dropped next to me. I faked worry on my face and turned to him.

'Are you alright? I was making lunch all this time. Maybe you overheated in the spring?' I asked him and pretended to check his forehead for temperature. My hand was roughly grabbed by Tlaloc who gave me a death stare and I bit my lower lip to contain a smile, but he saw that motion. In a second, he pushed me down on the ground and pinned me down with his own half naked body, putting my face ablaze.

'Plotting secretly behind my back hm?' He asked me with a hint of the smile and I looked at him shocked, playing along.

'How could you think like that? We have been living together for almost two weeks and you don't trust me?' I asked him, my voice hurt, but a smile breaking past my teeth grip.

'Yet after those two weeks we are still unmated. I wonder why you keep denying me. Maybe because you know that the only way to get the Alpha position is to have no competition from my side of the family, sons included?' He spoke playfully and bit my earlobe causing me to gasp.

'I-I am simply not ready for that' I stuttered, my mind already loosing focus from his touch. Tlaloc caught on to the stutter and moved to my neck, his teeth attacking marked area.

'Don't lie to me, Lynea. You showed me how much you crave me' he spoke with his voice turned down so that only I could hear it as he grazed my sensitive skin. The whole playfulness was gone as the intimate atmosphere was coming back, but I managed to keep my mind in place with my conscious nails in order to not face the consequences.

'I-I am not lying, I just w-want you to taste my s-soup' my voice sounded breathless, but it was enough to bring Tlaloc back to reality. His chuckle reached my ear as he pushed himself away from me and pulled me on my butt.

'Nicely avoided, but it won't work next time' he said with a smirk as he began pouring my chicken soup into bowls.

'I think my soup came out better than yours' I changed the subject and watched him raise a very sceptical eyebrow at me.

'I don't think so' he said and gave me my bowl.

'How long have you been cooking?' I asked him with a grin.

'For 35 years'

My smile vanished instantly and it was his turn to smirk at me. I narrowed my eyes at him and took a huge gulp of the soup.

'I will surpass you and this kitchen will be mine' I challenged him and received a throaty chuckle.

'We will see about that' he accepted my challenge and took a big swing of the soup as well.


The sound of dozens footsteps spunded through the forest. A young woman with tattered black shirt was running for dear life as at least a good hundred of minotaurs with huge axes were chasing her.

'Chicken soup is made with noodles not potatoes, stupid author!' A deep voice came from the beast crowd. The author looked back and frowned at the mass.

'No it is not. In my family nobody uses noodles with chickens, learn some new culture!' She shouted irritated and sped up with the beast mass not falling behind.

Wait... was that a minotaur with a pink tutu running at the end of the crowd?

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