Chapter 13: Not so Righteous Now

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It was as if some luck had struck me greatly because suddenly, the pain had ceased.

I was standing there, with purple blotches on my skin. Sweat dripping down my reddened cheeks...

Toshinori placed a shaking hand on my shoulder, his crystal blue eyes piercing into my soul.

"In sorry," was all he said to me.
"You must fight."

I gulped then stared at the massive group, my body growing tired by the second.

"What the fuck did you do?!" Kacchan yelled at Toshi who simply shook his head.
With no reply, Kacchan stomped over to me then tightly grabbed both my shoulders, causing me to yelp for being startled.

"Listen here, Deku! You stay out of this. I don't want you getting hurt anymore so leave these shit-heads to ME!"
Before I could say anything else, Bakugo took off.

I looked back at the sick man then asked, "What is this?" Gesturing to the charm he had given to me.

"Each charm that one noble possesses contains a power like no other. Sworn by the government, these 'power's are only used under certain circumstances... and that one is hardly ever used because of the damage it may cause on the person using it. It only accepts those who are deemed worthy... and judging by you still standing, it has accepted you... for now at least," he explained weakly as he kept a firm hand on his lower torso.

I hear yelling and when I put my eyesight back onto Kacchan, I saw him get smashed into the concrete.
Endeavor was busy fending off part of this raid while Mitsuki and Misaru were dealing with another part.



Izuku ran. She ran at full speed, and then, a great amount of energy surged through her leg.
Right before that blonde girl went to stab Katsuki with the syringe, the green-haired girl used that energy in her leg and kicked the girl off of him, sending the enemy flying.
Though, when Deku landed, she immediately fell as an excrutiating pain pulsated throughout her leg.
It was all purple and broken but she didn't care.

"Deku! What the hell did I say?!" Bakugo yelled. The girl clenched her hands into fists as tears streamed down her eyes. Suddenly, She yelled to him, "I'm not that weak girl you used to know, Kacchan! I've grown just as you have, and I will protect you and your family from here on out!" With a deep breath, She added, "even if it kills me!"

Bakugo's eyes widened at her words.
Deku managed to run even though her leg was practically broken.

As the battle went on, eventually, the rest of the Todorki family had returned. All scrambled out of their limousine and instantly joined in.

Bakugo's on one side of the field while the Todoroki's were on the other-- leaving Deku in the middle.

A great wall of ice appeared and shattered just as quickly. Deku was amazed at how these abilities existed in a world such as this.
It seemed all of a fairy tale.

Sirens were blaring in the distance. It was insane.
How one man's craziness turned into a complete battle in just a matter of minutes...

Eventually, Deku and Katsuki met up with each other and were now fighting along side one another.
At this point however, Deku's body was terribly bruised up due to this sudden strength she had when wearing the charm.

Part if it had cracked, and with that crack, it made her body weak and it was hard to control how much power she wanted to use on the enemies.

Time slowed down...

Out of nowhere, that guy that wore a bunch of hands on his body came out of nowhere and had help keeping Katsuki down.
Izuku swirled over, it felt as though everything was in slow-motion...

The blue-haired male reached out towards Katsuki's face with his wretched hand... while the blond stabbed a needle into the boy's arm, sucking up blood.

Izuku's heart froze. Everything stopped.
And within that moment of time...

A single tear shed down her pale, bruised face as a mighty rage had fully taken over her...

A/N: Heya! I want to say thank you for all your kind and supportive words from... Well... when that crazy week happened...
Really, thank you. You all are so damn kind and it makes me really happy to see how nice this little community is.
I feel terrible when I can't update so I'm really sorry about that.

But... I love you guys so much and I hope that this story will continue going on strong ^^
Thank you so much.

■That Q&A is up if you guys are curious about any future works or just want to get to know me. All you to you :)■

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