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"I told you you're the fiercest human I've ever met." Theo whispered, a tear slide down his face. He could feel it in himself.

Clara and Theo sit silently side by side. She was staring at her father's portrait. He squeezed her hands softly. She then put her head on his shoulder. There was a peaceful silence between them.

"Clara forgive me." Theo mumbled sadly afterwards. Wind was mildly swirling in the environment.

"It's okay. Everything is okay." She said, thinking about events and emotions altogether. She by heart forgave him but few things she could never forget.

"You deserve a chance to explain yourself. I'm sorry too the way I acted that night. I should've listened to you. Should've comforted you, I should've be there for you, but my anger clouded my decisions and it made me so furious... I couldn't stand your ruptured condition. It... it hurt me. But I'm so so sorry. It's my fault too. " She confessed her mind. The pang of guilt she's been feeling this long she finally put those in words.

"Shush! Don't it's not your fault. Not at all. Don't say that-" he instantly told her to stop blaming herself but she cut him off then added.

"It was not fair. You got to agree with that. It's okay. It's okay. I acted out of rage, that wasn't right." She mumbled shifting a little then pouring her eyes into his.

"How about the storytime. You tell me everything. I mean everything you feel like. What happened that day?" They both were calmed and she asked. She knew things could be messed up or it might be hell of the incident but she felt ready to take in. He was eager to clean his ledger for her too.

"It started with a phone call." He begins. "The guy who was staying with Fin the other night when I visited you, he ditched Fin in the midnight. That's when the trouble begin. I was working my ass off that entire day to save his life." He continued. She had this perplexed look on her face.

"I know it make no sense." Furthermore Theo narrated the entire story for the millionth time, but probably this time he elaborated and explained it to its finest details. Better than ever. He told about Jackson to Madeline. He slightly mentioned the contract papers but didn't go much deeper in details regarding to them. He wanted her to stay out of it. Her life was messed enough.

Then it came a time when in the end he madly apologized for the video. Explained thoroughly what exactly happened yet he couldn't stop being sorry for it.

"Why would you apologize to me? Whomsoever you kiss is totally your business." She said though it was bluffing in some sort her mind know that but she was ignoring all facts.

"What? No. I have to apologize. It would make no sense. When according to plan I was in that situation, it felt like cheating somehow. I couldn't figure why did it feel like cheating.... But it did. Nothing.... Absolutely nothing was righteous in that moment. It felt so ridiculously wrong." He was just saying whatever coming to his mouth. He wasn't blabbering neither bluffing. It was the raw truth.

"Why..." She muttered.

"I.. I have no idea. But it felt like I was cheating on you." He hasn't realized he just said that. After the words left his mouth realisation hit his brain.

"I should think more before speak. Huh.. I'm.. I'm.." and he started again. He started to stammer once again.

"Just don't" She by then knew about his stammer condition and she chuckled amusedly."Don't you dare apologize for that. C'mon Theo!" She patted on his shoulder.

"I can't deny feeling bad after seen you snogging then I realized it was none of my business." The night for confessions went on.

Theo smiled with hope, he didn't know he would feel that someday.

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