Chapter 19: Preparing

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First it was my mom's eyes that really went wide. Then it was Kacchan's parents... then to everyone else that was there.

"Honey... How long?"


"How long did you find out...? Or being pregnant..." my mother asked me softly as she took a step forward.

"I found out today... and it's been 2 weeks" I answered while still wrapping my mind around Kacchan's confusing response to this as I felt tears pouring out of my eyes.

I would then find everyone wrapping their arms around me, allowing their tight embrace to comfort me.

"Congratulations" many said until a small laugh broke out from the hug. Mitsuki broke away as she went into a laughing fit- "Oh, I'm sorry! Just imagining my son as a father! That's a sight I can't wait to see!!"



Izuku couldn't help but laugh at Bakugo's words which made him smile that she was no longer crying...

Days passed by. Izuku had went to the doctors as her mother suggested, so she could get checked on to ensure that everything was going to be okay since it was indeed 2 and a half weeks of her being pregnant. Inko was worried about both Izuku's and the baby's health... Even though it was still just a newly fetus.

Now everyone had restricted her from doing any heavy lifting- and well... Anything in general really. The next 8 and a half months will be her relax time... And she will make use of every minute because Izuku knew all too well that once the baby was born, there'll be no more free time for her again.

The girl was walking home with Katsuki as she held a piece of paper in her hands which contained a large list of appointments that she would have to go to within the next few months.

"Man... This is really happening, huh?" Izuku said as she looked up to see a scared Bakugo.

"Can't believe I'm going to be a dad..."

The girl let out a small hum as she looked back in front of her, staring at the small flock of birds on the sidewalk. When they got close, the birds would fly away from them, their dark grey wings allowing them to sore through the pale blue sky above them... It was quite calming to see for Izuku.

It was surely going to be a long road ahead for the two...

It was now three months into Izuku's pregnancy and during that time, Mitsuki and Masaru had made a room for the soon to be parents as well as a baby room. Deku was currently in the bedroom browsing through her laptop to find furniture and toys for the baby. She was picking out neutral colors since, of course, they did not know the gender yet... so it was golds, silvers, and whites for the time being.

After ordering everything that seemed good for the baby, Izuku would close the laptop then set it down beside her on the bed before getting comfortable.
She could hear Kacchan aggressively cleaning the hallway which made her snicker at how he found it tedious and difficult.

The morning sickness still surprised her when they happen out of the blue and also bothered her since either last night's meal or her morning breakfast went down the toilet.
As a worried mother would, Inko kept a close eye on her daughter to ensure that little Izuku doesn't get sick during her pregnancy... while also having a form of diet for her daughter to follow so it could be beneficial for both Deku and the unborn child.

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