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The night was going to be a long one. Mum made tea for herself and for me a cup of my coffee. She was calmed and poised. She understood me, like Clara said she would.

"So it started after I found out how dad died. I read the report." I started.

"But I didn't know the reason. Because I thought he was just a jerk, why would I feel bad about his death. Then I figured out our mind works in mysterious ways." I continued. Mum did not say anything or even flinch she silently listened to me.

"On last week's Thursday I went in department to submit leave application form for Erick, there I met someone." I decided to continue my story by telling her about Clara.

"She helped me in the first place to find out the cause of my insomnia. She is going through the same problem as me." I said.

"She?" My mother asked raising her left eyebrow.

"Yea, she, her name is Clara." I chuckled nervously. "She's just a friend." I quickly added though I knew it wasn't true somewhere.

My mom didn't say anything but sort of chuckled at her son's stupidity.

"Mum, we later shared our problems, our mind troubles, our pain. She helped me through a lot. After talking for long and long about our vulnerabilities, I slept that night peacefully for plenty of hours." I stole a gaze of her face, and she was concerned and smiling. "We didn't have... We didn't do... Oh god!" I stumbled.

"Oh Theo, I know. I know obviously son. Even if you had it, that wouldn't be a problem. Okay?" She supported me. I felt sort of a relief.

"Then on Sunday, the real chaos took place." Now this was the tough part of story.

"Mrs. Atwell you know her, she lives across the street. It's her son." Then I elaborated the whole rules and bait story, dodging the matter when Bailey left Fin alone that night. Rather than that, I explained all.

"So because of hin being the bait to his boyfriend, those people abducted him. And kept him hostage in the villa in Wentworth lane. I know it is all corrupted and illegal place but I had to go there to rescue him." My mum stunned by the information, as if she knew about that lane and the villa more than me, even vividly.

"You went in Wentworth lane, Theo oh Jesus! And that villa, did it have a vulture engraved on it's entrance?" She asked doubtfully.

"Yea, you know that place?" I cross-questioned.

"Sort of. Then what happened?"

"While I was in that old house, for rescuing Bailey, in a deserted room I found few contract papers. And what actually stunned me was, it had dad's name on it along with someone named Vincent Gilbert." As I blurted out the name, she went pale. Like she knew this man personally.

"You know him ma don't you?" I asked roughly, she nodded in agreement and asked me to tell her everything.

"I stole those papers." I added.

"You have them with you, RIGHT NOW." She nearly screamed in astonishment.

"I do, but not the original copy. I had to made a trade afterwards because this girl Madeline stole my phone and leaked a footage of me betting for illegal fight club." I straight face lied about the video because I didn't have the audacity to accept what truly leaked.

"And for that purpose, we needed the money. The stacks were really high and I ended up destroying their reputation by being the bait to Bailey. It was all illegal, wrong and unacceptable. I get it. I'm sorry. But it just happened with one thing lead to another." I explained my part.

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