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Theo just experienced the most dreadful day of his life, thing went a little too far for him to handle. He had only two people on his mind at the moment, his little brother Fin and Clara.

He left the venue with Erick whereas rest of his friends went in another car. Bailey and George were gone after little chit-chatting about who will drop them home, they ended up taking cab. Theo was not thinking straight when he agreed to help George but somewhere in his mind he knew he would definitely agreed when it was the question of someone's life. For doing good to others, he hurt his own people.

"Are you gonna tell me what is it all about?" Erick finally asked while driving them away from the nightmare.

"I will tell you everything. Meet me after the practice sessions tomorrow morning." Theo blankly replied. He really had no intentions anymore to hide stuffs from his best friend.

"Would you take me to somewhere else just for five minutes, I've promised to be there to someone and neither did I only break the promise but I also sort of ghosted them completely and it's morally wrong." He had no idea what he was saying, things and his wild thoughts were clouding up his decisions. He was in desperate need to make things right the way they used to. But after all these, he lost them all.

He indicated the ways and directions to Clara's house. He didn't have his cellphone so couldn't inform her or Fin what happened and why he was gone the whole day. He certainly could not now tell her he was coming to apologize at the very least.

They have reached their destination, Erick choose to stay quiet on this matter here because being Theo's best friend he could read the tension and downfall in his mood. His facial expressions were shrink and tensed, somewhere he wanted to know what was going on but in a decent manner he chose to give him his space.

Theo was outside her house, it was almost midnight, so he couldn't just scream and call her out. The lights were off in Clara's room he figured through the window. He frankly hoped she might be asleep but the truth were he was so sure she could not be just sleeping. He wished she just come at the window. But it wasn't going to happen he knew.  He made audible enough sound through bushes that if she's up she'd look out the window, but nothing happened. He was doing stupid nonsensical things just then Erick came and dragged him back in the car.

"Theo, we should go back to your place. It need to rest now. Above all Fin needs you. Hold yourself together." Erick calmly told him and drive off from her house.

They reached back. Theo was back in his home now.

"Theo, how about I stay with you tonight and if you please avoid going to practice sessions tomorrow, that would be beneficial for you physically. At least not just tomorrow." Erick requested him out of concern. Theo wasn't sure if he was listening or not, he just nodded.

"You go in, I take these bags full of money and join you." Erick said and Theo got out of the car moving slowly back to his home.

He never thought mildly even in his weirdest dreams, he would be so terribly nervous to even enter his own house. He was scared to his core for even unlocking the main door.
But he did it anyway.

As he entered inside, his jaw dropped and he froze to his spot.

"Clara" he exhaled, he couldn't believe his eyes, she was right there.

"Wha- what has happened to you?" She stammered after processing everything.

Theo didn't answer instantly he had no blind idea, how she was here. Where should he start from? What to say and how to say? He felt like he forgot the ability to talk.

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