Chapter 30: The End...

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Every time I open up wattpad- specifically get onto this to continue writing- it never bloody loads :C

Then a lot of things happened.... But am back and dis is finally released q-q

"H-Hey! Stop it!" the girl cried while pushing her lover away.

"Whaaaaaat? I'm fucking bored! It's raining... The first day we get to our honeymoon... Time away from the kids... It fucking rains!"

Katsuki was trying to give little love bites on the Izuku's neck but she just wasn't having it.
"It'll let up soon and then we can go out and do stuff. So, you're just gonna have to wait."

"Shiiiiiit!" Katsuki groaned like a child as he moved away from his wife, causing a small fit of laughter to escape from the girl's mouth.

"What? My pain and suffering is making you laugh? Rude..."

"I'm sorry... It's just funny seeing you like this sometimes."

The blonde simply pouted at her words.
"What do we do now? Waiting is boring."

"I dunno..."

With one last groan, Katsuki stood up then walked over towards the window of their hotel room and opened up the curtains to see what it was like outside.
Cloudy, dark, rainy... Totally not the ideal weather to go to a proper dinner.

"Screw it, I'm impatient. Let's go" the blonde stated as he rummaged around for his coat. 
"But-" Izuku began but was completely cut off.

"I'm starving"

With a sigh, Izuku got up then also put on her coat. At this time, the two were dressed in formal-casual attire, but in this case, our little green-headed bean had to double up on the jackets to ensure nothing goes through! Might excite Katsuki, who knows. 

The two, hand in hand, would walk together along the desolate pathways of the resort as they were heading to the restaurant that was located within the vicinity.

Smiling, laughter, enjoyment...
These two newlyweds were having a grand time with one another... All the worries of the world had seem to fade away from their thoughts and mind as all they could do right now was to just.. think about each other... For just a moment...

The girl smiled widely at the boy, causing the usual passive-aggressive blonde's heart to flutter and skip, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink as they were nearly at the restaurant. 
Damn. How badly he wanted to just kiss her and hold her tightly... To just be in her warm and loving embrace for eternity and never let go... How he wanted to keep her close, to hear her call out his name, to know that she will feel protected and safe with him, always. The many things he had wished, the many things he had wanted, seemed hopeful, yet, part of him doubted that he will keep the promises he had made to her. The expectations she has for him... 
Part of him made him think he would become a failure, and so did she.

Little Izuku had many doubts, many questions, and many hopes. 
Sometimes these doubts took over and made her breakdown a little... But, being with him... It made all of these negative thoughts seamlessly wash away for a while... 

As the two entered inside, heading to a more private section of the restaurant, our newlywed couple, hand in hand, enjoyed each other's company, as well as the food. 
Like shit, that food was delicious, as Katsuki would quote while grinning sheepishly at the girl's blushed, freckled face. Small fits of laughter now and then from either his stupidity or her awkwardness... It was... Perfect.
Too perfect. 
It was like a dream, too surreal. 
How, despite the rain bringing some dampness on the situation, it was romantic in a way. 

"I love you," he said. "I will never lose you, I promise. Whoever decides to try and get in my way, I'll blow their asses up"

Despite how Katsuki can never go off with saying something 100% charming, it still made the girl smile and love him even more. After finishing up quite the expensive meal, which nearly made the poor green-headed girl pass out, the two returned back to their hotel room, as Katsuki carried his beloved wife bridal-style, which in all honesty embarrassed the poor girl, and spent the rest of their night in ecstasy and bliss...
...Something that they may rarely get to experience with two rowdy kids to take care of.

She'll miss these little moments, but she misses her little twins as well. It was weird not having them around... but soon, she'll return home, finding them to be well-taken care of, and will proceed to watch them grow as the years go by. She'll watch them when they take their first steps, to them entering pre-school, then elementary, and soon enough, waving goodbye when it was time for them to go to college... She'll watch them when they get their first job, find a lover, and soon enough, have kids of their own. She'll watch, with her little gray hairs, from a wheelchair outside their massive place, when her grandkids start their own lives as well and be there to protect them, until her last breath... And she'll have her beloved husband beside her all the way through this overwhelming journey, and until death does them part, with hands together, whatever comes their way, they will overcome it. 
They will not succumb to the problems and face them head-on... 
They'll protect each other, their children, and those around them, even if it means their life is on the line... 

As long as they're safe, no matter what, no matter the cost...
They will be their knights in shining armor until their last breath.

Whatever evils may arise, Izuku is determined to become stronger. 
Whatever harm may come their way, Katsuki will be there, always, to protect them.
To take care of them- that is their ultimate duty, and shall no neglection fall upon those little beans that are their twins. 

Their love, their life.

A vow they have sworn the moment they entered this world... 

They are their everything, they are what fulfill their lives to the fullest...
From a friend to an enemy, a maid to a wife... A journey that has its unpredictable moments, and surprising ones at that. Izuku was forever grateful for these little yet impactful events... And she couldn't imagine herself any other way. 

"You're not just a maid," he said.

"You are my everything... My world, my galaxy... You are the thing that gives me life. To continue walking this path, to continue living each day without stress... My love, my serenity... You are truly what fills this damned soul of mine... Thank you, for dealing with my bullshit..."

The end~

"They appear to be gone... Time to make plans, this is only the beginning"

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