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Remember me now, time cannot erase
I can hear your whispers in my mind
I've become what you cannot embrace
Our memory will be my lullaby



"I said it, because I feel it. I feel that you made me forget the worries which always haunt me in the night. Right now is the only moment where I'm feeling my soul not the demons. Here I first time ever opened up to someone my vulnerable side, and you handled me like you're feeling it through. I got the solace I thought I could never have, I got the salvation and rest to my heart. I don't know what but you're at this very moment feel like home to me, where I'm free from all the judgements, all the allegations, all the troubles, I'm all free. All I could actually have here are care and concern and..” he cut me off and what I was about to say after, left unsaid and hidden. Somehow it was called by the moment and perhaps best for us.

"Ahh hun... You're not allowed to give me all the credits, gosh you're the one in the prior situation handled me. You told me find my reason, then you told me that you're going to stuck with me in this lane. I admire you Clara. What all you do, I admire you to my heart. Clara you're electrifying soul." He slightly wrapped his left arm around me and I buried my head on his chest. I was falling but I still had fear of falling so deep. I had my walls up higher touching the sky I believe and I didn't want to crash him down because of my insecurities. He has a pure heart.

And we stayed quiet. Again for moment and moment, for long real and I felt warm in his embrace.

"Hey, can you stay for the night, if you got no problem. If it'll be okay for you?" I requested. But he didn't move and didn't even reply. Nothing.
Then I looked up at him, and he already fell asleep.

"Yes it is." I got my answer. But I was actually overwhelmed right there, smiling like a goof, because the long lost friend of his was now embracing him. He was impatiently chasing the sleep he now has achieved. Confrontation to our dark thoughts could be a remedy to the deepest wound.

The night turned positive soporific for him to which I was vastly delighted. This time of the night he made me forget about devouring darkness that shadowed all the hopes for betterment, all of my passions and all of my aspirations.

Well, the calmness I was once seeked like a lost cause, it was here right with me in the most unexpected time with most unanticipated person. Sweet sprit, wish! I will never ruin him.

It was beautiful time. And I was yet awake. At the very least he was sleeping which was a success, but I was still up counting stars. After devastating rain, the moon was shining brighter. I noticed, it had it's aura profoundly escalated in the dark night sky. The shining was alluring.

I was embracing every single second, even I tried a little to sleep but it was still hard for me. Might be in few days, I'll too reach up to that level of peace where I could able to open the door of my subconscious. However I was waiting eagerly for that day to arrive.

I looked at the watch and it was saying three in the midnight, and I was little shocked that, seriously time flies faster than beats of our hearts, but this night stayed young nevertheless.

I gently put pillow beneath his head and lie him down with a blanket on. He seemed stress-free and relieved.

I walked up to my table and found my diary lying there. It was not the diary where I write about incidents of my life, it was something different. I write what I feel in a moment, I feel who is the protagonist of that moment of my life and what it changes in my mind emotionally. And with a little topic I write about it. So already I didn't feel drowsy at all. But I was relaxed though.

Here it goes,
The last topic I wrote was ‘Brain– a miraculous organ, has tremendous  strength, but does this strength stays alive for seven minutes more after the whole body shuts down for ever.’

I shut that page back, and started with the new fresh one.

Hey Diary,
It's been long, but I needed something beautiful for you to cover your blankness with, and today I have something extraordinary and usual at the very same time. Yes, that's what I'm talking about — TIME.

Time, it seems like the ultimate cure. Today you are young dumb and not enough mature to face the cruelty of the world and then by the time passes, it teaches the failure are the real anti- villains of the life, which gives you the taste of bitter feeling inside the gut of losing something you wished for triumph, but the exact medicine turns out to be better and modified version of favourable outcome. But this is not it, time travel forever, according to scientists going in past or future, there are only hypothesis for these, not a real machinery. But I tell you a little secret which is only upto realisation, that you always travels the time, with a little thing exist inside of you, that is your mind. How come you say your past haunts you because your mind takes you there. It takes you to places that you never ever wanted to visit again. It takes you to the time, where you can perspicuously see same thing crashing your life into pieces and pieces but you just stand there watch it  helplessly and knowing you couldn't do anything to turn it off. Because you knew it you can never turn back the time, these are images only, which is known as haunting thoughts in head. And time constantly flows, like a billabong, comes for destruction. But it not always have to be destructive. Like at this very moment, when you thought that you've lost it all and could never have the solace once you were living, but then the same time which seem excruciating brings you to someone who can take all terrific parts of the time and purifies it with only peace, calm and salvation. And filled it with all the love and care and concern. Then it is the same time snatch away your feeling of home and bombard you back with the same feeling in a specific timeline. I must conclude now, so I want to say this to you time, that yes you are the prodigious nemesis to me, but also can't deny that you're most beloved ally too. Because there might be a concept that people never changes, but you're not the constant jock, you always changes into different forms.”

And as I finished, I heard the birds chirping, the time yet go speedily. I took a glance at the watch and it showed four—fifty-seven, it's almost five. It would be best time for coffee I decided to go a make some for me, then I thought a little extra won't hurt anyone.

I made a quick cappuccino for two.

"Clara!" The voice took me by surprise.

Who is this person?

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