Chapter 8: I do

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Izuku sighed.
"Is everyone okay?" She asked.
They all would nod their heads in agreement. With that loud noise, everyone became sober.
The group all headed back to the park to part ways...

When the four said their goodbyes, Katsuki and Izuku walked back home; both being tired of what happened today.
"I thought you weren't going to get drunk," the girl teased, looking over at the boy next to her.
Bakugo huffed, "Shut it."
Deku laughed then sighed, thinking back on the little kiss on the cheek she had gotten from him...

"Uhm... Kacchan?"

The blonde groaned, "What?"

"Why did... You... Uhm... Uh... Kiss me?"

To no surprise, he completely ignored her.
"The moon is pretty lit tonight."

Deku's cheeks puffed out as she pouted, getting a bit frustrated with him.

"Really..." she grumbled as she stomped behind him.
"Come on....! Please tell me! I'll do whatever you want if you do."

That sparked the boy's attention, "...Anything?"


Bakugo thought for a moment.
"Alright... Then you will only clean my room and follow my orders for as long as I desire," he smirked, his red, blazing eyes staring into her dark, green ones. Instantly, she regretted her decisions...
With a sigh and groan, she accepted her fate.

"I had to make it look like we were dating," he said, though it seemed like he was lying since he was mumbling his words.

"Is that really why you did it?" She asked suspiciously.


Deku sighed then walked a bit in front of him.
Bakugo stared at her for a moment then looked away.
The tension grew between them, but, both tried to ignore it.

Soon enough, the two safely made it back to their home.
Bakugo and Deku walked up the path then went inside.

"Oh, you two are back already?" They heard the blonde's mother ask.

"Yeah! It was... uhm... fun?" The green-headed girl shrugged her shoulders as she watched Kacchan's mother get up from the chair she was sitting in.

"So... Did you two kiss at all?"

Bakugo's face went red.
"FUCK OFF" he groaned loudly as he stomped his way up to his room.
Deku flinched slightly as moments later, there was a loud slam from a door being closed.
His mother laughed, her scarlet eyes trailing onto the younger girl.

"Seriously... Did he?"

Deku had a bright blush go across her face.
"Just the cheek..." she couldn't lie, especially to her. Even if Deku lied, the next day she would honestly admit the truth.

"Well that's cute. I'm not surprised, honestly."

"Y-You're not...?" Izuku raised an eyebrow.
The woman shook her head, "If you were to... Get involved with my son.. I wouldn't try to break that apart."

The girl looked away, frowning.
"He doesn't love me... But... I honestly love him... I want to protect him and help him... But I know he wouldn't go through with that," she explained as she had a sad expression on her face. Today was probably one of her best days ever- and spending time with the one she truly loved was quite the blessing.

"I'm sure he'll figure it out soon where his emotions are placed. Meaning- he'll eventually accept reality and not be a pain in the ass all the time," the mother shrugged as she spoke.
"Get some rest. I'm sure you had a long day."

"Tell me about it.." Izuku grumbled.
"Thank you, for everything." The girl would give Mitsuki a soft, warm smile then went up to her bedroom.


Izuku was now laying in her bed, wearing a simple, pastel green nightgown that complimented her dark green hair.
She was staring up at the ceiling, unable to sleep. Her thoughts were going a mile a minute, some set her on edge, some made her upset and fearful, while others comforted her and made her feel happy.

Izuku wondered if Kacchan was sleeping or not. Wondered what he would do tomorrow and what things he was going to have her do.
She would then think about what the future holds for her and everyone else...

She wanted so desperately to have everyone happy... To not fear about anything. She also wanted to ensure the safety of her friends and family...

When her thoughts soon came to a close, she had her face stuffed in her pillow, letting out quiet sobs.
"I'm such a crybaby..." she whispered to herself as the tears smudged into the pillow case.

"It hurts... Sometimes... When Kacchan acts the way he does..."


"No matter what... I won't stop caring about him," she sniffled as she pushed herself up from the bed.
"And... to be in love with him..."

She got off her bed then went into the bathroom to wash her face.
Her cheeks were red and her eyes were puffy and watery.
Later, Izuku went downstairs, heading into the kitchen to make some tea, in hopes to calm her down some.


"What's with the ugly face?"

The girl dropped the tea bag as she let out a startled yelp.
Quickly glancing to her left, she saw Bakugo standing in the doorway, his arms crossed over his chest, watching her.

"It's... It's nothing," she mumbled, looking away from him.


"Just being a normal... stupid cry baby..." Deku picked up the tea bag off the counter then put it in the hot cup of water, letting the clear liquid then into a dark brown color.

"Mkay..." Bakugo turned around, silence growing between them.
Though, what felt like eternity, the boy finally said, "Listen. If you... Need to talk to me about something... I'll try my best to not fucking make fun of you... or whatever the hell..."

Deku looked over at him then bit her lip.
It would he wrong to say it now... but she desperately wanted to. But if she did- how awkward would that be? How would he react...?

'Should I... Confess...?'


I know
I know
It's short as hell.
I had a week full of 3 hour long exams and a bunch of days of being sick xD

Up to you guys to decide if she should confess now or later uwu

Lemme know in the comments o3o

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