Chapter 9: Love in the Air

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A/N: 6 to 3, confession wins ;-;
I was debating on waiting but.... well, let's just see.

With a gulp, she decided... It was time.
She clutched her hands onto her nightgown then took a deep, shaking breath.

"Kacchan... I-"

"-Hello, kids!" It was Bakugo's mother...
Deku tensed up as her face grew a bright red, "H-Hello, Ms. Bakugo!"

"Why the hell are you up?" Bakugo asked as he rose an eyebrow at the woman.

"I can ask the same thing." She smiled in annoyance, seeing that her son was already getting into a grumpy mood with her- well, it wouldn't end well.

"I just went to make some tea, that's all..." Deku said shyly.

All Bakugo's mother did was laugh  as she made her way out of the kitchen. "Hmm... Alright." She said as she left.

Deku gulped as she leaned back against the counter, her cheeks still being a soft red color.
What felt like minutes, there was no sign of the woman returning.
She took a deep breath then said slowly, "I... Like you... Katsuki..." she waited for a response that never came.
"A lot... I always have..." she shook her head as she started to feel the need to cry.
"I don't know why," Deku sniffled. "You're always so mean but even then... I still love you and care about you!" Gradually her voice was getting louder but she couldn't help it.

Tears were pouring out of her eyes and quickly streaming down her freckled cheeks.
"I'd do anything for you... I would protect you even if you didn't want me to... I'd help you even if you said you were fine on your own..."

Bakugo stood there, his lips slightly parted. He was honestly surprised. He expected this- but it still threw him off when actually hearing it.

"Even if you don't love me... I'll still love you," she added as she wiped her face frantically with her hands.

Katsuki thought back on how poorly he treated her, all because of the difference in status that was between them. Part of him did care about her, but he always hid it deep down inside of him...
Seeing Izuku cry like this- over him- it made his heart shatter.

"Deku..." He whispered.

"I'm sorry... I'm glad now that I got it off my chest..." she mumbled as she poured the water back into the sink.
Deku didn't want her tea anymore- all she felt was nausea... Admitting this to him just got her all messed up.

"I'll... Head back to my room now," she said quietly as she went to leave the kitchen but-
Bakugo grabbed a hold of her wrist, preventing the girl from leaving.
Her eyes widened slightly as she looked up at him.


The blonde male placed a hand on her cheek, using his thumb to wipe away her tears.
He stared into the dark, emerald green eyes of hers... And she stared back into his scarlet, red ones that were always aflamed.

The two leaned closer together... And then, they softly pressed their lips together. Katsuki ventured through the smaller girl's mouth as Izuku allowed access for him.
It was warm- this feeling growing inside her chest. Being close like this... No yelling, no arguing...
Izuku closed her eyes while wrapped her arms over his shoulders, smiling a bit.

What felt like eternity, they slowly pulled away from each other.
She hesitantly looked up at the boy in front of him.

Bakugo didn't say anything at first. He just removed his hands away from the girl then took a deep breath.
"Sorry," he finally said.

"It's... It's fine... Kacchan"

"For everything." He whispered.


"For being a complete and utter asshole." Bakugo muttered as he turned away.
"Get some rest. I forgot to tell you but the shitty Todoroki assholes are coming over tomorrow. Guess they want to have a meeting with us about something."

"Oh... What time?"


Deku smiled sadly, "I see. Well, I'll make sure I make lunch and dessert for that then. Goodnight." The girl quickly walked away then ran upstairs to her bedroom.

Morning quickly came. It was 10:32 and Deku was quietly preparing lunch for the Todorokis.

She kept her hair up in a bun which was tied up with a black rubber band that had pastel green flowers attatched to it. The pastel green accented her dark green maid outfit and complimented her eyes.

She was humming to herself, setting the food onto a silver tray. Small chocolate and vanilla marble cakes for dessert and risotto for the main meal. Deku made sure she paid extra attention to the risotto since it is easy to mess up.

Though, fortunately, she was succesful. It wasn't the best, but to her, it was a masterpiece. Especially since she's used to simple things to cook and not this fancy stuff.

Izuku made her way to the dining room then sat the food down that was on the large tray onto the table.
Quickly, she set the table up, putting plates, silverware, and cups in their respective spots before hearing the door.

"I got it!" She heard Bakugo call out irritatingly. The girl would swiftly leave the dining room then sat in the kitchen.
She heard a few unfamiliar voices but only two she recognized.

Both families were talking briefly with one another until she heard them going over to the dining room to discuss some things.

"Oh!" Mitsuki said in a surprise.
"I was hoping she was in here... Izuku? Are you still around?"

Moments later, the shy maid walked out of the kitchen, both hands folded in front of her.
"Yes, ma'am." She replied quietly.

The adults smiled as they glanced over at the food.
"Did you make this?" Endeavor, the father of Shouto Todoroki, had asked.

"Yes, sir. I did." She answers kindly.

Endeavor would nod his head then the Todorokis as well as the Bakugo's sat down at the dining table.
Izuku would ask them, "Would you like anything to drink? Water, wine, coffee?"

"We're fine, thank you."

As Deku went to leave, Mitsuki told her to stay.
She hesitated for a moment, feeling a cold gaze fall upon her.
Shouto was staring at her curiously- as if he had some sudden interest to her.

Thus made her feel more awkward and it was easy to tell that Bakugo was getting jealous.

Todoroki got up from his seat, receiving a glare from his father, then pulled out a chair, "Have a seat," he said. "You shouldn't be standing there for so long."

"Oh- uhm... Thank you," Deku took a seat then looked uncomfortably around the table. Katsuki rolled his eyes, "Fucking half-and-half bastard." He muttered to himself so no one else would hear him.

"So, Mitsuki, Masaru... Have you thought about your son marrying a girl yet? We certainly have..."

A/N: I've been on a movie binge lately with Marvel... Watched infinity war- I hecking cried xD
So... I got an idea to do a father/son story with Peter and Tony... o3o

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