Chapter 21: Reveal

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Izuku was now on her 7th month and it was the big day of going to the doctors for her ultrasound. The girl went to her monthly check-up which had the ultrasounds but wanted it to be a surprise. So, instead of her seeing the ultrasounds, the doctors would block her from the monitor and simply listen to what they had to say.
The only thing that the doctors were concerned about is how Izuku was built. Despite her curvy body, she was still on the small side which could lead to complications for the birthing process... So our little Izuku was determined to make sure she was in the best of health.

Sitting in the black mustang, she anxiously glanced over at Bill who was silently driving her to the appointment. Laying back in the seat, Izuku kept a hand on her large belly while now directing her attention to the window of the backseat.

"Are you excited?" Asked Bill.
"Very. And nervous..." Izuku replied softly while rubbing her belly to comfort her.

"Understandable. We're almost there, the building is just up ahead."


Izuku was quite worried in all honesty. What if she finds out something bad happened and she loses the baby? All these bad thoughts flooded through her paranoid mind as the car pulled up to the doctor's office.

"Do you need assistance on heading inside?" Bill asked which drawn Izuku's attention away from her thoughts.

"No, I'm alright but thank you. I'll call you when the appointment is done"

With a nod from Bill, Izuku stepped out of the car before shutting the door. When heading inside, she saw other women there who seemed to be about 8 months in judging by how large their stomachs were.

After walking to the front desk, the receptionist had the girl fill out some paperwork before heading in to see the doctor.

After that whole ordeal, the nervous Izuku waddled inside the room that the nurse directed her to then waited for the doctor to come...
As time ticked on and the more impatient she became, finally, after 40 minutes of waiting, a tall woman with bright red hair and emerald green eyes walked in.

"I'm so sorry for being late, I had a patient who was being quite... uncooperative. I'm Dr. Holly, It's nice to meet you Ms. Midoryia. 7 months now, yes?"

Izuku would nod her head as she sat up from her spot.

"Alright, well... Let's get you check up first before we take you for your ultrasound."


The woman would take Izuku's temperature, her pulse, her breathing, and then her ears before placing a hand on the girl's throat to check for any swelling... it was like taking a physical or going to the doctors' office when you have a cold or something.

"You are doing perfectly. Everything is great," Holly smiled as she put everything away. "Now follow me and we will go see how you're doing babywise."

Izuku carefully got down from her spot then followed the doctor out of the room and then headed down the hall before going into the familiar room. Dr. Holly would prepare the cold, purple liquid that would be used to check Midoryia as the girl would lay down on the seat that was pushed back a bit. Staring at the monitor then to the computer screen... This will be the first time she ever was able to see the baby.

Doctor Holly would lift up Izuku's shirt to reveal her bare, pale belly, then placed a blue (what Midorya calls) bib since it looks like the thing at the dentist's office, to prevent any of the liquid from getting onto her clothes.

Dr. Holly would squirt on the freezing cold liquid onto Izuku's stomach then gently placed the little scanner onto it then moved the scanner around her belly.
Suddenly, the familiar sound of the heartbeat pounded through the speakers but, it was different. It always has been, and she assumed it was either just her own heartbeat or the monitors were just weird...

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