Chapter 27: Apologies

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After everyone had said their piece... Some, like myself chose not to because it was just overwhelming and for me, I would have just started crying and wouldn't have stopped.
My mother told me they were going to cremate him, as that is what he wanted... And condense him down to make jewelry, so me, my mother, and two other people will always have a part of him with us...

My heart was hurting... To think about what my mother was going through every day she went to see him... To plan this out while I'm home worrying about the twins...
She did this all on her own.

I glanced out the window, watching the rain pour down like bullets... As the sound of the rain began to fill my ears, I felt a hand rest down on my shoulder which caused me to tense up. I swiftly turned around to see the man from earlier staring down at me. He too had one of those necklaces on. It was purple and had a clock design within it.

"So he chose you," the man said in a neutral tone with a piercing gaze stabbing right through me.
Chose you? Does he mean the necklace?

With the confused expression on my face, the man sighed.
"He gave you his power, yes?"

"Oh- Right... Yeah..."

The man would nod his head then handed me a card with his information on it before walking away.

I stared at the small piece of paper... Nighteye... The name sounded familiar but, maybe with how my mind is... I just can't remember why.

I cried so much in such a short amount of time, I felt so incredibly tired. My body was aching, my eyes were burning, my throat felt like something was tightening around it while sharp needles were stabbing themselves into my skin...

But I also felt empty... Like a big piece of myself just vanished into thin air...

The rain continued to give us it's mighty rage... Maybe the Gods too were weeping of this man's death... Maybe they were regretting the decision they chose to commit.

As what felt like hours, it was time for us to head home, and time for the funeral home to incinerate his body...

After that long road home, I was now laying in bed as Kacchan was in his office area, having a important business call with one of his friends that he met in school. I quietly watched him from the bed. The webcam was barely able to see me, just my shoes were poking out in the background.

My mind didn't focus on what they were saying, but the look on the red-headed's face showed that it was something important.

I had just fed the twins and put them down for their naps... Which honestly drained me even more. But the more I lay there on the bed, trying to not disturb him from his call, the more restless I had become.

The call lasted for a little over an hour, and once Katsuki got off the call, he took off his glasses that he typically wore for these occasions and ran over to me to be by my side...

As he would lay down beside me to pull me into a comforting embrace, there would be a soft knock at the door, and then an envelope would slide through the bottom which had both of us confused.

"I got it," Kacchan said as he maneuvered himself off of the bed and over to the envelope.
Once he picked it up, he turned it over before saying, "It's for you."

After he handed it to me, I immediately recognized the hand writing which caused my hands to tremble against the paper. I slowly and delicately opened up the envelope, trying to not make a single tear in it, and then pulled out the light blue piece of paper inside.

Turning it over, it was indeed a letter from him.

I read it allowed shakingly as I wanted Kacchan to hear it too...

| Dear my young Midoriya,

I know, by the time this letter will be received, I will no longer be part of this world. I am sorry for not letting you know any sooner, nor having to be able to visit you when you needed me most. I am sorry I am not able to walk you down the isle on your big day... But I know I'll be there in spirit. I am sorry that I won't be able to be there for you when your adorable twins grow up to be great individuals... To see them become strong yet loving to the world. I know you will raise them well, the both of you... Well, Young Bakugo, I am still skeptical of you if you will be a good father or not... I am sorry that I left you suddenly like this. Without any proper training, it will be very difficult for the path I have selfishly put you down... Trust me, life for you both will not be easy, but I have faith in both of you that you will succeed and grow...

I love you, Izuku. You're the daughter that I have longed to have for quite some time... And I'm glad that I was able to spend my last years helping you and to be with your mother. I hadn't had much joy like the way I felt until I met you. You opened that happiness for me, and allowed me to be with the one that I cared for, for a long time... Thank you, and don't worry, there will be much more of these to come.

Your #1 Dad, Toshinori Yagi |

And below that was his "All Might" signature with a little face beside it.  I was in tears. When I thought I ran out of them, more just easily spewed out of my eyes as I began to weep away my sorrows. Katsuki too was tearing up... Though when we came across the part where Toshi was skeptical of him being a good dad, well, he was pretty offended and swore that he will be the best father in the universe...

Kacchan cradled me in his arms as I held the paper tightly to my chest whilst I continued to cry.
I kept saying as if he were to be in the room with us, "It's okay! It's okay! You don't need to be sorry for anything!" I was practically screaming those words out through my cries, which made Katsuki start to cry himself...


Shit ... Hearing her cry like this, to see her like this fucking killed me inside. I barely cried throughout the entire funeral even though I was so fucking pissed and upset... My eyes watered occasionally but I just couldn't cry the way that she did.

The sound of her devastated voice just shattered whatever heart I had left in me... God, if this was years ago I would have been such a fucking asshole to her right now... But no. I held her tight as I could while I began to break down myself. I felt my eyes burn and sting as tears began to trickle down my face in a wave of bullets.

I didn't even know I could cry this much, even though it would never be compared to hers.
That father-daughter relationship they had was gone. For such a short amount of time, it was stripped away in an instant.

If I had the choice to fight God, I would. I would kick his angelic, high mighty ass to fucking hell for hurting Deku like this... For taking away such an amazing man that many people adored and loved... But since I can't, now all we can do it just accept it... And to adjust to his presence being gone from this world... And try to live on for his sake so then at least we can share and keep the memories of him for as long as we can...

I know, we all know, it won't be easy... But we'll try...

We have to try.

For her sake...

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