Chapter 25: Lost Hope

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We were now at home...
Katsuki was tending to our little ones while I was trying to take it in...
A month a half...

That's going to go by so fast...

I took a small sip of my tea as my hands were shaking violently against the cup I was holding. The man I idolized... The man I saw as a father figure... Will soon be taken away in what would be  close to as an instant. And the power that he has bestowed to me? What will I do then?

I soon felt fear eat away at my spine. Yes, those villains were taken away but... there's still that Dabi guy...

Izuku covered her face, screaming into them. The girl wept into her hands, crying once more... Horrible images came to her mind, bombarding her ever so swiftly to the point of causing the girl's body to shake entirely.

This can't be happening...
Not now...
Can time just slow down?

The sound of the twins' cries echoed throughout the entire floor. What felt like every 5 minutes, Izuku had to get out of bed to take care of them. Either to change their diapers, to feed them, or to simply give them the affection they deserved... The girl barely had any time to sleep, or get some peace of mind to think.

She didn't it mind all that much, considering the fact she's been away from these two for what felt like eternity... Izuku didn't mind having to sacrifice her peace time for them.

"Hush, my little ones... Your dreams have just begun..." Izuku sung softly to the twins, in hopes that this will get them to sleep.
"Little bunnies jumping... And little birds flying... Soon you can do that too... Hush, my little ones... There's no need to cry. Let the sound of silence carry you somewhere happy for awhile..."

The girl smiled a bit in relief, seeing the two fast asleep... She came up with that on the spot, and was very glad that it worked.

It was getting warm out, as it was almost June... her little spring babies...
They were born on May 13th.

Gently kissing their foreheads, Izuku walked back over to the bed then lay back down, snuggling up against her half-naked lover. She shook her head a bit. This man had no shirt on but was wearing the fuzzy, bright orange pajama pants that were meant for the winter... Which had bunnies on it.

At the time, Izuku got it for him as a joke for Christmas... But he actually liked them.

As the girl began to fall into a deep slumber, she felt Katsuki turn around in her arms, and suddenly his hands were placed gently on her waist.
Izuku looked up at him, his scarlet red eyes glowing within the darkness as the moon outside illuminated them perfectly... they reminded her of ruby gems...

Katsuki kept the girl close as he kissed the top of her head before resting his on top of hers.
Izuku teared up a little, knowing that he was trying to make her feel better...

"Kacchan..." the girl whispered as she looked away from him.

"It's gonna be okay," he said.
"It fuc- it fudging sucks but... We can get through this."

The smaller one clung onto the blonde, making sure she was close to him, to make sure she could hear his heartbeat... With the news about Tanoshi, it made her scared about everyone else around her... And being this close to Katsuki relaxed her some.

Feeling his warmth, being in his comforting embrace, to know he's right there beside her, allowed that lost hope to vanquish... Even if it were for just a few minutes... Or for a few hours. It helped.

Katsuki gave the girl small, gentle kisses from her forehead to her cheeks as he moved his hands so he could wrap them around her in a way of a hug.

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