Chapter 1: This Is My Life

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Growing up, I've always looked up to this one guy. I still look up to him now, but...
Things are not how they used to be.
Katsuki Bakugo was his name. He is the only son of Lord Bakugo and at the time, was very kind. In this society, there are lords and noblemen. Despite having such up-to-date technology like cellphones and computers, our city likes to keep things kind of old-fashioned at a certain extent.
In the city I reside in, we have two lords, but, they live on the opposite sides of the city... Let's just say their rivalry can be a bit too much.
The Todoroki's are highly respected by the people here as well as the Bakugo's. Since both families want to be the best of the best and to gain power, they tend to clash at one another- especially Todoroki and Kacchan... This society goes under a class-system. Depending how much income you make, you will be put under a certain title. For my mother and I, we were just simple civilians, trying our best to make it to tomorrow...

There came a point in my life where money was running very thin. My mother and I got kicked out of our apartment and we basically lived on the streets for a few days.
I guess we were lucky that my mom and Kacchan's mom were really close friends, despite their large difference of ranks. When my mother got a hold of Mitsuki, they right away took us in.
This was also around the time where my once childhood friend basically became my enemy.

My mother made a deal with his parents.
"We will become one of your servants" she said. "It is only fair since you're taking us in like this, I do deeply apologize for causing you so much trouble"

I was only six at the time so I was basically useless, like always...
All I could do was sit there and learn and to deal with the harsh words Kacchan would spat out at me every day.
Despite his rudeness, I still looked up to him- I still cared for him as if we were still the bests of friends. It seems stupid, huh? Waste of time- why should I keep trying when I know in the end he'll just push me away and just treat me as if I were some... I don't know... Just someone way beneath him.
I mean- in reality yeah, I am beneath him, almost everyone is. He's the lord's son for crying out loud. Even the highest noblemen envy them. Usually there would be one lord in each city but that didn't happen where I live.

Upperclassmen always looked down upon the lower classes. I found it outright ridiculous but what could stop them? They were raised to act like that, taught to be that way. I guess Kacchan just got it from his friends. His parents tried so hard to raise him right, and I saw it with my own eyes. As each day passed, I saw the boy who I looked up to just change into something bad.

Heh, well, let's move onto another topic...
At the age of 12, it was early fall, Kacchan had to move out of the manor for a few years. All sons and daughters of nobles and up would go to this amazing school that was sadly located in another country. I don't remember where but it's far.
I'm seventeen now and everyday, I always await for his return...

Oh! Also!
I met someone amazing two years ago! His name is Toshinori Yagi and he is now a retired "hero". They label him as such is due to the fact that he saved so many people due to a terror attack that happened around 10 years ago. Ever since that event, he continued to help people and make sure that something like that would never happen again. Our country has been silent, the only thing you would see on the news would be someone stealing something or big drug busts but that was it.
He was my idol. I wanted to be just as strong and courageous as he was!

So I tried my best. I learned, I practiced, I studied, just about anything to be someone like him.

When I was fifteen, I was walking down the sidewalks of the busy city, heading back to the manor with groceries in my hands.
Suddenly, a loud explosion was heard. In the distance I saw smoke rising up to the skies.
"I shouldn't get involved, they might get mad at me if I'm late" I thought to myself on that day. Somehow though, I ended up subconsciously walking there, even though I told myself not to.
It was a mess. I remember how terrified I was when I saw what was going on.
When we all thought everything was at peace, a group of people came in, holding nearby civilians hostage and many were injured.
So many police officers were there, ambulances rushing in.

I don't know what had gotten into me that day. I really don't.
I then noticed a young boy was held at gunpoint, warning people to stay away.
Something in me just... ticked. This sudden energy that I never felt before, my mind was out of it, my blood was boiling, my heart was beating so fast, this feeling that I had never felt before just came out of nowhere- and then- and then, I ran. They didn't notice me until I pushed the man down- a weak girl who had no right to do such things holding a man down with a gun.
I was able to get the gun off him, I clenched it tightly to my chest. The boy was able to run away but I put myself into a terrible situation.
I ran towards another person that was being pinned down to the ground. Without a thought, I pulled the trigger of the gun, hitting one of the men that was pinning the girl down in the leg.

I sighed with relief knowing that she was okay and that I was able to buy her some time. Though, the next thing I knew was being choked by someone, I felt something sharp tracing my neck.
"God how stupid was I to do this? Why did I do this?"
My life flashed before my eyes during that moment.
My mind kept going in circles, the strength and courage that I once felt vanished.
I felt the knife slowly start to cut my neck, but then, a hand gripped onto the blade. I looked up and saw the man I idolized some much standing behind the guy, his eyes were filled with anger.
He pulled the blade away from my neck, only leaving a small gash on the side- I collapsed, I was scared yet was also surprised- I think almost everyone was... Not the fact that I just shot someone and nearly died- but the fact that Toshinori, even though he was retired and is not in the shape he used to be, still continued to try to help everyone...

Moments later, the police were able to detain the group of men that caused all this mess, leaving Toshinori and I alone. He helped me up and asked if I was okay.
I couldn't stop crying; I couldn't stop apologizing.

He just smiled and said that everything will be fine.

After I got my neck bandaged, I really got chewed out by the police...

Once I started to head home, out of nowhere, he appeared in front of me.
He said to me, "What you did today made me take action. Even though I can no longer help protect people from danger, just seeing a young girl run straight into such a mess made me realize that no matter who you are, you can always be of use and help. So, I have decided... I won't push this on you, but if you'd like, I can teach you on how to fight, to become strong. You don't see anyone run in like that nowadays."

To be honest, I thought what I did was pretty stupid of me but somehow he didn't see that.
The cries of my mother, the belittlement from Kacchan, and everyone else who told me I couldn't become strong, all flooded in.
I fell down onto my knees, sobbing. My groceries fell out of my bags but I didn't care.
I thanked him... While bawling my eyes out, I thanked him.


So for two years, we kept our training a secret.
During our training, he would also teach me actual stuff like math, science, history, etc... I was happy.
The reason for keeping it a secret is because Lord Masaru would not have accepted me doing such a thing.
Before meeting Toshinori, I had already talked about it with him but all he did was shake his head and say no.
"I don't want to see someone like you risk your life over some silly nonsense. We have guards to protect us."
He continued on, saying that he couldn't bare seeing me get hurt and mentioned how my mother would feel if something bad happened.

After my encounter with Toshinori, something inside me was lifted- like some big weight or heavy chain was pulled off of me...

Hopefully soon I can see Kacchan again...


Oh jesus...
Why did I write this?
Why was my mind like this at 2-3 in the morning?

I hope you guys enjoyed this weird... thing ;-;

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