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It always used to be beautiful. When you hear your heartbeat thundering the walls of your heart. Makes only sound in deadpan room. Life which outshines like sun on the rusted planet earth hides the fear of most dreadful things ever.

But that's the topic for another day and of some other time.

Hi I'm Theodore Arthur. I was staring at the ceiling trying to x-ray my vision to tear that apart and could have glimpse of the night sky. Because every night now used to like this for me from past two weeks and three days. It couldn't get any worse when you sleep for ten hours in a single week. But that was the perfect condition I got.

In first week I started to stare at the clock and could able to observe the movements of an hour hand in it. I was wide awake in all nights, hence proved. Second week those movements got more depressing than the nights were already. I changed the clock, tried another way. And here in third week this time staring at the ceiling. Trying to create a hole in it to stargaze. Which is most ridiculous way to concentrate on one thing for getting sleep.

My thoughts were not in London anymore. Even not on planet earth. They were light years away from here and watching evolution of dinasours on some strange planet, in way another galaxy than Milky way.

I could tremble all other planets and places in the entire universe by my wide open eyes in the whole night but dreams can never be the one who could led me there. Because they never show up.

In extreme short, I'm insomniac now for a half month and counting. What could the worst possible reason for this shit happening with me? Another thought added on the already trail of existing millions.

Tried hard and absolute everything Google told me to do out of this whole condition, except for the facts that nearly declared my insomnia was related to some kind of brain cancer. Which was non- believable even for toddlers.

This amazingly proved me how terribly Google can be useless. Think -

But now only -disappointment was the only friend of mine in the night full of tiredness, sickness, restlessness and sleeplessness.

I lived in my thoughts, it is a huge rush of tornado and I don't want it to running inside of me like a wild monster. It is not my mind anymore, these awaken nights are permanent eclipse on my life and I clearly, by far could not seem to cure it all. Nothing left here in this moment was beautiful anymore.


Its the short story I'm doing for the first time hope y'all like this one. I am so excited to share this because it's actually based on a dream but twisted and turned in another form. I know it sounds weird but just stuck with it. It won't be a disappointment. Let's atleast hope for the best.

If any similarity from any story out there you find with this one, I'm already announcing that would be a pure co-incidence.

“that was the mandatory line to mention„

The song you can listen is mentioned above. If it doesn't relates to  the chapter no worries. I put it over there because I listened it while writing. No biggie.

Just give it a try. Hope you'll enjoy.
Lots of love to all.

Thank you.

Seeking SOMNUSWhere stories live. Discover now