Chapter 24: Don't Go

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Izuku slammed the office door open where Katsuki was then swiftly ripped him away from his laptop... Unfortunately he was in the middle of a call with Kirishima, a good friend of his.

"What the hell? What's gotten into you?? Instead of dragging my busy ass suddenly, tell me!"

Tears were forming in the girl's eyes as she dragged Katsuki down the staircase, and soon enough, outside to the car.

"Where are we going?"

"The hospital."


Toshi was now clinging on a little under a month and a half of time... he grew paler and weak by the day...

Inko was incredibly tired, she had little nights of sleep, and was always worried about both her daughter and him...

The two were now writing letters and filling out paperwork. The poor man couldn't even hold his pen for too long without it shaking so much, so, little Inko was there to help him... The man hated this of course. He use to help everyone, and now here he is, completely dependent on others.

"How's the twins?"

"Oh... I don't know... They're still at the hospital," Inko answered sadly, causing Toshi to frown.

"You should really spend time with your daughter..."

"I know... but... I must help you and be here in case something happens..."

The blonde leaned back, eyeing her. He shook his heard while laughing a little, "I am worried," he said. "About young Midoryia... For many things..."

Inko looked up at him, "What do you mean?"

"She's got two kids now... A very... A very uhm... How do I put this nicely... Uh... Interesting lover... Me passing down that power to her, I think that's what caused her to go having an early labor... thing... and I fear those evils still lurking around will do something... And when I'm gone, I won't be able to help her"


DRIVEPLEASESTOPYOUREGOINGTOGETUSKILLED!" Katsuki panicked as he had to grab the wheel to get them back on the road.

Izuku stood quiet, she was panicking terribly, of course she was going to get them killed! But hell, she needed to go to the hospital ASAP and was not going to wait for anyone. Fortunately no one was out on the streets, or that would've been bad...

When they stopped at red lights, the girl tapped her fingers on the steering wheel anxiously as Katsuki was leaning back in his seat in horror.

After some time nearly getting into various accidents, Izuku and Katsuki managed to survive on going to the hospital...

The girl parked the car then locked it after both of them got it before running full speed to the entrance, her lover rushing behind.

When entering, the girl accidently slammed her hands on the front desk and was panting like if she were a madman.

"Where are they?" She asked desperately to the woman behind the desk.

"Ma'am... Please relax a little, can you give me your name and who you're looking for?"

"Izuku Midoriya... My babies, please tell me where they are!"

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