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THIS IS A SEQUEL TO "What Happened?" If you didn't read it go on my page and read that one FIRST! Enjoy ❤️


6 Months Later

"I can't fucking do this anymore!" I screamed slamming things in the hospital.

"Woah! Jewel calm down!" Edwin yelled grabbing my arms. He pulled me to him and stared at me concerned. Tears were pouring down my face uncontrollably and my chest was rising fast.

"Edwin I-I can't anymore. I can't wait around anymore. It's killing me-"

"Baby girl breathe. It's ok. But I need you to breathe," Edwin sighed softly wiping my tears and I nodded.

"Edwin I can't. Can you leave me alone for a moment?" I asked and he nodded. He walked out the door and I clenched my eyes shut.

I turned to look at Him.

It gets harder to look at him every single day I come here. He's shown no signs of waking up and it was more depressing as time went by. I tried going to therapy and it didn't work. They put me on pills but they made me sick. I tried distracting myself as much as possible but I couldn't carry on.

I walked slowly to his bedside and sat on the chair. I scooted closer to him and grabbed his hand. I rubbed my thumb across his knuckles and took a deep breath.

"Zion I can't anymore. I can't keep putting myself through this. I'm not doing so good. I'm not ok. I love you more than anything but I think it's time that I let you go," I spat bringing his hand to my face.

Tears poured down my face and I kissed his hand hard. I rested his hand at his side and stared at my engagement ring. I rubbed the diamond and closed my eyes. I slid off the ring and felt my chest squeeze. I put it in his pocket and looked at his face. I got to my feet and took a deep breath. I kissed his lips softly and backed away slowly.

"Bye Zion," I whispered and I turned away from him.

I walked out the door and saw Edwin leaning against the wall. He looked at me worriedly and I smiled softly.

"It's ok Edwin. I'll be ok."

"Where's your ring?" He asked.

"I left it Ed. It's time. I'm going through hell. I'm putting you and the rest through it. You all been strong for me and I need to be strong and move forward. It's been 6 months he's not coming back," I spat and he covered his mouth looking away.

"I'm sorry Jewel," he sighed pulling me in a hug.

"It's fine."

1 Month Later

"Guys can we talk?"

I looked up from my phone and saw Nick standing with two bags. I wrinkled my eyebrows in confusion as Austin also came downstairs with bags.

"Where are y'all going?" Rose asked.

"We're leaving. The band isn't going no where without Zi- Him. It doesn't even feel right dancing anymore-"

"Nick stop. Zion wouldn't want this-"

"Brandon we're grown ass men. We need to figure out what we're gonna do. It's been months! We need to make a living somehow-"

"Guys we said a year!" Edwin growled.

"Stop being naive!" Austin yelled and we all stared at him shocked.

"Zion isn't coming back," Nick added.

"So you're leaving?" I asked.

"Yes we are-"

"Well there's the door," Rose spat crossing her arms looking at Nick hurt.

Nick sighed deeply and took a step towards Rose. She lifted a finger and he stopped.

"Rose understand-"

"Nick you're my best friend. And you're leaving now? I'm due soon!" Rose yelled and his eyes wandered to her belly. She was ready to pop.

"Rose I'm sorry-"

"You can leave. Some friend you are," she growled walking upstairs.

Brandon rubbed his face and glared at Nick. "I'll make the announcement on the page and shut it down. Get out."

Brandon got up and went to the door and opened it. Nick looked down sadly and Austin was shaking. Nick nodded and walked pass Brandon quickly along with Austin. He slammed the door behind them and Edwin went to him. Ed pulled him in a hug and then we all cuddled on the couch. B took out his phone and logged into the PrettyMuch page. He went live and fans started pouring in.

"Yo it's PrettyMuch!" Edwin said and B and I said "Woo-ooo!"

"We have something serious to talk about and we want to apologize for being so distant lately," Edwin started.

"Zion being in a coma has been rough on us. It's been months and there's still no sign of him awakening. Nick and Austin parted ways," Brandon sighed covering his face getting emotional.

"We're here to tell you that PrettyMuch is no more. Our personal accounts will stay up but as far as this one, it would be deactivated," Edwin said.

"We all love you and appreciate the journey you have given us. It's the greatest blessing I ever received besides being a father soon. Thank you so much Beanz. But this is where it ends," Brandon cried and I began crying as well.

"Prettymuch!" Edwin spat out and began crying as well. We exited out the live and we took a moment to gather ourselves.

"That's it... Prettymuch is over..."




This will be the last book on the series. Only two books I'm not gonna drag it.

I appreciate you for stringing along to the second book.

Please vote, comment and message me!

Love y'all 💕

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