Chapter 26: Rest Peacefully

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"No... No... Nononono! He can't be!" Izuku screamed as she felt her eyes burn as though someone set them on fire.

Inko, hearing the girl's reaction made her start crying, which led to Izuku to also cry.

The girl's mother would hug her daughter, the two crying while trying to comfort each other...

Inko and Izuku were sitting in the hospital waiting room, waiting on the doctor. Unfortunately, the Bakugo's were all at a meeting once again, so the two had to deal with this on their own...

The girl had to rock the twins as they started to cry in their little car seat carrier.

After some time, a doctor would walk over to them.
"I'm very sorry for your loss," the man began. "He fortunately passed away in his sleep so his death was painless..."

"I... I see..."

"We can provide various funeral homes for you if you like... and we'll keep him here until you have decided on where he should go."

"Oh, I already have a place. I contacted them on the way here," Inko said to the man as she stood up.

"Do you have their number?" Asked the doctor.

The woman would nod her head and give the doctor the number to the funeral place so he could call them.

After that was done... Izuku and Inko were told to head home and the funeral home will call them when they're ready to set up the arrangement date...

It was hours of being alone, besides the other maids and servants in the manor of course, but they didn't have a close relationship to the Midoriya's like the Bakugo's did... The two were sitting in the living room after Izuku had put the twins to bed, and waited for the family to come home.

Waiting and waiting, finally, the sound of car doors shutting would be heard outside and few moments later, they all walked in.
Izuku made eye contact with Katsuki whom, just like his parents, looked over in confusion.

The girl slowly got up before running into Katsuki's arms, sobbing into his chest.
"Wait what is...?" The boy's words would be cut off my his father who spoke, "Oh... Inko..." the man walked over to the distraught woman, as well as his wife, to comfort her.

"He's gone..." Izuku whispered. "He's actually gone..."

Katsuki didn't register it for a moment, but then, it clicked into his brain that Toshinori was... Gone.

"Oh, shit..."

The following morning was quite the painful one for the entire manor... Phone calls upon phone calls were just going on all throughout the day. Between funeral arrangements to informing those who knew the man, it was crazy.

Izuku was stuck in a depressed-like state. She only got up to take care of the twins...

Katsuki was very much worried about her. She barely ate her food which was very unhealthy, and barely talked to him and anyone else.

"Be in this together my ass" the boy grumbled angrily as he was making his lover a sandwich. A damn turkey and cheese sandwich with lettuce and tomato on whole wheat bread.
"Beautiful. 10 out of 10 food."
The blonde would march upstairs with the sandwich and water, heading back up to the bedroom. When the boy entered, he sighed while setting the tray down on the nightstand.

"I'm sorry." The girl said in her pillow which was covering her face. "I know we're supposed to talk... But I honestly don't know what to say."

Katsuki would sit down beside her as he gently patted the girl's head.
"It's alright... This is... Different."

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