Oh boy... Some sad stuff happened.

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I will be posting Friday's chapter and possibly next Mondays but after that, I'm gonna be gone for a while. On Saturday, 7:30 AM, we found that my uncle passed away in his sleep. I woke up to hearing my grandmother trying to wake him up but... He never did... obviously. The ones that did the optopsy said that he had a weak heart and it finally gave out in his sleep. They also told us he died between Friday 11 PM to Saturday 3 AM...
Since my uncle never told us about his health problems and told almost all to his son, It's really taking a toll on all of us.

On the other hand, my brother and I have conflicting feelings... well, mostly me. My uncle spent most of his life on alcohol and which, he became very abusive and violent.
I can't forgive him for all the pain he caused for my grandmother and at times my mom nor can I forgive him for what he tried to do with my brother as well as what he said to me...
But the times he wasn't consumed in his alcoholic ways, he was the only father figure I had in my life... He took care of me when my mom was struggling with long shifts and was barely home... He taught me how to build and repair things and... That part of me is screaming and crying that he is gone... But this me, current me, also is opposite of it.

We knew this was bound to happen... but it still hurts either way and these conflicting emotions have been making me feel sick to my stomach.

So I deeply apologize for the soon hiatus. We need to figure out what to do with him - cremated or burial, And when and where will this all take place.

We originally were set to bring him to Long Island so he could be buried next to his father but it's strictly military and my uncle was in National Guard so... He couldn't be buried there... I also have to make sure my grandmother doesn't get too overwhelmed and stressed because she's 80, she also has heart problems and dear God, I can't lose her too.

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