Chapter 29: The Future of Us

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Chiming of the bells rung throughout the halls of this holy place...

The thoughts flickered from months before...
Him on one knee, looking up at me with that loving smirk on his face...
"Will you marry me?"

Of course I would... I've been waiting for that question for a long time.. And here we are... A celestial, fantasy themed wedding under the stars... as the church bells rung, we were all gathered outside- well- besides me of course...

I stood there nervously with Uraraka and Jirou by my side...  They were fixing up my hair and touching up my face as I was crying so much... It was time...
Taking a deep breath, I would hug my two friends tightly as I let out a small sniffle.
"Hey, don't start crying again, that took us forever to get that mascara off of those cheeks of yours!" Jirou laughed a little as she patted my back.

"It's going to be alright," Uraraka added.

"Thank you... So much..." I say as I slowly pulled away from them.

And now... My two friends led me out of the room and down into the main building where... Katsuki's father was standing there, smiling at me... And inside his vest pocket was a picture of Toshinori... I thought I was going to cry but I held it in. Urakaka would pick up the basket of white rose petals with one hand while holding my daughter with her other arm. Jirou would be holding my son as he held onto a white, silk pillow with two rings on them... Adjusting the veil, the sound of a piano would ring through the area... and then, Uraraka and my daughter left first, scattering the petals outside to where my soon-to-be-husband was... Katsuki's father wrapped his arm around mine once Jirou and my son quickly followed after... As we waited... I felt the heat prickle against my skin like little needles seemingly poking at my skin.

Once the cue hit, we made way out the door and into the grass... All eyes staring down upon me and Mr. Bakugo... The long, ivory colored dress that was so close to white illuminated against the bright, full moon that shined above us, allowing all the stars and distant planets sparkle down around us...

My heart was beating fast and hard as I fully made eye contact with Kacchan... Those scarlet red eyes easily captivating my soul... and that small smile giving me much of the comfort I need for this... But his eyes were filled with shock... Maybe it was the way I looked- How different it must be to see me like this...
I hope I look okay...

And there, I finally stood beside my sweet Katsuki and was now facing him. Our hands intertwined as an older gentleman stood behind us with a book in his hand.

It was like a scene from a cheesy romantic movie...
Hearing those same words be finally read aloud to us... The same questions that are slowly tying the knot together...
Finally will we have a way to show that nothing will seperated us... that we will be together til death do us part.

"You may now kiss the bride."

Without a single second to register that sentence, Kacchan wrapped his arm around my waist to pull me into a dip as he proceeded to give me a gentle yet passionate kiss. His emotions all flooding into me in those few seconds...
When we both pulled away, we were greeted with a choir of applause; congratulating us with finally tying the knot... I smiled happily at him and he smiled back just the same. Getting back on my feet, I would pull him into a warm embrace whilst nuzzling my face into his chest.

Feeling his hands gently be set upon my back in a comforting manner was such a gift...
Although we had a rough start... I'm glad we were able to be here now. To cherish each other's company. To have two adorable little beans of kids... To be unified and no longer having to fear what will happen next...

To know we have each other's back if things go wrong. That we will protect each other. To be there through thick and thin.

I'm glad to now be his wife. It was late, but, it's better than never.

His eyes. The scarlet fire that rages on every day... The eyes that resemble glowing rubies in the darkest of rooms...

A fox...

I grinned.

My little fox.
My firecracker...
My world.

My everything.

"Come on! Come on! The cake!!!!"

Katsuki and had just sliced the wedding cake and we were about to feed the two slices to each other until...



A wide grin appeared on my face when I "accidently" smooshed the slice in his face.



I found myself lifted into the air, being tickled to the point I was squishing the cake into my hand!
I was in such a hearty fit of laughter that everyone around us joined in on the laughter and some, I saw, took pictures!

"Kacchan! Please! I'm sorry!!!"
I screeched as I squirmed around once again in his arms, but, he proceeded to tickle me even more! No remorse... How cruel.
I just got married and I'm gonna die!

Suddenly... The tickling stopped and I felt his chin resting on my shoulder, his lips right beside my ear.
"I promise to properly punish you on our honey moon for doing that," he whispered in such a sinister tone that I was terrified.

What did he mean by that?!

He would laugh a little before setting me back down. I took many deep breaths to relax myself and to also get the oxygen back in my lungs.
My face was red due to all that laughter, and it left me rather flustered that everyone else was laughing to at the scene that had just cane to an end.

"That was really unexpected!" Said the redhead that was usually on the business calls with Kacchan.

"Shut it," Kacchan muttered while folding his arms across his chest.

The red-head just laughed with the shark-tooth smile then turned to face me.
"It's nice to finally meet ya. I heard a lot about you. School and on the calls," he laughed again.

"It's nice to meet you too... Uhm. Kirishima!" It took me a moment to remember his name but I did it!

After some time of talking and meeting a lot of Kacchan's friends, We had a little party which in all summary, involved my husband taking in a little too many shots... dancing... and overall, having fun. I even brought the twins over to dance with them.

God, thank you for allowing this to happen...

I'm truly and forever grateful...

Our future...
Will finally have us together... Once and for all.


When quarantine making online school have more work than you would in being in school @-@

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