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Night turned into morning, night creatures went to bed. And here it was me, nocturne, and day walker. Sleep times were not sleep time for me anymore and days were usual days like others have.

Then here I heard torn up drum like footsteps reaching my room.

"Wake up sleepyhead! Don't ya wanna go school today?
Being famous won't help you getting graduation. You gotta need to be there.", My little brother Finley shouted on exact moment he entered my room. Gosh this boy got the highest pitch in his voice in our whole family.

"Fin, get out. Are you high?", I shouted back, sound more like cough chocking my throat.

"I'm not high you are high, coz you are in highschool.", Dumbass, lame ass comeback one could ever expect from a ten years old.

"Get off of bed or mum will make you." He smirked on his little face and went out.

"Woah! See I'm a sleepyhead" voice inside my head mock at me. Incredibly ironic start of the day.

I got up as usual, tired with agonizing headache. I walked into bathroom and stood in front of mirror, staring at my reflection, trying to figuring out what happened to the face that used to be most charming and adorable once and desired by every single girl of my high school. At least the image I tried to maintain.

My face seemed extremely paled with blood veins popping on the skin surface. That make me look worse.
Bloodshot eyes in fist punched looking like, eye sockets. Zombies were real, confirmed my reflection. Dark circles, followed by eye bags. So adorable. This was  the face make people say, 'if you don't love me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best,' an epic bullshit line. Because this was the worst for me.

I took a quick shower, got ready within few minutes then went down in rush for breakfast. I lived with my mum and my younger brother. The only family I got and I'm grateful.

My mom was a business woman and she work real hard for give us a beautiful life we deserve. As our father was a complete dickhead that I found out recently, no wonder why mum gave him divorce.

"Mom, ghost Ghost... GHOST", out of the blue, Fin started shouting as I arrived for breakfast. He was not wrong though.

"Shut up Fin" I said properly uninterested on everything in the morning. Took a seat at my usual place, and held my head in my hands.

"What's up big man, didn't have a nice sleep last night." Mom said, bringing up the brightest smile on her face.
She actually sensed something was wrong with me today but I was in no mood to spoil her day with it. I might tell her about everything but not in the present morning. I had successfully covered my tiredness from past days but that day, I got no strength left to hide any of it and my face already getting all the attention for that, all thanks to insomnia.

"Back to home, boy! What are you thinking?", She said, serving both of us breakfast. Bringing me back to reality.

"Just admiring you, I want my day to be awesome so just.. nothing else.", I said making every word believable and it was not wrong, not completely. I was actually looking at my mom and feeling better than ever.

"Theo, you know that you can share everything with me. Is there anything bothering you?", Mum said caressing the back of my palm. And soothing me down a bit.

"Nahh! It's just school and stuff. I really want the scholarship at the end of school for the university I want. Just little stressed for that, nothing much, trust me." I tried to make my voice convincing.

"Don't worry dear, I have complete faith in you Theo you can do it. And if out of any rarest reason possible you couldn't make it, that will not gonna reduce your worth. You'll still be worthy and you'll achieve everything you deserve.", She smiled and it was enough to lighten up my entire day and probably my entire life. I was shocked by her response and little happy too.

"Am I worthy too?" Fin interrupted.

"No, my dear little brother, you're not Thor you're Loki" I grinned and he started throwing his meal on me.

"Shut you Theo,
Yes you're worthy of everything Finny" she calmed him down and run her hands on his head.

These were the only moments I live for. What else would be more blissful than these two in my life?

I bid goodbyes to mom and slaps to Fin and then left for school.

"Get ready for hearing 'ghost is here' slogan from the whole school" I told myself the obvious fact. My thoughts interrupted by phone call, and I picked.

"Man I can't come to school today, I got poison food." Erick, my best friend in school said in dramatic voice dipped in fake pain groans.

"Poison food, and you're still alive. Why man why?", I mocked at him, already knew what was he talking about.

"Dick! I meant food-" I cut him

"Poisoning? Why the same excuse again? It's like forth time in a month you're getting food poisoning. Think of something new. What about- kidney stones or blood in urine-" I was giving him best excuses ever but he got angry.

"SHUT UP" he shouted through my car's speaker.

"Well, kidney stones would be better one. Just submit the application with this reason for me." He said changing his disease instantly. I laughed really hard on it.

"Okay my kidneys gonna explode man  I'm going, have a nice day at school." He hung up in one breath. I didn't know how this weird creation of god became my bestfriend. But he's fun and kind to be friends with, maybe that's the enough reason.

"Shit! Here we go again", I mummered under my breath, as school came in view. I was getting- clearer than crystal vibes, that my day was gonna be highly lit up- shit.


Here's another update. Hope you'll liking this. Just a reminder that be happy for what you are and sometimes it become hard to find what is in your mind that's bothering you, but you don't need to feel afraid to share any of it. Just find happiness for yourself and seeking mind peace is not a criminal offence. Be happy and healthy.

Thank you everyone.

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