Chapter 10: Our Way

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I know.
I know.
It's been awhile.
Wattpad has not been working in my phone for the majority of my absence so that was fun.
And now I got two big projects; one for English class and the other for my Criminal Justice class...

Mitsuki and Masaru eyed them suspiciously.
"No, we have not." Masaru said to the larger male in front of him.

Bakugo eyed his father, he knew all too well where this was going. Masaru should of had said yes.

Izuku looked at the two families uncomfortably. She has no say in any of this. The girl had to hide all these feelings she was having because for now, she was just a maid...

The red and white haired boy glanced at the uncomfortable girl before shooting a glare at his father. Even though he had feelings for Deku, to have to marry her was something he did not want.

"Well," Endeavor said. "That's good. Since you don't have any daughters, we have decided that Shouto will be marrying your..." He looked over at Deku. "Maid."

Bakugo got out of his chair, slamming both hands down onto the table, "Now hold on a damn minute!" He roared with anger.
"No one is marrying nobody!"

"You cannot decided that boy, sit down." Endeavor muttered in a heavy tone.

"She doesn't want to marry that half-n-half kid!" Bakugo spat. "Let her have a damn say instead of you coming in here like your the damn fucking king of this shitty ass world!"

Endeavor seemed to not care on what Katsuki had to say. He then looked back at Deku, "She seems fairly pretty, Shouto. Not what I had in mind, especially since we have a strong name to keep."

"Father..." Shouto muttered.

"Get a bit more meat on her bones and fix that messy, off-setting green hair of hers." His father added with a face of disgust.

Suddenly the room turned ice cold which perfectly matched Shouto's bitter yet cold face.
His eyes were glared at his father which seemed to split through anyone's soul even by glance.

A bright, shimmering blue stone was hung on a thin, black piece of string which was around the boy's neck. Another stone, that was a firey red laid next to it.
"I would advise father that you end this conversation. I don't give a damn what you think and I certainly won't tolerate you thinking it's better to chose off who I marry and who I don't." The son snapped as he stood out of his chair, his hand pressed firmly on the table.

To no surprise, Endeavor showed no reaction. Instead, he stood up then said, "We'll arrange the marriage next week." Before walking off.

Todoroki got up, along with his family, and they all exited the home.

Deku had tears welling up in her eyes as she looked over at Bakugo whom had a raging red face.
"I'm going to fucking kill them all."

"Calm down, son." Masaru said.

"How could I?! He fucking-"

Deku had stormed out of the room which allowed sobs to follow her.
She just wanted to hide upstairs in her room for the rest of her days.

Night had fallen quite quickly. Many tried to comfort Deku and tell her that they'll figure out a way to not let this happen.

She had not eaten dinner nor took a shower- she was just too upset and shocked at the situation.
Hell, even Bakugo tried his best to comfort her.

Deku was finally asleep in her bed, completely engulfed into her dream land.

For she was unconscious, what was coming to her would be inevitable...

The window slowly opened and soon a figure stepped inside. Though, as the person put up their  first step, sirens were blaring throughout the manor, allowing all to awaken. Deku was also starting to awake but was quickly knocked out when she managed to sit up.

A set of footsteps were charging to Deku's room, but when they arrived to the bedroom, the girl was nowhere.

"Shit!" Bakugo yelled as he ran to the opened window.
A trail of flames that were colored blue were shown in the distance but quickly faded into the darkness...

Bakugo stormed out of the room to find his parents. The alarms had stopped and now everyone was gathered in the living room.
Many questions with little answers until Katsuki had made his loud entrance.
"She's gone!" He yelled. "The fucking jackasses took Izuku!"

Wide eyes all around, the atmosphere in the room fell thin.
All hearts seemed to have stopped as time ticked on for what felt like hours.

"I'm getting her back," Katsuki growled like an angered wolf. Before the boy could leave, his mother grabbed him by the shoulder then swirled him around. "We're all going to get her back. They have their tricks, but little do they know what we can do," she explained with little emotion since she too was pissed at this.

Izuku's mother was softly crying to herself while Masaru and other workers for the family tried to comfort the heartbroken woman.

"What do you mean? We have Jack shit!" Bakugo stated.

His mother grinned, "Oh trust me. We'll put on a show."

Morning rose and now it was planning time. Katsuki's mother and father were taking their son to an area of the manor that he never knew existed.
A vault they said.

The room was all black besides the intricate gold designs that covered the walls as well as the golden accents and trimming to mirror the darkness.
In the middle of the room stood a fiery pillar which had sparks popping from the translucent red glass.

The two adults gestured for their son to walk towards it and so, he did.
When walking to the pillar, a stone similar to what Shouto had worn stood there. Instead of a necklace, it was a bracelet.
The stone resembled the colors of an explosion that had just been set off. Reds, oranges, yellows, with tints of gray and green, splattered with one another.

"Put it on," his father said.

Bakugo instantly did.
There was no sudden change to how it felt because it felt natural wearing it.

"Why didn't I know about this sooner?" Bakugo asked.

"We knew you would simply blow everything up. But in this case, that is what we want." Mitsuki said bluntly.

"Well then..."

"All those who are in the higher power receive these as a sign of strength and wealth. But, they took your girl, so you will be getting her back."

Bakugo laughed with a sinister smirk, "Time to blow some shit up."

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