Chapter 4: A Fight to Pick

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Morning came quickly.

Around 11, a doctor came by to check on me. 
"She has flu-like symptoms," he said, digging through his bag. "Her temperature is 99.9 so I advise to continue using the cold rags for the time being until it goes down. If she gets worse or her temperature increases, take her to the hospital. I'll do a flu and strep test on her before I leave"

I coughed obnoxiously when the doctor removed the thing out of my mouth. 
He apologized right after. 
"Okay, now for the flu"
He stuck whatever the thing was up my nose, making me sneeze. 
"Good. I'll take this back to the lab and I should get the results within about twenty minutes or so"

My mother bowed, "Thank you, sir"

"Stay hydrated," he told me as he packed up his bag. "And don't eat too much dairy products either"

Kacchan's mother escorted the man out, leaving my mom, Lord Masaru and I alone.
I apologized again, causing my mom to pat my head, telling me it's okay.
I felt bad. Like... Really bad.
I sunk myself into my pillow, pulling my blanket up to my face. "Would you like some soup- or anything to eat, honey?" My mother asked gently. 
I shook my head, shifting over to lay on my side. "You have your phone, yes? If you need anything, just let me know"


~Katsuki's POV~

Damn Deku... Getting sick.
I sunk into my chair, blasting my music into my ears as I scrolled through the newsfeed on my laptop. 
The Todoroki's were everywhere. I guess that half n' half bastard was finally smart for once.
Apparently, in public, he rebelled against his father; causing a big scene. They're trying to get more information about it though...

I turned my chair around, staring at the gift she had gotten me.
I still didn't open that damn thing yet, nor do I even plan on it. It could just be some stupid 5 dollar toy that could break within five minutes of using it.
I started to get agitated. 
"Fuck it" 
I pulled off my headphones then hopped out of my chair, snatching the box from my nightstand.
When I tared the thing open, something fell out.
(By the way, the box was probably the size of a shoe box)
A small white box, a black bag, and an envelope fell out. "The hell?"
I sat down on my bed, staring at the items. I started with the box; it was a chocolate cupcake with orange icing on it and green sprinkles...

I set that aside. 
The black bag contained a black beanie with a skull on it and a pair of new headphones.

How the hell does she have this much money?

Lastly was the envelope. I "calmly" opened it, revealing a letter and... Cash?
A twenty dollar bill...
I stuffed the money into my wallet then grabbed the letter. 

Dear Kacchan,
Sorry that this isn't much... But I just want to say welcome home! Was your time at school good? Did you meet new friends- or enemies?  Did you get into a lot of fights or did you do well in school? For the past 6 years I've been thinking about you- Sorry that sounded weird >_<
I was just worried that something bad would happen to you and since you were so far away- It was rough. Part of me wants us to be on good terms but... Well... Things change I suppose. 
So probably when you get this, you'll know that I'm sick. 
I think part of it was exerting myself too much. About four years after you left, I met Toshinori! You know- the guy we use to look up to as kids? I ended up saving someone... Useless Deku, risking her life without a thought. He decided to help train me and I've kept it a secret for awhile but soon enough, your parents found out. I've always wanted to be like you- well, I always looked up to you. I guess that's why I deal with your negativity all the time. I didn't want to be useless anymore and in case something were to happen, I could protect you- myself, or anyone. So, having Toshinori help me was one of those things I will forever be grateful for...
Heh, enough rambling- Maybe we can talk later? 
I would really love to hear your stories of when you were at school!


I didn't know how to feel about this. 
Should I be thoughtful... Angry... Happy? 
I have no fucking clue. 
I placed the letter on my nightstand then scratched my head. Minutes later, I ended up putting on my shoes then headed out to town.
I bought some fire crackers and those weird colored smoke bomb things. Also I bought a lighter and some matches- I like to put on a good show if I have to deal with some asshole trying to think he's better than me... Or if they're just simply pissing me off.
As I left the store, I felt someone's eyes on me.

"Oh look, it's our good pal, Bakugo!" I heard the familiar voice say. I turned my head, "Oh it's you guys"

"We haven't seen you since elementary! What's up?" the guy laughed. 
I glared at him for a moment then sighed, "Nothing much"
"Whaddya mean 'nothing'?" he quoted. "Did you meet any hot babes while you were at that school?" the other guy laughed.
I swear I thought I felt a vein pop. 
"The only people I met there were fucking idiots" I muttered, walking away. They followed. 
"Aw, that's a shame... Hey! Wanna go get a drink or somethin' and catch up? I know a great bar that's around here and it opened up a few months ago" he smirked. "I don't drink" I said.
"The only time I do is on special occasions"

My friends pouted. 
"Damn, did they change you or somethin'?" he asked, rolling his eyes. I shook my head. 
"I think the one who has changed was you" I said harshly, stuffing my hands into my pockets. He laughed. "Maybe" he said. "Maybe"
Next thing I knew was feeling a sharp pain go through my head and back then me being on the ground. I looked up, these so called friends of mine was smirking along with a few other guys. 
He punched my face pretty good. I grew angrier by the second.
Are they seriously trying to challenge me?
Are they that fucking stupid?!
With bags in hand, I rolled over, getting back up on my feet. "You little shit" I snarled, keeping my distance. 
Now he was really laughing. Holding his stomach tightly as he let out such a loud and annoying hard laugh. 

I managed to pull out some of my little firecrackers out of its packaging then the lighter. When I lit them up, I threw them towards the group of guys, causing them to panic. As each little bomb exploded, I dropped my bag then ran over to them. I punched two guys in the stomach and then I kicked the other two's legs, causing them to fall. 
I gripped onto the guy, my face steaming. 
"Next time you want to fucking mess with me like that again, I promise you, you won't be leaving with just a fucking bruising" I tossed him back onto the ground then gathered my things. 

~Deku's POV~

Even though I'm at the far back of the second floor, I still heard the front door slam shut.
Kacchan must be home. 
With a pounding headache, I slowly got out of my bed to see what was going on. 
I yawned, "Kacchan, what's wrong?" It took me a moment to realize until I saw how much of a mess he was in. 
I quickened my pace, meeting him at the top of the staircase, "D-Did you get into a fight? What happened?" I asked, my voice shaking. 
His cold, scarlet eyes just stared at me, making me feel uncomfortable. 
A wave of dizziness hit me, causing me to stumble over to my side. His arm rested onto my shoulder, holding me up. 
"Some fucktards decided to try to pick a fight with me when I was coming home from the store" he said in a low voice. 
"You're already getting a bruise on the side of your cheek" I pointed out softly. 
"Tch" He jerked his head away from me, staring at the wall. A few seconds later, he grabbed my arm tightly then started to drag me back to my room. 
He basically toss me onto bed then angrily sat down on my desk chair.
"If you weren't sick..." he muttered, dropping his bag onto the floor.

I laid down on my side, facing Kacchan. 
"I just want to break something" 

"I know you do" I whispered, closing my eyes. 
 After coughing for a moment, I said to him calmly, "I promise, when I get better, we'll settle our differences, okay? Maybe one or both of us will feel better"

"Damn hope it will" 

"I have a question, Kacchan"

He groaned. 

"What made you start hating me anyways?" 


I'm sorry it was short ;_; 
School starts up again tomorrow so I won't be active as much again >_<
I'll try my best to update on this story and also my other Bakudeku story ;-;

On another note-
Sorry sorry ;-;
The opening was also really cool too!
I can't wait for episode 2 ;0;

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