Chapter 17: Sickness?

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5 years later uwu

[ Posting every Monday ]

My relationship with Kacchan grew incredibly much over the past five years... And honestly I'm grateful that it has. But with those five years, I have not seen Toshinori that much- and when I do, it's very brief and short. I still wear the bracelet that he had given me on my eighteenth birthday- it was like a good luck charm to me now...

And I will honestly admit- our relationship grew a little too much. Like two or so weeks ago, it was our anniversary and he really wanted to let me have a good time.
Don't get me wrong, it was nice- really nice- but still one of the most awkwardest things that I ever put myself in.


As Izuku was sweeping the floors, suddenly, she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist from behind before being greeted with a soft yet loving kiss on the neck.
"Kacchan..." She smiled as she placed her hand on his cheek.
"Good morning."

"Mornin..." he grumbled as he kept kissing her.

The girl internally shook her head at him... "How'd you sleep?"

Katsuki stopped, now not amused by the constant talk in the morning. "Like a fucking rock," he replied.

"That's good... I'll make breakfast in just a moment, I need to finish this."

"I'm fucking hungry and I need my mothafucking food, ma'am!" Katsuki said in the most feminine and dramatic voice he could muster- causing the girl to burst into laughter which made the boy grin. "But I need to sweep the floor!" Izuku protested through her laughter.

"Then I will!" Katsuki declared in a more deep and confident voice as he stood in a stance to make him look like he was a super hero or some sort...

Rolling her eyes, Izuku gave him the broom then proceeded to walk away, while telling him good luck.

After realizing that it was the entire half of the first floor, Katsuki immediately regretted his decisions.

Izuku was now setting up the table for her and the others after she finished making breakfast for everyone... It was a simple, cheesy scrambled eggs with bacon and a side of a small parfait and for drinks were orange juice and coffee...

When that was done, the green-headed girl brought the food out to the table then called everyone for breakfast by ringing the first bell that was on the side of the wall.

Moments later, Bakugo's parents, her mother, a few other people who worked for the family, and Bill walked into the dining room.
Izuku smiled as the bright faces sat down at their seats.
Now... Only we need is Bakugo...

"Well, dig in. I'll go find Kacchan," she said before quickly leaving the room.
Mitsuki couldn't help but giggle as she watched the girl leave- still finding it adorable that the two were dating.

"Mom." Bakugo muttered as he held Izuku close to him.
"What is it, honey?" Mitsuki asked as she rose an eyebrow with a confused look on her face.

"Izuku and I made out so.... That means we're dating." He said bluntly which caused the girl in front if him to turn red- "Kacchan! You didn't have to say that!"

Mitsuki blinked for a moment, letting his bold statement sink in before she fell into a fit of laughter.
"That is the best thing I've ever heard come from your mouth!"

"Shut up!" Katsuki grumbled as he looked away. Poor Izuku... She was very flustered at the whole ordeal.

The whole memory of that was just terribly funny for her.


"Kacchan...?" Izuku asked as she walked down the hallway.
She then noticed the broom on the floor which soon was seeing Katsuki crouched down on the floor, cussing to himself.
"Kacchan, what are you-" when she peered over his shoulder, she couldn't help but laugh at the sight in front of her. The blonde was using his hand to swipe all the dust and dirt into the little pan like an idiot.

"Don't laugh at me!"

Izuku rolled her eyes then grabbed the broom before pushing him out of the way, "Like this," she'd say as she swept the dirt into the dustpan.

"I- I knew that..."

"Then why were you using your hands?"

"Because I wanted to!"

"Well then. Go wash your hands, breakfast is ready..." Izuku smiled as she began to push the boy away. Katsuki stomped down the hall, letting Izuku yell 'thank you', which she received a loud 'whatever!'

The girl would throw away the dirt then put the broom and dustpan away back in its rightful place. Once washing up, Izuku walked into the dining room to see everyone eating happily while talking with one another.

"Hey, honey. Thank you for the food" Inko said with a smile.

"It's no problem.." the girl said as she took a seat. As Izuku ate, suddenly- something wasn't sitting right... She had this weird urge to vomit- and then it grew worse within the next three seconds. Darting out of her chair, Deku ran out of the dining room covering her mouth as she made her way to the bathroom- trying to keep it in.

Everyone in the dining room looked at each other with wide eyes. Bakugo and Inko were the first to get up. The two quickly followed Izuku to see if she was alright.

Deku ran into the bathroom then threw the toilet seat up before vomiting into it- and seconds later, Bakugo came in before kneeling down beside her. Inko was praying that she wasn't getting sick again...

"Honey, are you alright?" Her mother asked worryingly as she placed a hand on her daughter's back.
After about 5 seconds of silence, the girl would give them a small nod as she slowly lifted her head out of the toilet before flushing it.

"I don't know why that happened..." She managed to say as she pulled herself up to to wash her hands and mouth.

"Should we get a doctor or something?" Bakugo asked while glancing over to Izuku's mom.

"No... It's okay. I'm fine now"

"You sure?"

Izuku would nod her head...
Guess she has to head out later...

Did I finish writing this?
Nope. A lot of personal stuff happened over the months I was gone which... Were so bloody terrible. Now that school had started a month ago, I am also very busy with that unfortunately... I got about half of the chapters done and as we speak, I am trying to finish them.

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