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"Jackson." Theo breathed without shifting from his place.

"It's nice to meet you Mrs. Arthur, am I right? I'm Jackson Queen." Jackson greeted nicely to Theo's mother. And gently shake hands with her.

"I'm Freya Arthur, nice to meet you too." Theo's mother replied with a warming smile.

"Come on in, son." She apparently invited him in.

Theo was horrified by Jackson's unwanted and unnerving visit. How did he know where Theo lived. Theo's mind went numb and he followed them inside in living room.

Every step Jackson was taking inside his home, his anxiety was raising terribly.

"You both sit, and talk, I bring something to eat okay?" Theo's mom left them and moved out of the living room.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Theo furiously attacked on Jackson grabbing him by his collar.

"Calm down, young boy. Don't make things worse for yourself." Jackson grinned. Though he was not joking at all.

"What you want?" Theo let go of him and took few steps back.

"Just want to make a deal. If you're interested." He said by observing his surrounding.

"What!" Theo exclaimed. "What sort of deal?" Then questioned in amazement."How'd you know where I lived?"

"Is it okay if we talk confidentially in here? And about that how'd I know! I can answer all your questions perfectly with your satisfaction." Jackson asked looking back at Theo. This time with little more seriousness.

Theo didn't say anything, no words came out of his mouth. He was flabbergasted by his unwanted visit. He wanted to scream and scold at him but he taken himself aback from doing such nonsense which could cause more problems.

"Yea, I thought so." Jackson said, putting his hands in his back pockets.

"Were you going somewhere?" He further asked.

"What?" Theo pondered.

"You are all set and ready with your sneakers on. Even you are wearing coat inside the house. Either you're too sophisticated and cold or you're going somewhere but I came in the middle of that." Jackson commented after entirely observing him.

"Yes Sherlock I was going somewhere." Theo groaned in frustration. Jackson chuckled.

"Mind if I join?" Jackson asked.

"Are you tracking my phone or something? How'd you know?" Theo's paranoia came up on surface.

"No, your friend is great with technology. I'm just a keen observer." Jackson huffed.

"Wha–" Theo addled brain had too many questions.

"Oh god. You want me to tell you everything here or we could go somewhere else?" Jackson took a deep breath.

"I might join you where you're going. Jackson suggested same thing again.

"I am going to meet a friend." Theo roughly stated.

"Erick?" Jackson chuckled. "Just don't go crazy and wildly bewildered. I can explain everything. All with good and acceptable reasons. The foremost reason of all is I'm observant. A really nice one. To prove that shortly here, I can tell you why I dropped those keys in the basement for you that day of main fight. I knew or I might say I sensed the itch behind George unexpected arrival. He was there, to keep us all busy that you could find Bailey and you guys could help him escape. More like rescuing. Wasn't it your plan Theo?" Theo was astounded and stood there dumbfounded looking at Jackson. Either Jackson had access to Theo's mindset or he was really a marvelous observant.

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