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I was once like you are now, and I know that it's not easy,
To be calm when you've found something going on
But take your time, think a lot,
Why, think of everything you've got
For you will still be here tomorrow, but your dreams may not



It was cold outside, and I was curled under my blanket, feeling warm and relaxed. I was just nine, little, dumb boy, who had huge expectations from his life. Who was always cheerful and optimistic in living. But that night everything fell apart.

I was sort of accepted the fact that my father will never return and all I got was my mum and this beautiful little world of mine around her.
Everything was going really good then one day he decided to show up, like nothing bad he ever done.

My mum accepted him and forgive all of his past sins. I felt double emotions about his return but it was now about a year and half. I never did talk in particular with him because I was a scared little kid and he never tried from his part to bond up with me. I could never care less.

That night, I heard a loud noise came from our living area. I almost had my heart came out of my chest. I walk in slower pace to the stairs. I wanted to see if something was wrong.

I saw the demonic possession on my dad. I felt like he was not him. He was shouting like no one's hearing. He was screaming his lungs out cursing in sickest way. I felt a shiver ran down my spin. My body was shaking at it's place. There was my mum on the other trying to calm him down. But he didn't listen. He swang his hand in the air and next I heard was my mum's scream. He hit her. Really hard.

I wrapped my one hand around my stomach and another covered my mouth. I didn't know what to do or should I move from my spot at all. I couldn't feel my legs anymore. They were rooted to the floor beneath me.

He was throwing things in the living room here and there. Everywhere.

Or should I say he was throwing stuffs at mom. He had a briefcase in his hands. I didn't know what was in that but that seemed like the only thing he cared about.

"I will take whatever I want!" He screamed out.

"I'm done acting. I want this I will take this away and I'll come back whenever I need it Again." He shouted at mum, grabbed her shoulders tightly and intensify the atmosphere. This was scaring me to my gut. I wanted to do something. Just anything that will drag him far away from my mom. And then she'll be safe.

"Don't do this! It's your child– don't you care for him. What kinda monster you are!" Mum's sharp voice pierced through the intense air. Made my dad lose his control, and he hit her bad that caused her serious injury.

He hit her, threw her away. Left her in pain and pool of blood in the middle of hall and ran away from our lives.

I rushed downstairs and called 911. I tried to wake her up but nothing happened. She was fainted and nothing I could do to give her back her concious.

Later that year I found out, that the shit what my dad did to her that night was not the worst. He did all those cause he knew she was pregnant with his child and he being a pathetic human, didn't want anymore burdens on his shoulders. He stole huge amount of my mom's money and few more precious stuffs that mom loved. She was not talking about me in general earlier in the fight with him, she was talking about their unborn child. And he hit her when she was two months pregnant. All I wished in my teen and before teen was to kill him as brutally as possible. Thinking of becoming a criminal and take revenge for my mum. But destiny wanted me to stay a nice person. Not at all wanted me to be like him. And I would never.

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