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She bent down and handcuffed my hands behind my back made me fall on my knees. She then walked across the room and grabbed a chair and took her seat.

She let go of my bottom and stopped spilling my blood out.

"You better have some real good reason to show up here." She said as she was enjoying the current situation very much.

"I want to sign-in for tonight's wager. What else would you wanna know?" I asked her sounded completely pissed.

"Oh, so here you listen, we cannot just take any random guy walks into the store ridiculously flirt and then let them sign-in for the wagers. You need to win my trust to sign-in and you shall then receive the pass to entry." She smirked,"hope I made myself pre-tty clear." She said with amusing tone giving little break between the word 'pretty'.
She paused then nearly screamed,"Have I made myself clear!"

I ignored her surface frustration and nodded in agreement.

"Good" she faked a smile. "So I'll ask you few questions and you will answer them and I'll decide if they satisfy the policy needs of a right client."

I nodded again wanted to get over with it as soon as possible. I didn't have much time.

"So first question, who are you and do you belong to any police undercover sting operation or investigation?" She said and for a mild second I wanted to snort what the hell was going in her mind!

"What, heck no! I'm just nineteen. Obviously I don't belong anywhere near any investigation." I blunted out. Hopefully my voice was enough convincing. Because it was the truth.

"Oh are you dear boy just nineteen?" She bent in to take a quick look of my face."you're one grown up brat."

"Your name?" She asked.

"Harley Matthews." Whatever came into my mind I said.

I could feel the raising suspicion in her mind. But she decided to stay quiet on it.

"Alright, move on to next question, how do you know Bailey? Why were you asking about him earlier this afternoon?" She pressed her lips into thin line and raised her brows twice.

"He's a friend of a friend. Plus he was the Bait tonight." I tried to convince her more here because this one was a half lie and a half truth."I was just wondering back then if he's going to fight or not, so I could actually get my money doubled."

"How you think you're gonna do that?" Now she seemed more interested in my story.

"Because I know that Bailey guy. He's no fighter. He's just a little kid even younger than me. I could beat him up easily so it would be the one hand job for the opponent guy. See this like the guaranteed doubled amount no matter how much I invest. It's the profit–profit deal, who would wanna say no to it!" I completed my sentence and she raised an eyebrow looked convinced by far.

"Cool. So the friend of friend you talked about, who this guy actually friends with if not you?" Now this one could blow away everything.

"George Marshall. Whose Bait Bailey has become at the Priors this Friday. The fighter of the Prior this week." I knew nothing about George that would let it all go off the road. So I tried to pull the conversation in my favour by giving her important yet nonsensical information.

"Oh I see, I see." She was no more in a cheerful gaming mood. She went silent for a while and her expressions turned into seriousness.

"So you're going to bet against your friend?" She knew perfectly what to question next. She should be police department's official negotiator.

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